View Full Version : friend roll his wheeler today

12-12-2004, 08:58 PM
me and a few guys went riding today. we went down some trails and found a really nice one. so we were ridight for a while and came to a trail close to a edge. so he went first and started sliding down to edge and the wheeler went over sidways and rolled about 3 time down and landed on him. so i ran up and asked if trailprotrailpro ok he was so we went and tryed to drive the wheeler up to trail he roll ed down didn't move. so i went and hooked my wheeler to a tree and let it down tord his about 5 feet and ran my winch out. so i started crankin it up and got it up to the trail he was on at first. nothing wrong with his wheeler and lucky i got a idea for my home made winch i made or his wheeler would be down there still. both my and his are honda`s so they were un brakeable. :w00t:

12-12-2004, 09:32 PM
ha, rolling sucks, i kinda fliped/drove over a river bank once like the first week i have my 82' 200...i wasnt used to the solid front forks and it hit a bump and pulled in....i just kinda sat there and fliped in the water...lol

12-13-2004, 01:58 AM
i almost jumped my 200s into a creek. i was cruising thru a field with some buddies at night and my headlight really sucks on that thing(shines about 5 feet in front) So i was consintrating on where the light was shining and then i saw some long weeks so i hit the brake hard and turned. scared the hell out of me.