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Thread: My "Dream Z" 2011 Race Bike

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Northern NJ
    That is awesome. Good color combo.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Southwestern NY
    Well thanx to everyone for the kind words. I put ALOT of hard work into this thing, and thanx for noticing. I'll try to answer the questions to this point:

    phantombiker- no, the pipe in the background is not for sale...not even mine.
    Eric250R- fornt wheel is stock 12" with a 23x8-12 CST Ambush.
    puggerton03- Silencer is a Coffmans
    Mosh- thanx man, means alot. We WILL line em up one of these days!
    zzmegad- front forks are KTM 85sx mounted w/ Jason Hall triples. Stock front wheel.
    SAY IT!!!!!
    85 1/2 Tri-Z - The Trail Bike w/Inverts
    85 Tri-Z - The wifes Bike
    85 Tri-Z - The MX/ICE Bike, 310 w/Inverts
    12 Tri-Shee - The Flat Track/TT Bike w/Inverts

    NYTRO - New York Trike Racing Outlaws - COME GIT SOME!

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Beaver Falls, PA
    The Honda Hater did a fine job there! Verrrry nice!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Ontario, CANADA
    I LOVE how everyone is stepping it up this year. New sanctioned classes, new wheelers, new gear. This is wicked guys!

    see ya soon mccain!
    RPFLU member and co-owner.
    Hardtails is all we do.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Manheim, PA
    i like that

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    THAT is awesome! even the old skewlers re gonna be gelious on this bike build!!!
    I'm just a squirrel "Trying" to get a nut!

    Nearly every kind of Honda ATC (plus some custom ones
    several Yami Quads (mostly custom built for MX racing)


    "Freedom is not free...but the U.S. Marine Corps will pay most of your share."

  7. #37
    Join Date
    May 2006
    N.E. Ohio
    Very nice indeed...SPOCK-O-lishous, Hows she run...?

    My trike's going to look like a rat bike on the line this year.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    May 2006
    The Open Road
    I want to marry it and have five kids

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    100mi west of Chicago
    Nice work that thing is sick. The color combo reminds me of a G.I. Joe Alley Viper I had when I was younger



  10. #40
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Kintore View Post
    I LOVE how everyone is stepping it up this year. New sanctioned classes, new wheelers, new gear. This is wicked guys!

    see ya soon mccain!
    Was thinking the same, seems like everything is blowing up huge..... man, can't wait to see what the next few years bring
    Tionesta Trikes ATC 450R
    86 250R
    86 Tecate-3
    83 ATC 70
    85 Big Red
    81 KLT 200
    85 250SX
    Tricky Dicks Cagiva WMX 200 sold
    Trikefest survivor 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
    My feedback: http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com/s...dback+eric250r

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Santa Barbara, California
    Wow, love it.
    1985 Honda 200x
    1986 Honda TRX350D - Gone but not forgotten 1982 Honda 185s*sold* 1985 200x*sold* 1983 200x*sold* 1985 ATC70*sold* 2002 Honda 400EX*sold*

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    UMMMMMM GUUULLLPPPPP that thing is DELICOUS! Great job on the whole build! i have to say, im trying to put together a trike calender and that is a top pick if you like!
    2- 85 Tri-Z's black and Yellow
    2- 85 250SX's
    1- 85 200X
    3-ATC 70's
    2- 85 tri-zinger's who needs some parts

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Springfield Mo
    Quote Originally Posted by Mosh View Post
    But which one is quicker?
    Maybe we will get to line them up one day.
    Hmm Sounds like a Trikefest 2011 match up to me!!!
    Keep on Triking!!!! "I am the NIGHT RIDER!!!"

    RIP Ninja!

    Feedback thread: http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthr...-for-thestud25

    Trike Fest 2011, 2012 Vet!
    Founding member of the Haspin 6ft Bats Club!!

    Trikes Currently Owned:
    87 Big Red 250es
    86 Kawasak KLT110. All documentation, bought from original owner.
    83 Honda 200s
    81 Honda Atc 70
    (4) Suzuki ALT 50's
    Yamaha YT 60

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Southwestern NY
    Quote Originally Posted by tri-Z ripper View Post
    UMMMMMM GUUULLLPPPPP that thing is DELICOUS! Great job on the whole build! i have to say, im trying to put together a trike calender and that is a top pick if you like!
    Thanx, and yes, I would be honored to be part of the calender. I am having professional pics taken of my Z later this week, so when you are ready, let me know and I'll send ya some nicer pics in our new shop.
    SAY IT!!!!!
    85 1/2 Tri-Z - The Trail Bike w/Inverts
    85 Tri-Z - The wifes Bike
    85 Tri-Z - The MX/ICE Bike, 310 w/Inverts
    12 Tri-Shee - The Flat Track/TT Bike w/Inverts

    NYTRO - New York Trike Racing Outlaws - COME GIT SOME!

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Southwestern NY
    And for the record...THIS THING RIPS!!! Stump pulling torque....THEN it hits the pipe! Definately the most powerfull 3 wheeler I have ever been on. It pulls harder than my 250 does, without even being in the pipe! I can't wait to get her "dialed" this spring.
    SAY IT!!!!!
    85 1/2 Tri-Z - The Trail Bike w/Inverts
    85 Tri-Z - The wifes Bike
    85 Tri-Z - The MX/ICE Bike, 310 w/Inverts
    12 Tri-Shee - The Flat Track/TT Bike w/Inverts

    NYTRO - New York Trike Racing Outlaws - COME GIT SOME!

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