View Full Version : 250sx electrical question, looking for an ignition switched point near the rear

08-26-2017, 12:35 PM
I have a 250sx i am trying to modernize and put a nice LED bar on. The LED comes with one of those stupid switches with a diode that drains a brand new battery after about a week, and some converters and other things which are a bit bulky and would be best hidden under the rear of the trike.

I am looking for an electrical tie in point near the rear of the trike that is only activated when the ignition switch is turned on, or the engine is on, but so far am only finding points up in the front harness which are really tight.

Are there any good points near the rear on a 250sx i can tie in to get access to a pretty strong draw (only when ignition is switched?)

08-27-2017, 10:36 PM
Did you try the two wires that hook up to the starter solenoid?