View Full Version : The coup has already taken place!

10-07-2008, 05:47 PM
Interview with author Naomi Wolf. Somewhat lengthy.


Vincent Bugliosi, famous prosecutor, author of "The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder" testifying before Congress a few months ago.

The late Aaron Russo's "Freedom to Fascism" (part 1 of 11)

10-07-2008, 08:45 PM

IT's started!!! I better go and microwave some popcorn cause I don't want to miss this!!!

Come on dude. This woman is completely crazy. I want to see one video of the soldiers in the streets. Or here of one person that has been unjustly imprisoned!!! What she is doing right now is completely irresponsible!!! And by the media alowing her to be heard is they are being "IRRESPONSIBLE"

Just like the Y2K bug. If you are reading this then you lived through it. New Years eve 1999 came and went and not a thing happened, yet we have all seen videos just like this telling us to go and buy weapons, food, and water. I blame the reason for alot the problems right now to the "IRRESPONSIBILITY" of people just like this, the media for giveing them the opportunity to spread their absord conspiracy theories, and the people that buy into it!

Here in Atlanta the media started a bit on how we were short on gas, then the morons that bought into it went out and bought 5 gal. cans and hoarded the gas, so naturally we ran out of gas. So the people that could not afford to buy a couple hundred gallons of gas were the ones without. Were we short? Yes! Would we have run out of gas hadn't the morons hoarded? Probably not!

I feel that the media and the people that are just plain unhappy with life in general are the cause of this by buying into the "SKY IS FALLING" BS!!! They get into this feeling of no self worth and they watch the news to see who has it worse off then them. I know that my bussiness has been hurt by it. Another instance of the media's lack of responsibility is how they crippled the landscape, carwash, and pool industry here in Atlanta by forcasting the drought we are in much worse than what it was. I personally lost $16,000 at the end of last year because they said the drought wasn't going to end for 4 more years. People got pannicked thinking that they would not be able to fill their pools with water and canceled their projects. Here we are 1 year later and the lakes and resovoirs are on the rise and the watering bans are now lifted. I have not heard one thing about the drought all summer long as a matter of fact.

Call me on Nov 3rd when "W" declairs marshal law because he wants to be a dictator. Right now I am sure all he wants to do is go retire back to Texas and leave this mess to someone else.

By the way I own a bridge in New York city that I need to sell so I can get out of my own financial distraught and if you "Buy it Now" I will throw in my ocean front property in Arizona!

The Goat
10-07-2008, 09:18 PM
The first thing bush will do upon going home is rolling him up a nice fatty...and prolly taking a ride on his mint Big Red.

10-08-2008, 12:13 AM

IT's started!!! I better go and microwave some popcorn cause I don't want to miss this!!!

And by the media alowing her to be heard is they are being "IRRESPONSIBLE"

Just like the Y2K bug. If you are reading this then you lived through it. New Years eve 1999 came and went and not a thing happened, yet we have all seen videos just like this telling us to go and buy weapons, food, and water. I blame the reason for alot the problems right now to the "IRRESPONSIBILITY" of people just like this, the media for giveing them the opportunity to spread their absord conspiracy theories, and the people that buy into it!

I feel that the media and the people that are just plain unhappy with life in general are the cause of this by buying into the "SKY IS FALLING" BS!!!
Call me on Nov 3rd when "W" declairs marshal law because he wants to be a dictator. Right now I am sure all he wants to do is go retire back to Texas and leave this mess to someone else.

By the way I own a bridge in New York city that I need to sell so I can get out of my own financial distraught and if you "Buy it Now" I will throw in my ocean front property in Arizona!

I didn't intend to waste your time, though I don't think you spent much time digesting any of it.

In short, it's "Martial Law", innaguration is in January(Nov. doesn't mean much), and I left a disclaimer for you in my first post(see: Apathetic, complacent, Amerikan subjects can skip this and go back to sleep).

BTW: Would you know what a piece of the sky looked like if it fell at your door, on your paycheck, on the value of the money in your wallet, on your civil liberties, on your doorstep in New Orleans after Katrina without a warrant ...with finger on the trigger to take your guns, or in any number of countries around the world in the 20th Century that KILLED over 50 MILLION of their own citizens for the sake of power and control?

