View Full Version : 1983 yamaha 200E shifts but will not go in gear shaft drive

03-12-2012, 05:36 PM
I am new to this site ,and thought I might get some answers here, I bought this trike , which is in absolutely mint conditions , runs like clockwork , it is a shaft drive , it shifts but will not go in gear or dive , I am new at this , and all help or possible scenarios will be appreciated Thanks

03-13-2012, 12:24 AM
welcome to the fourm:TrikesOwn dose it make any noises when you put it in gear? if it dose i bet it is something with the rear end if it dosent try this on the i belive right side there is a 10 or 12mm nut with a flathead or philips head screw in the middle its for adjusting the clutch loosen the nmut and then turn the screw a little bit and tighten it back down and see if it makes a diffrence try to play around with that for a little bit hope it works if not it could be a few other things but i always try that first

03-13-2012, 04:59 PM
Thanks for that information , I willdefinetly give that a try this weekend , hope that will do the trick

03-14-2012, 10:24 AM
definitely try the clutch adjustment, and if there is grinding isolate where it is coming from, but if nothing you do changes the issue get back to us and we can start leading you in the right direction. Have you check the rear differential fluid yet, and or tried to push it in gear while it's running? Also when it's off and you shift it in gear does it engage if you rock it forward or backwards.

03-15-2012, 04:43 PM
well I have tried that to no avail , does not do anything it shifts alright the green light comes on in neutral and once shifted dissapears but nothing happen ,, worth scenario , remove the engine and checkl and possibly install a new clutch would that do it

03-15-2012, 04:47 PM
thanks guys for the comeback sure appreciate it ,I will check the fluid level tomorrow and try the rocking motion also

03-18-2012, 02:43 PM
OK I had a small engine mechanic take the clutch out and apart , could not find anything wrong , cleaned it all and reinstalled it new gear oil etc. it changed nothing other the when shifting it the odd time it will lock in gear , but as soon as you rock it or move it it disengages again , it make the clicking sounds as if it changes but nothing happens , any advise would be greatly appreciated

03-19-2012, 05:03 PM
would anybody out there be able to steer me in the right direction with my problem

03-22-2012, 01:34 AM
Im thinking the rear end might not be put together properly or needs a new gear or maybe something inst aliened correctly ?? i would pull the rear end and start it up and shift through gears and see if the gear that spins the rear end moves if it dose i would pull apart the rear end check for broken parts get a diagram make sure everything is there all the spacers and that it is all lined up properly start taking it apart just remember where everything goes thats how i learned if i got stuck i would just look for answers on the internet that's how i found three wheeler world if your scared to take it apart and find out for your self whats wrong i would suggest taking it to a shop lol good luck

03-22-2012, 09:22 AM
it's kind of sounding like a transmission problem to me shift forks are either bent or wore out, if there was something wrong with the rear end, it usually grinds or pops when you roll it even in neutral simply because the rear diff is always engaged. You can still look into the rear diff if you would like I'm not saying that there couldn't be an issue there, but from your description, and that it doesn't do anything when it goes into gear, my thoughts are more leaning toward tranny. If it it is tranny let me know I have a spare sitting here for cheap.

03-22-2012, 09:31 AM
or maybe the shifting rod is broken or not hooked up right on the inside? i recomened muthany for buying parts:beer i had to get a final drive gear for my old ytm from him couldnt find the part any where local or online

03-22-2012, 06:42 PM
Thank you guys for this latest info , we will check it out over the weekend , and I will get back to you guys , and if I do need parts , I will for sure be in touch with you

tri again
03-23-2012, 02:21 AM
so? it seems to MAYbe click into gear sometimes but pops back out?

If you rock it back and forth and move the shifter, does it stop the wheels from rolling like it's in gear?
and then
it pops back free? as per your 11:43 am post?

I'll keep my fingers crossed for a twisted spring that costs 99 cents.

Never seen a yamaha but on the honda, the shifter is on the left and all the cool clutch stuff is on the right,
including an indexer called a shift drum stopper that kinda holds them into a selected gear.

Wouldn't it be great if it was a common simple loose bolt like the infamous
shift popping of the honda 125m.

Does the search key help at all?

03-23-2012, 11:48 AM
tri again you are correct shifter on left and you access all the clutch parts from the right, and there is a shift drum stopper as well but the way it's popping back out usually is the shift forks, let me know what you are needing, as I'm pretty sure I have a complete transmission minus the shift shaft, as I had to replace one of my other units already.