View Full Version : Tri-Shee Build Thread. A.K.A. Trish
06-27-2012, 11:34 PM
This whole build started simply because I could. I have been hoarding banshee and Tri-Z parts for years now, and have accumulated quite the pile of spare parts. I had a Tri-Z frame with a junk engine cradle, and I had a spare banshee frame kickin around....not to mention a complete Banshee with a 400 stroked and ported engine.....and so it began.
On April 7th of this year, I showed up at ATCTim's garage with my 2 spare frames, a whole pile of parts, and a big Idea.
We started by hacking off the front of the banshee frame, and the top half of the Tri-Z frame. Then proceeded to ZIP-TYE the 2 frames together until we got an Idea of how this was gonna work out...And we realized real quick, that this was almost meant to be. We basically grafted the top half of a tri-z frame to the back half of a banshee frame.
We then built the engine cradle around the engine. We had to piece the engine cradle together with several pieces canibalized from the old Z frame, the old banshee frame, and even a Mini chopper frame...LOL. A "friend" was supposed to bend us up the cradle with his "sweet" pipe bender, but it seems he was too busy to help...ever. The down tube is actually a Honda 185s fork tube (BAHahahahaa....who knew a Honda could be good for something! j/k)
All the joints have slugs in them and are beautifully Tig welded, thanx to Jake the Snake and Chuck (UpChuck Racing). I ground all the welds with a cookie wheel, then inspected for any pits...ALL pits were then filled, and the joints were hand flat filed by me, until they were no longer noticeable. Those who have seen it, know, its almost impossible to see the seems.
If you look close, the frame is built offset, just like the banshee frame is...the down tube is centered, but the cradle is not. you can see it real good in a few shots. It has to be built like this to have correct chain allignment, being that these engines were designed for a street bike. These engines also "lay down" alot more than the tri-z engine, so we had to raise the front of the engine about an inch so that the cylinders were IN the cradle....
Then we added some cross bracing to the lower engine cradle, just to make sure we didn't twist her up like a pretzel the first time 70 ponies ripped threw her!
We added a few gussets in the banshee sub-frame, since in my experience, they bend like hot butter! The seat latch was cut from the banshee frame, trimmed, and grafted to the top of the Z frame. The angle of the seat is almost perfect. I trimmed about a 1/4 from the front sides to make it as close as possible. The radiator brackets were ever so slightly modified to move the radiators forward and up 1/2" (head clearance).
06-27-2012, 11:51 PM
Chuck hauled everything to his "shop", sandblasted all the parts, and had them beautifully powdercoated KTM orange. The powder came out flawless!
I then started assembling this creation with parts from just about everything in my garage...and some others.
The engine was pulled right out of my quad, freshened up, and stuffed into Trish. It is a 4mil stroker with a F.A.S.T. racing formula port, stock bore cylinders, 20cc domes (100 octaine), VF3s, Chariotte intakes, and 30mm PWK carbs. In quad form, this thing HAULED THE MAIL! We built another under cover top mount tank, almost identical to the one on my race bike....Only this one has (2) 1/4 outlets, so I don't run the float bowls dry at the strip.
Then it was off to DYNOPORT to have a custom pipe built. I went over what I thought would work for a 2-1-2 inframe pipe with Rich, then let him work his magic! I brought him a pair of FMF shorties to work with ( I LOVE the sound of the shorties). When I showed up a week later to retrieve my bike...I WAS FLOARED!!! I NEVER expected it to be as PERFECT as it is...I will let the pictures tell the rest
And some pics of her at TF:
06-28-2012, 12:09 AM
I let QUITE a few people ride Trish at TF, and believe it or not, this is a VERY trailable bike. I trail rode this thing all week at TF on a -1 swinger. WHAT A BLAST!!! Enough low end to ride threw the woods at a leisure pace, AND ENOUGH POWER ON THE PIPE TO PASS ANYTHING! And, with regular old coolant, stock tri-z rads, and a t-stat eliminator, she runs around 170deg in the woods, and never broke 195deg at the drag strip. Trish is my new trail bike!
Then, the night before the drags, we threw the +6 in her with some 22" 4-snows. The next day, we let her eat!!! I Took home the first place trophy and the $200 cash in open class at the drag strip! (also took 2nd in mod class with my 310 Dream Z). YEP, this is my FAVORITE TRIKE YET!!!:Bounce
OK boys, let me know what ya think. Ill get better finished pics of her later...
06-28-2012, 12:13 AM
im not a yami guy by any means but this is cool! It shows that anything is possible once them creative juices get flowing and you def succeeded. Truthfully it looks factory and not cobbed together. Outstanding buddy!
