View Full Version : " Time Machine free to a loving home."

Lord Letto 20
12-08-2013, 08:38 PM

I bought this "time machine" at a yard sale a few years ago. The Kindly old man that was selling it assured me that it could be up and in working order with just a few tweaks and maybe a fuse.
I took it home and set about my adventure. The first problem I had was it is 220 volt and my wife wouldn't let me put the dryer out in the garage while I worked my electronic wizardry repairing my new time machine. well one day while she was at the "beauty" parlour getting her face ground down a bit while spending a pile of my hard earned beaver bucks on a futile attempt to look a little less ghastly, I plugged ole H. G. Wells in. Well some of the lights came on and a buzzer buzzed and when I set the timer to 1985 nothing happened.
Actually something did happen. My wife arrived home unexpectedly while I was pulling the timing mechanism out of her lovely washing machine and promptly yelled at me, packed her bags and left me, never to be heard from again. Unless you don't count several threatening letters from her lawyer and the Matag Repair Man.
So to make a long boring story short, I spent a lot of dough on making this time machine work with no luck. Now I am willing to give it away. I think I have it sort of working. It doesn't go backward in time. It will only go forward in time but really slowly.
Good luck to who ever wants it.