View Full Version : Big Red Front Storage Box

08-27-2016, 08:23 PM
Looking for ideas on what to put for a storage box on the 200ES stock front rack that fits below the headlights.. My tippy is for hunting so always need lots and lots more storage!

Please post pics of what has worked for you (or what hasn't)


08-28-2016, 09:51 PM
I'm not sure on that one, but if you find one that's too tall, maybe you could mount a light on the front of your box so you can still see in the dark.

08-28-2016, 11:26 PM
Not sure if it was on here or not but I saw someone put a sode bottle crate on the front and it looks pretty much stock to me.

Something like this but his was black.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/221847768973?lpid=82&chn=ps&ul_ref=http%253A%252F%252Frover.ebay.com%252Frover %252F1%252F711-117182-37290-0%252F2%253Fmtid%253D1588%2526kwid%253D1%2526crlp% 253D53601919689_324272%2526itemid%253D221847768973 %2526targetid%253D186358891209%2526rpc%253D0.06%25 26rpc_upld_id%253D75432%2526device%253Dm%2526mpre% 253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.ebay.com%25252Ful k%25252Fitm%25252Flike%25252F221847768973%25253Flp id%25253D82%252526chn%25253Dps%2526adtype%253Dpla% 2526googleloc%253D9019498%2526poi%253D9019633%2526 campaignid%253D239125209%2526adgroupid%253D1497842 8809%2526rlsatarget%253Dpla-186358891209%2526gclid%253DCPaertPW5c4CFQ6maQodclw AYw%2526srcrot%253D711-117182-37290-0%2526rvr_id%253D1084425204163&ul_noapp=true