06-28-2012, 01:20 AM
holy jesus i am a yami guy and that is one of the sickest things i have ever seen its a work of art
please tell me you have some vids
06-28-2012, 01:36 AM
very nice work man. that looks to be one mean machine!! to bad i wasnt there to take it for a rip! amazing amount of welding on that pipe!! I can see why it would be your fave, but the Dream Z is hard to beat!!
06-28-2012, 02:07 AM
All of these super nice trikes popping up on 3WW recently have my brain fried. That is sweet and the pipes are very nice, I can tell by all of the details you worked hard on her man. Great trike
06-28-2012, 06:45 AM
AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME. that's my dream trike. Do you still have the specs for the pipe or do you fancy making another to ship to me in uk? That's the only thing that's been stopping me making one.
06-28-2012, 07:41 AM
Excellent work! Also not a Yammi fan at all. But that is a beautiful ride to be very proud of!! The two of them together is perfect! 2 pieces to be Very proud of !!
06-28-2012, 08:39 AM
Let me be honest here: when the banshee and tri-z frames showed up in my garage and were both cut - I was the biggest nay-sayer there was. I just could not picture in my head this thing working. That being said, I know Jon is a perfectionist, and figured he would come to a point and say - it's not gonna work. As it developed, my mind was changed. Plenty of Yamaha / Honda jokes and trash talking went into this project. I'm just happy it has a bit of red in it (LOL - 185S fork in the frame :) )
Seeing how this came together with the talent in my shop - I am not afraid to dream up anything now. With 2 AWESOME welders - powder coating and machine shop at Chuck's disposal and imaginations that sometimes need reeled back in - I can't wait to see what is rolled out my overhead door next.
I got to ride it at TF and was astounded by it's low end grunt - with only ever riding one banshee before my entire life, it was a pleasant surprise. This trike really could compete in any trike event. Watch out boys - there is a new sheriff in town!
Great build Jon! I <3 Trish!
06-28-2012, 08:52 AM
WOW!!! what an amazing build!! you guys r some damn good welders!! your next build u guys should and probably could start with tube stock and build the frame from scratch,lol!! congrats again guys!!!!
06-28-2012, 09:38 AM
I fell in love with this machine at TF and loved watching her tear up the strip. Awesome job Jon and hope you still plan on hitting Beaverdale this year with us on Sept. 9th.
06-28-2012, 09:49 AM
Let me be honest here: when the banshee and tri-z frames showed up in my garage and were both cut - I was the biggest nay-sayer there was. I just could not picture in my head this thing working. That being said, I know Jon is a perfectionist, and figured he would come to a point and say - it's not gonna work. As it developed, my mind was changed. Plenty of Yamaha / Honda jokes and trash talking went into this project. I'm just happy it has a bit of red in it (LOL - 185S fork in the frame :) )
Yeah, I forgot to mention that the biggest "nay-sayer" here was the founder of Tionesta Trikes himself!! But without ALL their help, it wouldn't have been possible. I can't say thanx enough...BIG THANX: Tionesta Trikes (Tim and Jake Kiester), UpChuck Racing (Chuck Seitz), The Birts (Jeremiah and Hoyte Birt...these guys built my fuel tanks), Tri-ZNate (Nate Carey, for donating a swinger for the drags) and DYNOPORT for that GORGEOUS pipe, that obviously performs as well as it looks!!!
Oh, and Rich @ DYNOPORT said that this was a 1 time pipe! He had so much time into it, he said would have to charge $1500 to build another one, just to make some money on it!!!
Louis Mielke
06-28-2012, 10:26 AM
Very impressive build John.
I got to ride it guys, and I'll tell you what impressed me the most was how mild natured it was if you wanted it to be. Big power is awesome but big power hidden behind a nice time cruise-able machine is even better. You could literally cruise this machine in the trails all day. Very impressive.
06-28-2012, 10:51 AM
That is a sweet z, I also really like the orange and blue. I only hope to have as nice of a trike as this eventually.
06-28-2012, 10:51 AM
thats the coolest hybrid ive seen! nice work!
06-28-2012, 11:02 AM
Just like all your other builds John, its great down to the last detail. Always love looking at your machines, you are maticulous. I didnt get to ride it in this form, only when it was a quad last tf lol. Ill get my chance next time!
06-28-2012, 11:43 AM
hey, fabrication is fun!!
Blown 331
06-28-2012, 02:03 PM
Wow this is awesome!
06-28-2012, 04:23 PM
Wish I had time to ride it Senator... Had time to admire and stare at it though. It is a literal peice of art. Absolutely gorgeous machine you got there bud.
