View Full Version : Canada Post on Strike! My Rant

06-27-2011, 12:14 AM
Well the feds have finally ordered Canada Post workers back to work:Bounce; and I say it's about time. I'm not sure if the USPS is Unionized but Canada Post is. I detest unions in all shapes and forms. I've had unionized civilian workers under me while in the Military and what a pain it was deal with their "Collective Agreement". God forbid if you tried chewing out a civilian worker for poor performance or behaviour, they run off to their shop steward and YOU get in chit! My Dad was a labour leader for Ford Motor Co and was pro union for about 25 of his 35 years there. Once he seen the types of employees they were protecting he opted for a management job. Lots of union workers would be skidded if there were in the private sector. It's a shame since it makes the good CP workers look bad. Unions did some good work back in the day getting established work week standards, vacation standards and protecting workers from Health and Safety issues.

06-27-2011, 07:47 AM
I worked for 1 union and they were stealing the money i had to put in. I'll never work for a union myself.

06-27-2011, 08:09 AM
I agree with both of you, but the shame is that unions in principal are a good thing. But a corrupt or badly managed union plus a few bum union workers make the whole thing a bad word..

I for one have little sympathy for an overpaid mail carrier, with 10x the benefits and retirement plan than your average work a day Joe, holding everyone ransom until they get what they want..

In this economy they are stupid to shut down their business and I hope Canada Post outsources their jobs to contract companies..Fedex, UPS and the others have been making money hand over fist.

Sorry for the all the hard working union stiffs I'm not trying to lump all you together, it just takes a few to make the whole situation stink!! Anyone that has ever driven past a city worker work site and sees 5 guys holding up shovells while one guy digs knows what I mean...and why do they all need to show up at the site in their own city truck?