View Full Version : 250-200 big red plows compatible?

08-30-2015, 09:33 AM
Hi everyone! I'm was wanting to use my 42" john Deere garden tractor snow plow for one or both of my big red's. I don't have an ATC plow frame or brackets so I plan to build them myself. From what I've found through this site is, the brackets for the 200e & 250es appear different. My question is are the plow frames the same? I'd like to use both of my ATC's for plowing. If their different frames, I think I'd rather use the 200 for plowing(I don't really need reverse). Although plowing with the big red's will be new to me, I remember making a few hundred a day back in '85-'88 plowing with a friend & his '85 250sx. Thanks for any comments on this issue.

08-30-2015, 10:41 AM
Well, I just read more from some old treads that it is probably is not a good idea to use these machines for plowing. I think I'll stick with the john Deere for plowing. Thanks

09-15-2015, 03:45 AM

I plow all winter long with my 200ES... 14-20 driveways every snow fall.


Mine loves the snow... I'm building a custom trailer right now to go behind it for hauling my walk behind snowblower, its a 28" and perfect for the sidewalks, also making racks on it to hold shovels and ice chippers and buckets of driveway melt. A complete snow removal rig.


You can see my old lawn tractor behind it in that pic from this past winter, the blower is a 36", it bogged down in some snow, burned up the drive belt, and i parked it and went back to the plow since the 200ES was always eager to go. Was going to try and use the blower on a few driveways that take more time with the plow, said screw it went back to the plow and pulled my little walk behind blower on a little garden trailer that i cobbled together and went back to making money.

So far the 200ES has been a faithful winter rig for me. I do slap some chains on it, but other then that i just hookup the plow and go. Its a Cycle Country ATC plow that i found on eBay a couple years back, it was a little spendy since they aren't very common, but it paid for itself in about a month of doing snow removal so no big deal!

02-03-2016, 03:39 AM
kbOnly, love your setup!

I haven't been able to run mine thru heavy snow yet but it sure looks like it'll do the trick, just bought mine!


02-06-2016, 08:58 AM
The JD is doing the trick. Saving the Atc for playing around. 227432

I plow all winter long with my 200ES... 14-20 driveways every snow fall.


Mine loves the snow... I'm building a custom trailer right now to go behind it for hauling my walk behind snowblower, its a 28" and perfect for the sidewalks, also making racks on it to hold shovels and ice chippers and buckets of driveway melt. A complete snow removal rig.


You can see my old lawn tractor behind it in that pic from this past winter, the blower is a 36", it bogged down in some snow, burned up the drive belt, and i parked it and went back to the plow since the 200ES was always eager to go. Was going to try and use the blower on a few driveways that take more time with the plow, said screw it went back to the plow and pulled my little walk behind blower on a little garden trailer that i cobbled together and went back to making money.

So far the 200ES has been a faithful winter rig for me. I do slap some chains on it, but other then that i just hookup the plow and go. Its a Cycle Country ATC plow that i found on eBay a couple years back, it was a little spendy since they aren't very common, but it paid for itself in about a month of doing snow removal so no big deal!

02-08-2016, 11:36 PM
After searching and searching I managed to finally find a cycle country frame with a tractor plow attached. Now all I need is snow.. [emoji15]