View Full Version : to the moderators of this board

12-20-2004, 04:28 PM
if you delete a post, would it be too much trouble to send a msg to the person whos post you delete and say hey i deleted this post for so and so reason.. it takes effort to delete the post, why not just send a msg explaining why..


12-20-2004, 05:30 PM
because when they delete it, they have a good reason for doing it. the mods shouldnt have to explain anything to anyone unless they did something wrong. i believe that they do a good job at keeping this site nice and clean. i dont mean to sound like an ***How about this one, don't bypass the word filter!!!*** but thas my 2 cents

12-20-2004, 06:22 PM
I agree with Quick. A reason should be given so that the "offence" isn't repeated. Nice and easy, and no confusion.....

12-20-2004, 06:46 PM
The WHY is easy to explain in most cases. We are sick and tired of editing post after post after post of a few particular individuals who cant seem to make one without typing around word filters and making posts that are too foul for a family oriented message board, so some of us have chosen to remove them instead of edit them. I am one of those. If people have no more respect for moderators than to post any filthy crap they want and expect us to clean up after them, they can expect to have their posts removed, and when we are sick of removing them, they will get a suspension for the board.

No, we dont sent out notification for every post we remove, and yes it is too much to ask. We are not a paid staff, we are volunteers, and its a lot of work to keep a clean, decent board because there always are a few people who have no respect for how much work it is, and expect us to clean up after them.

If you truly cannot figure out why a post was removed, (in most cases its pretty obvious) all you have to do is email any moderator who can either tell you or find out.

12-20-2004, 07:00 PM
ok, so what your saying is what is ok for tv is ok for here? im just trying to get a clear understanding of how things go around here.. not tryin to be a *** or nothin.. just curious..


12-20-2004, 07:22 PM
I dont believe I mentioned anything about television.

This is a site about promoting the use, owership, and respect of 3 wheelers in a positive light. (Trikes and ATV riders suffer a bad enough image already.) It is a family oriented site. My ten year old, and other kids read it frequently. Just use some common sense. If its something you cant responsibly say in front of a classroom of 4th graders, it probably doesnt belong here either, and I really cant think of anything pertaining to trikes that requires the discussion of drug use or certain sex acts, or a whole host of other topics that dont belong on a family board. There are plenty of other places on the web to discuss those issues if you feel the need. If you dont know whats appropriate on a family oriented board, use any popular ATV magazine as guideline. We should never have to tell our kids that they cant visit 3 wheeler world because its not suitable for kids.

12-21-2004, 08:31 PM
To the 3 wheeler world team.

I think Tim has hit the nail on the head. I have been a member since long ago as most of you know. I view daily if not every couple days just to see whats going on with the crew. I must say for the most parts many of the posts...... well just plain ****! The harder you all work to keep it a clean site clean, the less people care. I don't post often because I enjoy to just sit back and scroll down the pages to select what I want to read. I do not post to see my number grow on the post count. Who cares how many post you or Bob or Joe or Harry or whoever have made? It's a fact that there will be jerks on every board, however if you don't feel you should be babysitted~~~~~ or have a feeling of people trying to tell you what you can and can't type, maybe this board is not for you!! Take a bow and move on. I can only speak for myself, but the members not the numbers make the site.

Thanks for reading
Brad aka daddybrad

P.S. Sorry for the poor grammer... I am doing this with two young boys wound up on sugar running around my feet.

12-21-2004, 10:30 PM
Tim Thanks for takeing the time. I get alot of info from this site. Grate job!