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Thread: TRX250R Airbox Install on ATC250R

  1. #16
    HondaRidr's Avatar
    HondaRidr is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Salt Lake
    Looks great! Your 250R is one of my favorites

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Las Vegas, NV.
    First ride in quite a while, so I got to test out a few new additions to the R. The new, larger, front brake disk works awesome, as do the redesigned footpegs. No noticeable improvement in the airbox flow, other than the aesthetics. I did learn that silicone hose loves to attract sand though.

    Here's the mighty 250R, at home, in it's natural environment. I searched all over the dunes looking for Vernon, but couldn't find him.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Dune250R.JPG  
    Red Rider's Sand Machine Updated 07/23/14

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