Time for fun is over! Your country is bankrupt and your President has signed himself the power to put you and I wherever he wants us to be for no D... REASON and with NO D... warrant or trial. That's not a conspiracy theory, that's a by God fact.

As a matter of fact, since many keywords are in this post, this freaking thread is being monitered without a warrant(doubt me? Step over the line and say something that will get you a visit from the Secret Service...then I dare you to chime in about how stupid all this is....from your cell).

The Army does have a brigade deployed, the fat boys got their bailout, the President got his nationalization/further power grab(on top of many previous by his pen), Congress went against 90% of their constituents wishes, and the economy is still tanking.

Enjoy your popcorn.....just try not to eat the sand.

10-08-2008, 12:20 AM
yes, but do you REALLY think the millitary is going to attack our own citizens? sure they might order it, but ill bet the soldiers, who are people like us, wont have anything to do with it.
If you were a soldier, became one to defend this country, would YOU attack its citizens because the gov't told you to?

10-08-2008, 12:38 AM
Well if what you say is TRUE!!!!! Then this chic will be inprisoned, interogated and tortured tomorrow because she deffinate said some things that would make those "Black helocopters" fire up an land on her front lawn to give her a one way trip to "Area 51".

Oh and another by the way. The war ended in 1865.
And guess what !!!
The South lost!!!

10-08-2008, 12:46 AM
yes, but do you REALLY think the millitary is going to attack our own citizens? sure they might order it, but ill bet the soldiers, who are people like us, wont have anything to do with it.
If you were a soldier, became one to defend this country, would YOU attack its citizens because the gov't told you to?

According to a couple of surveys of military personnel, some would. Many had reservations about carrying out such an order against their own countrymen. Just knowing that the question was asked of the military should be a little disturbing.

Since then, we've begun the "War on Terror" though. In designating people "terrorist" and drumming up such fear and hatered toward those labeled as such, the powers that be have gained ground. The idea of attacking another American isn't as palatable as carrying out an order to attack a "domestic terrorist".

Such wordspeak has worked at both Ruby Ridge, Idaho and in Waco, TX. Instead of labeling the targets "families" or "church full of men, women, and children".....they were termed"white seperatists" or "cult". It made the murders somehow seem less bad or even acceptable.

One brigade is definitely not enough to carry out nationwide martial law/confiscations/round ups. This is not the force(alone) that would be used for just such an undertaking. This is either a force for intimidation(making martial law seem a more ready available/executable option of the President), or for the purpose of desensitizing(sp?..it's late for me) us to militarization.

In the last year, Bush signed a pact with Canada and Mexico enabling us to use their troops on our soil should he need them. Then, you can always count on the Blue Helmets...especially since so many UN troops have already trained here in the South for the last 10-15 years.

10-08-2008, 12:50 AM
when your in the liliatary these words stand out to protect our country from threats forign and domestic!!! it could happen

The Goat
10-08-2008, 01:16 AM
Dear sir, you make one more off the cuff remark about what happened in New Orleans or anything else that happened in this state without proper knowledge and I may be tempted to Henry Winkle you. I have nothing but time on my hands. I've politely debated with you previously, and did not attack your credibility by pointing out just how unreliable your sources were. YouTube? Honestly... Now as I said, unless you were here during the storm or the resulting days after you shouldn't speak of things which you have no knowledge of. Ever had to carry a pistol to pump gas? Or how about having the chief of police come on tv and say all the stories of crime are just rumors, when your friends store just got robbed or people are being brutally beaten and robbed in broad daylight? How about roving mobs reeking havoc in your quiet little town. We'd have killed for some martial law. Local law enforcement was overwhelmed with calls. Ever had groups of armed individuals raiding hospitals? Ever watched videos on your buddies phone of the 50+ kills shots he delivered from on top of that hospital as a marine sniper?

I'm tired of the laughable videos and articles you present us with day after day. You damned me for my beliefs and the things I said in another thread. I just as surely damn you for your inability to see how ridiculous you appear. You think yourself a patriot, but you cling to the past when your "nation" seceeded. Read the history books, study the economics, the little experiment called the confederacy was doomed before it began.

