View Full Version : Fear Factor Party

02-07-2004, 02:08 PM
i have an eleven year old daughter who wanted to have a Fear Factor Party for her birthday so me and the misses threw it together.

needless to say it was a smash
heres how it went

remember , were talking eleven year old girls

prize was 50 bucks..cash a sizable sum for an eleven year old

e followed T.V. rules w/ 7 players. all players were given a custom t-shirt with my daughter name and b-day AND the fear factor logo
girls who made it to the 3rd round were given a 10 dollar cash prize

1st task

bought 100 crickets from petco placed them in a clear bag

select name from hat to determine who goes first

place hand in bag . seal bag around wrist. inverted bag so hand was up and sealed part around wrist was lower
timed event
times were selected by throwing darts @ 1, 2, 3, min symbols on board

basically everyone passed to next round

2nd task

bought nightcrawlers (2 dozen)

transfer nightcrawlers from plate to plate by mouth
select name to see whos first, second, etc.

fastest (5) times advance
this is where the girls started to drop out :D :D :D

3rd task

eat anchovey paste on crackers with a sardine head , tail or whole body on top
select name to see whos first , etc.

3 fastest times moved on

tail, head or whole body garnish was determined by darts again

4th and final

boiled oysters followed by a shot of clam juice

(before all you east coasters start chiming in on how good that is remember , eleven year old california girls whom never even seen a oyster let alone taste one.

select names again

number of oysters and shots where determind by me... :D :D :D
i selected 3 oysters and 1 shot
best time won

all and all it cost about 250 bucks

equal to a party at your local arcade/pizza place but 10 times the fun :D :D :D :D

ive never seen so many red cheeks, ears and sweat from the adreniline dumps and never laughed so hard

02-07-2004, 02:33 PM
That sounds damn funny. You got any pictures of them?

02-07-2004, 02:40 PM
sorry no pics....everything is on video only..i do have still picks of all the girls with their fear factor shirts on and will bump this thread up when i get the pics back from the developer

02-07-2004, 03:34 PM
that does sound pretty cool!! You should of made them eat some crickets though!

02-07-2004, 04:17 PM
eating crickets for an adult party yes

but their only eleven....took alot just to put their hand in the bag :D :D :D :D :D

02-07-2004, 06:10 PM
"the land of fruits and nuts" thats for sure! :D

I will have to remember that, but I dont think the old ball and chain would go for it.......

02-07-2004, 06:22 PM
that's really neat mymint87 ! those kids will be talking about that when they are in thier eightys ! when my daughters were young and at home they had sevral great sleep overs but like trike says ( the ole ball + chain ) a big kabosh was put on some of the funner things.
well wife #2 ( the mrs. ) has a much broader sense of life so,,,,
gonna have fun with the grandkids ,,, great idea !


02-09-2004, 03:29 AM
Wife is sleeping, will have to tell her that in the morning, the youngest b-day is rolling around

02-09-2004, 08:44 AM
Thats Great!! I cant even come close to that.. My kids never invite anyone over for their B-Day...They usually want to go riding or something, which is fine but it would sure be a kick in the pants to do something like you....Great Job!!!! :D :D

ATC crazy
02-09-2004, 09:21 AM
That sounds like fun :-D She will remember that for the rest of her life ;)

02-09-2004, 01:02 PM
before all you east coasters start chiming in on how good that is remember , eleven year old california girls whom never even seen a oyster let alone taste one.
Where I live you can dip your hand into the bottom of the water and yank out oysters. We eat 'em live. they're great!
I was at a summer festival one day and made a beeline over to the beer tent, where they were serving live oysters. I was enjoying my meal and noticed four middle-aged ladies watching me curiously. I said hello. Turns out they were from Ohio and were wondering about what I was eating. I 'splained to them that they are quite a delicacy and that the best oysters in the world are harvested from that bay, just over there. They were impressed, but none had the guts to eat one. Finally one decided she was brave enough to suck one down. She was steelin' her nerves and bracing herself for a few seconds before tipping the shell's contents into her mouth, and just as she slid the slimy thing into her mouth, one of her friends asks, "How are they cooked?"
"Cooked?" I said.
"They ain't cooked. They're still alive, actually."
You wanna see an oyster come back up her throat a lot faster than it went down!!!!

02-09-2004, 01:20 PM
i could do most of that stuff, except the eating. did anyone throw up?

Russell 350X
02-09-2004, 05:28 PM
That sounded like a blast! Damn I wish someone would have thought of that when I was eleven. :D

02-11-2005, 01:12 PM
has anyone tried this yet or something similar?

02-11-2005, 01:34 PM
ehy we done that with a group of kids and heres an idea you dont have to really tell what they are eating my kids still think that canned oysters were hog balls it was funny andI was surprised how many kids did well at it ........better than me lol