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Thread: Tommy Gaian Jersey

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    The Open Road

    Tommy Gaian Jersey

    Get yours today....


    Sent from my Z958 using Tapatalk

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Brownsville, Tn.
    Been for sale for a while......No takers.
    A King Dean Jersey just sold for almost that $$$.
    If it were mine I would Balls It Out and start the opening bid at .99 Cents.
    * 1978 ATC 90/180 Pauter PJ1 / Springer "Team BAPP" Bike *

    * 1980 ATC 110/180 "Danny's Machine Works" 3D Sprint Dune Bike *

    * Nicholson 500 Race Bike *

    * HPATC Yamaha RD350 "Big Moe" Trike *

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    The Open Road
    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Farrow View Post
    Been for sale for a while......No takers.
    A King Dean Jersey just sold for almost that $$$.
    If it were mine I would Balls It Out and start the opening bid at .99 Cents.

    Sundahl might want to dig thru the closet and see what else he can find

    Sent from my Z958 using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Brownsville, Tn.
    Dean and The Dirt Factory folks have teamed up and are selling all kinds of Sundahl related items. Mostly going for big $$$.
    * 1978 ATC 90/180 Pauter PJ1 / Springer "Team BAPP" Bike *

    * 1980 ATC 110/180 "Danny's Machine Works" 3D Sprint Dune Bike *

    * Nicholson 500 Race Bike *

    * HPATC Yamaha RD350 "Big Moe" Trike *

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    South Florida
    I have some of Tommy’s stuff , I guess it’s time to cash in !!!!
    78 atc 90/180cc Dickson Full Suspension
    76 ATC90/180cc Nicholson
    77 atc 90 Dickson Full Suspension
    84 KLT 110/123cc Powroll Racer from 80s
    87 atc 125m stock
    84 atc 200x Curtis Sparks
    84 atc 200x Powroll My race bike from 80's
    83 atc70/108cc Powroll blue Xmas Special
    81 atc185s HP-ATC full suspension

    Performance Shop is Open PM me for Service

    My Feedback http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthr...ck+shortline10

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Brownsville, Tn.
    May have to let my Sundahl claim to fame go if it keeps going up in value.
    This was signed back in '83. The stuff they are selling was signed last week.

    * 1978 ATC 90/180 Pauter PJ1 / Springer "Team BAPP" Bike *

    * 1980 ATC 110/180 "Danny's Machine Works" 3D Sprint Dune Bike *

    * Nicholson 500 Race Bike *

    * HPATC Yamaha RD350 "Big Moe" Trike *

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