10-08-2008, 01:18 AM
Well if what you say is TRUE!!!!! Then this chic will be inprisoned, interogated and tortured tomorrow because she deffinate said some things that would make those "Black helocopters" fire up an land on her front lawn to give her a one way trip to "Area 51".

You have not posted anything in this thread that falls into that category. When I typed that dare, I was irritated. I sincerely do not want to see you get into the trouble you could, so I withdraw the dare and apologize for drawing you into that.

I am a member of a couple of boards on which people HAVE been arrested and imprisoned for typing things that were considered over the line...all having to do with this subject.

My intent is to open eyes. I stick my neck out for ridicule knowing that someone completely asleep at the wheel is going to laugh it off and have some fun with it....I stick my neck out knowing that I increase my "signature" on "radar" in doing so. But in the times ahead, America is going to need her sons and daughters sober, wide awake, and prepared.

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I still think that this country is about more than "what I can get", government handouts, American Idol, credit cards, fat bellies, excess, greed, and global empire.

The whole of the truth of what's immediately in store has not yet been revealed. All I can say is that if you take the time to study history, current events(not just the mainstream media), our situation here and our position in the world, the truth and the cover stories, one must either conclude that our leaders are incompetent fools on the magnitude of not being smart enough to run a plunger, or something really bad is going on.

Study of good source materials/persons will show clearly that it's the latter.

BTW: I don't believe in aliens......but the CIA does use black helicopters. I have personally destroyed(they ARE destroyed) 35mm (original) photographs of one taken in Nicaragua about 17-18 years ago.

10-08-2008, 01:44 AM

I was refering to the girl in the wonderfull video you posted. Let me know when she get arrested. IMO I think she needs to be locked up in a lil rubber room.

Dude you better go get that chip in your pumpkin checked cuz Me thinks it is starting to short circuit!!!!

Oh wait !!!!

I think Mel Gibson is on here practicing for the sequel to "Conspiracy Theory"!!
I am sorry Mel.
I loved ya in the movie "Signs"

Nudge nudge wink wink

We all know that the underlying theme of that movie is what you are describing here!!! And they weren't really aliens but the CIA dressed up as such.

10-08-2008, 01:44 AM
Dear sir, you make one more off the cuff remark about what happened in New Orleans or anything else that happened in this state without proper knowledge and I may be tempted to Henry Winkle you. I have nothing but time on my hands. I've politely debated with you previously, and did not attack your credibility by pointing out just how unreliable your sources were. YouTube? Honestly... Now as I said, unless you were here during the storm or the resulting days after you shouldn't speak of things which you have no knowledge of. Ever had to carry a pistol to pump gas? Or how about having the chief of police come on tv and say all the stories of crime are just rumors, when your friends store just got robbed or people are being brutally beaten and robbed in broad daylight? How about roving mobs reeking havoc in your quiet little town. We'd have killed for some martial law. Local law enforcement was overwhelmed with calls. Ever had groups of armed individuals raiding hospitals? Ever watched videos on your buddies phone of the 50+ kills shots he delivered from on top of that hospital as a marine sniper?

So what are you saying? With rampant crime and lawlesness you would feel safer being deprived of arms? The video format you laugh off actually says and shows something. Seen the one about the little old New Orleans grandmother getting thrown to the ground and beaten by LEOs because she had the nerve to own a pistol?

Can I talk about the LA riots, or do you own that one too? (just realized you may not understand what I meant....guns in the hands of good people USED for defense....is a good thing)

I'm tired of the laughable videos and articles you present us with day after day. Then tune out, pass my posts over, and that'll be that"

You damned me for my beliefs and the things I said in another thread.

No, actually for your judgement in embracing one world government and communistic principles.... I stand by that, though I said I admired your commitment to your convictions

I just as surely damn you for your inability to see how ridiculous you appear. You think yourself a patriot, but you cling to the past when your "nation" seceeded. Read the history books, study the economics, the little experiment called the confederacy was doomed before it began.

How did the Confederacy come into this? Could be in my "location" Alabama CSA from the years I reenacted Cavalry. Either way, I'm hoping THIS country can be saved, though at times it seems full of sheep and globalists. Once again, pass me by and we'll both be happier for it. I'm sure I'm not the only that doesn't want to see this country turned into a Naziesque third world police state, or a global government province.

