View Full Version : Everyone read...

11-04-2006, 12:35 AM
If your going to make postings about how proud you are for doing something unlawfull ( IE: Trespassing, stealing, ect ) then don't waste your and our time. These style posting will be removed. Why remove it? Because we do not need crap like this on the forums.

If we delete a posting and the user repost it, we may even issue some time away from the forums. So if your missing a posting or such like this ( unlawfull ), then contact a moderator / admin and see if your posting has been removed before posting it again.


11-04-2006, 09:13 AM
Thanks for deleting that crap. Did the poster get punished?


11-04-2006, 11:56 AM
Good job moderators. That crap does nothing but make being unlawful sound cool to some and shows how much of a moron the poster is to the rest. I was gonna post on that thread but figured it wouldn't be around to long. Thanks

11-04-2006, 11:58 AM
I totally agree with this, In this day and age its harder and harder to have riding areas, I have asked some of th elocal farmers around here nicely and they usually dont have any problem with me riding on their land, as long as ZI dont disturb any crops or anything, their is no reason to go tresspasing on someones property just to ride. Not only can you get arrested but possibly lose your machine and nt be ablt to ride again, just becouse you thought you could get away with it.
There were a few cases when I was younger that I did some illegal riding, but I realized that it wasnt worth it in the long run and stoped doing it. The best action to do if you get caught riding on someones property is just that, get caught, dont run like a little kid, take the heat and deal with it. In most cases if you give an apoligy to whomever owns the property he may either say stay off or ask him next time you want to ride there. The only thing that can come from this is the owners freinds are now looking for whomever was on the property, so not only do you have the law to contend with but a bunch of pissed off land owners.