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Thread: 250R carb swap

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2022

    250R carb swap

    I have a '85 250R. Found out the '86 had an upgraded flat slide carb. So I found a new genuine carb. My shop says they can get it jetted pretty good but can't get the idle anywhere close. Any adjustments they make on the carb basically don't change a thing. They put my original carb on and jetted it to the T. Runs and idles great!
    Does that indicate a bad from factory '86 carb? Or am I totally missing something?
    Thanks for any help and advise!

    Sent from my SM-F926U1 using Tapatalk

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    South Florida
    Yes the 86 carburetors are known for that issue . They get boggy on the bottom end and impossible to make idle .
    I usually upgrade to a 38mm genuine PWK which is a great improvement over the stock 34mm .
    You’ll have to heat the manifold and air box boot with a heat gun but it’s no biggie .
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