There are several of us board members who reproduce parts for our trikes.
Another member uses some of the process I am about to link you all up with to build fantastic scale model tractors (he shows them off in open forum from time to time).
I am sure those folks, as well as myself, are willing to share their knowledge and experiences to help you along so don't hesitate to ask for input.
This thread should NOT be used for "why don't you make" or "can YOU make" so lets not let it go down that road please. This thread is to encourage those with the desire to make stuff, no matter what that stuff is so long as it is leagle + with in social moral standards.
I got my start at making parts when I needed a Tecate intake boot 45 months ago. The Mrs. + I are now actively making a little over 20 different trike related items.
If you have a idea to reproduce a item, make tee-totally new product, fix a broken what ever,,,, many different applications can be found with just these different folks I deal with on a regular basis.
Seat foam, I can NOT believe, to the best of my knowledge at least, there is not ONE person making new seat foams for our trikes (hint hint hint )
Anyways, go to these sites, look them over, call them for a free catalog
(you will find those catalogs extremely valuable sources of information and refer to them often like a manual)
4 links to where the Mrs. + I buy from but certainly many more companies out there (but probably buy from these folks and re-market under their name)
I highly suggest to check out the "how too" vidios and/or mold making vidios first to get you on the right tract in the process.
Got something in mind of making (?) please share it here !
The Mrs. + myself newest product is a quad part (but still a Tecate). KIPS governor gear for the 87/88 Tecate quad, long out of production and rare,,,, well used to be rare