View Full Version : Goin' Ridin' tomorrow...how to seal up Driveshaft Boot?

ATC crazy
07-09-2005, 07:41 PM
Me and a friend are goin up to Patterson Mountain for some riding tomorrow. There is quite a bit of mud up there, and I have a hole in the rear driveshaft boot of my Foreman about the size of one of my fingers in diameter, from a stick that was punched through it. Im not sure whats in there as far as a CV joint or a *-Joint....I've never torn one apart before.

I thought about sealing it up with duct tape, but it would be almost impossible to get a water tight seal on it. What about some Rubber Cement if I plastered the hole with it. It needs to be able to flex with the suspension...so I thought this would be a good idea.... What do you think? It would only be a temporary fix until I get a replacement boot and tear it apart.

Any other Ideas?

07-09-2005, 08:15 PM
Automotive " Goop " might do it. it stays flexible and bonds to rubber pretty good..

Whatever you use. make sure none seeps in and gets on the *-joint.. that could be bad.

How bout a bicycle patch ? rubber cement and a nice big patch... might do it temporaty.. but stay outa water as much as possible.

07-09-2005, 08:39 PM
cut down a tire patch with some rubber cement glue, do it right it should hold ok,,,,then wrap it in ductape! it fix's everthing! haha

ATC crazy
07-10-2005, 09:28 PM
Thanks for the replies. I fixed it last night with Marine grade Goop in the blue tube. I plastered it on there pretty damn good too.

Staying out of the mud/water was no problem at all...

...After I was covered in head to toe in mud, sunk into mud up to the rear racks (in which I got out of under my own power...exhaust was 6" under water...almost stalled out a couple times while shifting), and the only recgonizable parts on the Foreman were the seat and where my knee's rubbed on the plastic.

I couldnt help myself...LOL

I forgot to bring the camera...I had it sitting on my desk with my keys with a new roll of film in it. I was in such a rush, I guess I forgot it :(