View Full Version : New to me 1985 200x...some questions

11-12-2016, 09:15 PM
Just picked up a nice 200x. Original plastics etc. in really nice shape. Looking to do a few performance mods to it. Been reading a bunch but can't seem to figure out if I need to re-jet the carb. Plan on putting a dg-rcm steel exhaust and a uni-filter. Figure I will need to re-jet but not sure with what or where to buy. Any and all help will be appreciated. Also, will I notice and difference with just these mods? Thanks, Eric

11-16-2016, 10:28 PM
Yes you'll need to rejet. You will feel a increase in power when it's properly jetted. You would probably feel a loss of power if you don't rejet. Someone else with more knowledge of 200x's will be able to give you a starting point. Rejetting is a trial and error thing. What works perfectly for you may not work for someone else or vise versa. You can buy jets at your dealer or online at jetsrus.