The Goat
10-08-2008, 01:50 AM
One last thing, I wish to remove the hilarious delusions of grandeur you possess.

You are not a martyr. You are not a patriot. You are not unique in your ability to analyze and interpret actions. The fact that the majority of amercians are apathetic does not give you the right the think yourself above them or, worse, speak for them. You deny that the framers of the constitution were both federalists and, for the majority, agnostics, when any fool who has read Hobbes and Locke can see their influence on that document you hold so dear.

Perhaps you will have the last laugh, I'm prepared to bet my life that you won't.
Are you that committed to your fictional cause?

10-08-2008, 01:59 AM

I was refering to the girl in the wonderfull video you posted. Let me know when she get arrested. IMO I think she needs to be locked up in a lil rubber room.

Wow. That was time wasted.

And....She DIDN'T say anything that would get her arrested either.

I take back the apology.

10-08-2008, 02:19 AM
One last thing, I wish to remove the hilarious delusions of grandeur you possess.

You are not a martyr. You are not a patriot. You are not unique in your ability to analyze and interpret actions. The fact that the majority of amercians are apathetic does not give you the right the think yourself above them or, worse, speak for them. You deny that the framers of the constitution were both federalists and, for the majority, agnostics, when any fool who has read Hobbes and Locke can see their influence on that document you hold so dear.

Perhaps you will have the last laugh, I'm prepared to bet my life that you won't.
Are you that committed to your fictional cause?

Did you forget that some framers were also anti-federalists, and but for their persistance, you would have no Bill Of Rights?

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." -John Adams, 1798

"It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here."
-Patrick Henry

"God gave us life, gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift from God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, and that His justice cannot sleep forever."--Thomas Jefferson

"For my own part, I sincerely esteem it (the Constitution) a system which without the finger of God, never could have been suggested and agreed upon by such a diversity of interests."--Alexander Hamilton

"We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of the government, far from it. We've staked the future of all our political institutions upon our capacity....to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."--James Madison

"The evil that has resulted from the error of the schools, in teaching natural philosophy as an accomplishment only, has been that of generating in the pupils a species of atheism. Instead of looking through the works of creation to the Creator himself, they stop short, and employ the knowledge they acquire to create doubts of His existance."--Thomas Paine

The idea for our three branch system of government came from the Perfect Governor found in Isaiah 33:22 "For the Lord is our judge, the lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king. He will save us."

Inscription on the Liberty Bell-
" Proclaim liberty throughout the land and to all the inhabitants thereof."-Leviticus 25:10

You a mind reader? "Delusions of grandeur, martyr, unique?"

I think that "damn your judgement" comment got under your skin. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings so much son, even though I disagree so strongly with you.
If you're ready to live under the UN. and global governance? Go ahead. Just go somewhere else to live in your Global Utopia, because yes....quite a few people will oppose you here.

10-08-2008, 02:36 AM
[QUOTE=DixiePlowboy;661840]Wow. That was time wasted.

And....She DIDN'T say anything that would get her arrested either.

According to you, she did. She spoke out about the iminant coming of Marital Law as planned by the Bush admininstration.

Seems to me that she would be the first to be arrested in your world. After all a dictator would have anyone who spoke out against his plans imprisoned. RIGHT!!!!

You said that the military is being deployed and concentraition camps are being made. Wouldn't you think that a woman that wrote a book about this very thing would be considered an educator or an organizer. If she is out there writing a book about what is going on in "W"'s head then I would think she would be the first to be incarcerated. And if they had that much power and the ability to do what they wanted then all these absolutly wonderful videos you are so fond of would be deleted the moment they were posted on that all so great fact filled thing we call youtube. After all, dictators want their subjects uneducated. It makes them easier to rule. The video talks about how Hitler was able to become a dictator. Well my friend I dont' think that germany at that time was much more than a agricultural country and there probably wasn't many scholars to stand up to him to see that his plan wouldn't work. They just followed along cause they thought "Well he is smater than me. He must be right." I am apauld at how our Gov. is wasteful and Greedy but it is still my country and I would die for it if so called. If you don't like this land then maybe you need to go get with people like Alec Baldwin and the Dixies Chics and just start you own country somewheres else.

