View Full Version : paint

01-11-2011, 09:04 PM
im guessing its not possible to paint the plastic on my atc and it look good or last? or is it?

01-11-2011, 09:13 PM
i wouldnt recommend it. i did it for my 1983 185s and it turned out good but it took a few trys. i used a plastic bonding paint its called krylon fusion and it looks great. but it all depends on how bad your plastic is cause ive also had some luck with "pc1 plastic renew" and that makes your plastic not only look new but it has that specific showroom shine to it. 5$ for the paint but lowers the value of your plastics if you paint it. 20$ for the plastic renew, it looks better, and doesnt lower your value.

01-11-2011, 09:19 PM
The paint on the plastics regardless of the brand will wear off and look like crap after time. Feet rubbing on them, and riding through tall brush / branches will scratch it up real quick. If they are in decent shape, I would highly recommend wet sanding them. You can get them to look like new again this way. You start with 220 or 330, and use every grit up to 1500 or 2000. It will be a lot of dedicated work, but it will deffinatly be worth it in the long run, especially since the oem fenders are no longer available. There is a thread somewhere on here, look for it.

01-12-2011, 12:39 PM
oh, ok,i didn't know, i still have a quart of paint from my mini truck i was working on over the summer, never painted it, sold the truck and sold the rest of the paint so i don't know what to do with this and was wondering if it could be used to repaint my 83 185s

01-12-2011, 03:39 PM
just like yamaha_rules said if you painted it the paint would chip off. and if you bought some pc1 plastic renew it comes with sand paper and it would tell you to do the same thing he told you and then apply the plastic renew. its pretty much a liquid wax and it hardens and sticks to give it a nice smooth shine. but that all depends on how bad your plastics are.

01-12-2011, 04:36 PM
well, they aren't in real bad shape, it could use a new front fender, but the rears are good

01-12-2011, 04:41 PM
If the plastics are oxidized from being out in the sun then you can just resurface them. The fading will only be on the surface. You are going to need razor blades and a couple of assorted wet sand paper packs.

Start by scraping away the oxidized plastic with the razor blades until you get down to the original color (at this time, you will be thinking "What the f$@% am I doing???"), then from there you can begin wet sanding, going from the roughest grit to the lightest grit until the plastic is smooth and shiny.

It's taken me probably 4-5 hours of work on my Tecates front fender to get it to where it is right now, and there's still lots of sanding and wet sanding to be done, not to mention polishing.

01-12-2011, 05:05 PM
yea, i think i need a new front fender, but i know the back fenders are good, I'm going to put some more money in it this summer and keep it for hunting/play and maybe get some other kind of atc too, I'm already addicted, not sure where to get a front fender tho

01-12-2011, 05:30 PM
Depends on what trike it is. Maier makes a lot of reproduction plastics that are good for bashing :)

01-12-2011, 05:38 PM
yea, id like to, but i wanted to put an original on it, id buy another trike for hunting, but id end up fixing it up too, i just cant help it , its addicting

01-12-2011, 06:03 PM
I had a front fender painted at a bumper shop. The mix they use there has a flex agent in it and it WORKS GREAT!!

I bent the hell out of it a few times and it was fine. Not until I crashed into a 10ft gully,, nose first,, crushing the front fender did it crack.

The finish was tougher than stock plastic, you could wash it and it came back to a high shine finish. It didn't scuff like the plastic finish.

I never had it done again because of the cost. But it was better than a brand new fender,,,,, by far! It was beautiful.

01-12-2011, 07:10 PM
oh, ok, the paint i had was auto paint, it is House Of Kolor Lime-time Pearl, i was wanting to do my whole trike that color