View Full Version : Going to need some serious help from you guys to restore this.

06-28-2018, 02:21 AM
Not new to this place but have not been here in a while. Well I'm back and I've finally pulled something from the depths of a barn where I've known this to sit for at least the last ten years. I finally acquired it. Going to need help from every :crazy: on here . I want to make this brandy-ass new again. As much as I know I'm going to be able to again. I need parts. put me in touch with anyone with parts to restore this beauty

Bear E
06-28-2018, 02:33 AM
Looks great. 4 real

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06-28-2018, 02:49 AM
Not the first of any thing I've restored. Rarest maybe. I can get what is in the picture to look like new no problem. We do many different coatings in house among everything else here. I need what is not there is the problem. I hope this is the place that connects me with those parts. Maybe I have posted this in the wrong place here IDK

06-28-2018, 03:33 AM
Awesome find! If you put "tiger" in the thread title, it will gain a lot more attention. The right people will find you.

06-28-2018, 08:16 AM
^^^^ yeah what he said about the thread title..

EPIC SCORE!!!! Did you get the motor and the wheels too?

Sent from my Z958 using Tapatalk

06-28-2018, 11:52 AM
Contact orangecounty and blue27. If anything needs remade it fixed in metal contact hre at infirmation@hreatv.com he's built and fixed many tiger 3 and 4 frames.

06-28-2018, 12:09 PM
Cool.D &D cycles is near me.I buy parts from them ocassionaly.

08-13-2018, 11:56 PM
That is awesome. front and rear hubs are hard to find. did you get a motor with it?