The Goat
10-08-2008, 03:09 AM
My intent is to open eyes. I stick my neck out for ridicule knowing that someone completely asleep at the wheel is going to laugh it off and have some fun with it....I stick my neck out knowing that I increase my "signature" on "radar" in doing so. But in the times ahead, America is going to need her sons and daughters sober, wide awake, and prepared.

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I still think that this country is about more than "what I can get", government handouts, American Idol, credit cards, fat bellies, excess, greed, and global empire.

The whole of the truth of what's immediately in store has not yet been revealed. All I can say is that if you take the time to study history, current events(not just the mainstream media), our situation here and our position in the world, the truth and the cover stories, one must either conclude that our leaders are incompetent fools on the magnitude of not being smart enough to run a plunger, or something really bad is going on.

Study of good source materials/persons will show clearly that it's the latter.

BTW: I don't believe in aliens......but the CIA does use black helicopters. I have personally destroyed(they ARE destroyed) 35mm (original) photographs of one taken in Nicaragua about 17-18 years ago.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I belivee these are your words, and one doesn't have to be a psychic to infer what I said.

Now, as for what managed to annoy me in the list of nonsense, it was the way you casually mentioned something you know little to nothing about. As for guns in the hands of citizens and someone being beaten, my friend presented everyone who approached the hospital with a weapon with a choice... Put your weapon down and approach the hospital or put your weapon down and back away, eiTher way you lose your gun. If you try to keep it, you die. The innocent people seeking help only lost their gun for 48 hours, everyone else got put down. Friends of mine in the guard were getting shot at all over new orleans, they had to retaliate.

Every walmart and gunstore was raided. These weren't legal guns and these weren't good citizens. You called me "son," you are neither old enough nor intelligent enough to pull that off. Ever thought that with these "kids" being shot at while trying to help, tensions may have run a little high?

10-08-2008, 04:04 AM
Excuse me then, BOY. That's one you can wear just fine. I've got a son not THAT much younger than you that thinks he has everything down pat, too....

Don't pretend to preach to me about guns in anyones hands. If the SHTF and you squirreled out and went limp, begged for protection or whatever you did during the big ordeal down there that's on you. I don't want to see anyone undeserving get shot, stabbed, or clubbed to death over a bottle of water, least of all my sons.

Point is people have a RIGHT to defend themselves If they decide take that responsibility and delegate it to no one else you have NO right whatsoever to tell the they can't. PERIOD! That's America.

I'll be d....d if I'd let you or any of your communist/utopian buddies tell me I'd give up my means of protecting myself or my children regardless of what's going on..or how scared and uncomfortable you feel. Get over it or go to a country that better suits you.

Attempting to force someone with time in to disarm isn't too smart. But again that is something you'll have to learn.

Look up Molon Labe. We know you can dig in a book. Just don't expect to find heart in one.

10-08-2008, 04:20 AM
No.....NOT according to me! There is a big difference between talking about something that verifiably IS going on (emhasis on IS because you and this other new kid have ignored all the substance and just played keyboard warrior all evening) and making specific threats toward someone that has expensive security such as the POTUS.

Get it now? Want to try it out?


10-08-2008, 04:28 AM
You have not proven ONE single point! I guess we will be reading about you in the future.

Breaking News!!!!

The authorities have secured a compound in NW Alabama. A large cache of pre Civil war weapons were found along with several hundred pounds of marajuana and a Confederate flag and some very skitish sheep.

10-08-2008, 05:15 AM
You have not proven ONE single point! I guess we will be reading about you in the future.

What do you want for proof? A link to

Army Times website. Not good enough because it doesn't come right out and say "Evil military comming for you"?

Do you know what Posse Comitatus Act is?

National Security Presidential Directive-51 and the Potential for a Coup by National Emergency
Long read here...probably won't read it though.

10-08-2008, 06:28 PM
Wow, you have gone off the deep end. Not even getting into this one. When the new president is sworn in, I want to be the first one to laugh in your face.

The Goat
10-08-2008, 07:34 PM
also... clarification...I was not playing keyboard warrior. I was playing Iphone warrior!