View Full Version : Lincoln was the first republican president, what does that have to do with Obama?

03-02-2009, 08:29 AM
I am a little confused here. I thoroughly enjoy studying this nation’s history. I am particularly interested in the period of 1861 to 1865. I have also studied the 1850’s because that is the time period most responsible for the War of Southern Independents. Naturally, Lincoln would be a subject of study because of his role during this time period. Now, whether you agree with his decisions or not has nothing to do with my question. Lincoln was like any other president, he made mistakes and is remembered in the way people chose to see the outcome of his action and decisions. My question is this; he was this nation’s first republican president. Why is it the democrats are comparing Obama to Lincoln? I even watched an interview the other day where a woman said “Obama is going to be the next in a line of great democratic presidents. Just like Roosevelt, Kennedy, and Lincoln.” Am I missing something here? I was hoping some of those who may be a bit more familiar with this aspect of our history can enlighten me. I am not trying to start a political debate; I just thought this was interesting.

03-02-2009, 08:46 AM
I don't understand that. A presidents legacy usually is remembered years.. if not decades after he serves. An example of that would be when president Reagen passed away. I remember watching it on TV and I remmeber them talking about this very thing.

This guy is in office two months.... For them to compare him to anybody yet is just plain dumb.

Or maybe I just don't understand your question?

03-02-2009, 08:48 AM
I agree, but his supporters have been doing since before he was even elected.

03-02-2009, 09:11 AM
Obama has said himself that he has always admired and respected Lincoln. That doesn't mean he is compared to him. Maybe because they are from the same state.

03-02-2009, 10:19 AM
Have you not seen the news stories where the compare the two?

03-02-2009, 12:49 PM
Trying to compare him to Reagan also.:wondering
With Lincoln, another civil war maybe? :wondering

Better buy your Obama commemorative plates now. They are limited edition.

03-02-2009, 12:57 PM
Obama's going to take away your 3-wheelers. Lincoln wouldn't.


03-02-2009, 02:40 PM
lol, didn't lincoln like guns also? So there is 2 things, They share the same views on unions...Oh, they both used african americans as a political tool...

03-02-2009, 04:28 PM
its because the morons arent educated in history..........nothing more

03-02-2009, 05:36 PM
Obama has said himself that he has always admired and respected Lincoln. That doesn't mean he is compared to him. Maybe because they are from the same state.

Obama's from Kentucky?:wondering :lol:

I'm pretty well versed in mid-19th Century political and military history, and I can't answer your question other than to state that "ignorance" has something to do with comparing the two.....and that it's not likely that the truth about Lincoln can be discussed without starting a political discussion.

Obama will likely have his own National Holiday before his first term ends....no matter what he brings or leaves at the table.

No, if he's like Lincoln, he'll just take away the 3-wheelers in the south and allow everyone else to keep theirs:lol:

You found the best similarity....using people of African descent as a political tool.(nail-on-the-head icon here!)

and....300rman summed this up perfectly.

03-02-2009, 06:28 PM

I think you will find that Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and he represented the state of Illinois in the US Senate. Couldn't find any connection to Kentucky.

03-02-2009, 09:03 PM
obama was born in nigeria or something. if you want to buy into that hawaii BS, then go for it, but i wont be spoon-fed by the media, thanks.

03-02-2009, 09:16 PM
wow, this is a total waste of bandwidth...

03-02-2009, 09:17 PM
Oh, they both used african americans as a political tool...

:eek: :lol: :lol:

03-03-2009, 01:29 AM
One similarity I see is both men have been given way more credit than either deserve.

03-03-2009, 01:44 AM
One similarity I see is both men have been given way more credit than either deserve.

yes they have...lincoln is reconizge for something he did to help his self and thats it...it is very true they both use blacks as political tools...obama was born in hawaii but the largest majority of his family is in indoniesia

03-03-2009, 01:51 AM
I have doubts about him being born in any US state.

03-03-2009, 04:34 AM
I have doubts about him being born in any US state.

so does the U.S. army...

03-03-2009, 05:55 AM
I guess we will never know for sure.

The Goat
03-03-2009, 10:44 AM
On a non media standpoint, his birth certificate was presented for review showing he was born in Hawaii... I'm not saying there couldn't be a forgery, I am saying therenis a birth certificate, it does exist.

Republicans vs democrats was a different thing back then, they stood for different principles.

If you listen to his inaugaration speech, and reagans, you could prolly compare those two... Both made big promises...

03-03-2009, 10:49 AM
They all make big promises.

The Goat
03-03-2009, 11:14 AM
Obama has made some of the biggest.

One thing I dontget is why they are crucifying him for his tax standpoint... The upper echelon of wealth used to pay nearly 70% of their income in taxes (on the books) Caused quite the economic boom if I remember right.

If you control 90% of the wealth in this country, would it not make sense that you would contribute more? Idk, I'm for a flat tax personally.

Sorry for the tangent.

Idk why he's compared to Lincoln, maybe obama is tall too.

03-03-2009, 11:23 AM
That is not the way it works. I am not going into it so never mind.

Yeah, maybe another one is they are tall.

03-03-2009, 11:25 AM
If they went to a flat tax we would not need the IRS. The only thing government does is feed on more government. According to the founding fathers, we were only supposed to have federal government for national defense.

03-03-2009, 11:58 AM

here is something.

03-03-2009, 12:51 PM
I wouldn't look to history books in order to make comparisons, I believe most of the books we were educated with, are no longer used. We are updating the books, and they are being re-written to suit the PC, and liberal agendas.
Obama is not an American. The midless sheep of the Democratic party could care no less for any fact concerning Obama, unless you worship him as well.
That's tolerance?

03-03-2009, 06:34 PM
I wouldn't look to history books in order to make comparisons, I believe most of the books we were educated with, are no longer used. We are updating the books, and they are being re-written to suit the PC, and liberal agendas.
Obama is not an American. The midless sheep of the Democratic party could care no less for any fact concerning Obama, unless you worship him as well.
That's tolerance?

HE GETS IT!!!!! so very true........it sucks doesnt it?

03-04-2009, 12:57 AM
That was an interesting link.

I would have to agress with you Killer. If history was taught as it happened some of our "heros" would not be and some of the non heros would be. It is a shame how deep one must dig to discover the truth.

04-01-2009, 06:03 PM
I have found the truth in the book by Donnie Kennady "Lincolnism, Marxism, Soucialism". In the 1860's-1900's Republicans were more librial that conservitive and vis versa. Yes I do agree that Osama I mean Obama and Lincoln are a lot a like both want big government and neither one will admit that thay have ever been with a man.