Cant wait to ride her, it looks friggin killer! Them TT boys do great work!
06-28-2012, 04:48 PM
The sound of that trike on the drags made the hairs on my neck stand up! I didn't ride it but it was an awesome machine....
06-28-2012, 05:37 PM
[QUOTE=zmpolaristech;1138023] Then, the night before the drags, we threw the +6 in her with some 22" 4-snows. The next day, we let her eat!!! I Took home the first place trophy and the $200 cash in open class at the drag strip! QUOTE]
I'm really disappointed in you honda drag racers. Hope this motivates you fellers. Gotta listen all year how a banshee is the fastest. :lol:
06-28-2012, 05:55 PM
I was there when the frames were dropped on the floor at TT. In fact, I took the first 3 pics of it. I had NO idea what this was going to look like, and I gotta say, I'm totally impressed. I'm a Honda guy too, but you guys did one helluva job there... real nice Jon!
06-28-2012, 06:07 PM
Super thrilled with how well this whole build came togather! We were working with a great group of FRIENDS and things could not have gone smoother! Good job Babe, I Love You!! lets see what awesome custom we can come up with for me now :) Im thinking raptor 700 :)
06-28-2012, 06:53 PM
seriously an amazing bike to see in person! Sounded like a freaking street bike when he was riding wheelies and doing launches tearing Haspin's arse apart! things amazing, great work by all involved. Thing is practically Seemless; I did a tripple take when I actually started looking at it up close. You guys really put some time in on it and it freaking shows!
06-28-2012, 07:31 PM
honestly i had a dream about this beast last i guess i have to be the a-hole to ask but about
how much $$$ went into this
06-28-2012, 08:03 PM
honestly i had a dream about this beast last i guess i have to be the a-hole to ask but about
how much $$$ went into this
You probably won't believe me when I tell you any way, but here goes.... Actual "out of pocket" cash spent on this build...........................,
LESS than a grand!
Thats only because the fab work and powder coat were bartered for (labor for labor), DYNOPORT cut me a SMOKIN deal on the pipe, and I already had a Banshee that I stole the swinger, shock and engine out of. The front end is off my trail bike, that just got inverts. Then a few odds and ends like bearings, chain rollers, bushings, etc. The only 2 things I paid good money for are, the pipe and the blue front plastics...pretty much everything else I already had, or I bartered for it. Thats not to say that this would be a cheap build for someone to do. To build from scratch without already having a pile of yammie parts around, or Friends to barter labor with, I bet to DUPLICATE this bike, you would be in at least $6-7 grand.:crazy:
I EASILY have over $12000 into the quad that I canibalized for this build (and it IS going back together)
06-29-2012, 02:04 AM
I saw it ride by all weekend,At trike Fest.When I actually got to see it up close at the drags. It was super impressive and it was very fast.
06-29-2012, 11:45 AM
I EASILY have over $12000 into the quad that I canibalized for this build (and it IS going back together)
better be or I'LL KICK YOUR ASS, that quad was the beginning of all of this!
Louis Mielke
06-29-2012, 02:13 PM
I think I said you needed a 700 raptor trike. lol
Super thrilled with how well this whole build came togather! We were working with a great group of FRIENDS and things could not have gone smoother! Good job Babe, I Love You!! lets see what awesome custom we can come up with for me now :) Im thinking raptor 700 :)
06-29-2012, 04:42 PM
John, I was just proud to be nominated and stand with ya for best build with my shafty big red rickshaw roof trike at the awards!!:lol::lol: Wish I would have got a ride on that baby!! Don't foget to mention the 3 et's I clocked you at. 5.22/5.12/ and the smokin' 4.99 on the last run. I think Jake and I calculated 67mph!!:lock::lock::lock: Good lord:crazy::crazy: Nice work man.....
06-29-2012, 05:43 PM
What timing system are you getting those times from?? You would really struggle to pull a 4.9 on dirt without paddles, And to get a top speed of 89 mph would be a et of about 3.3, and there is NO WAY your going to get a 3.3 or 89mph in 300ft.
06-29-2012, 05:46 PM
That shee-trike sounded AWESOME. The other guy with a street bike/trike could never get his machine running right. When it did, it didn't hook up for 200 feet.
I felt bad for the guy, seemed like it would never run right. Almost sounded like the bowls were running out of fuel..... Either that or jetting. The guy tried like helll for a couple days prior.
06-29-2012, 05:51 PM
Im sorry my post sounds really cynical, I love the build, I like trikes, and i LOVE banshees. I just bought a 3rd one last week, But i dont see me converting any of them to trikes anytime soon. All in all a sweet build.
06-29-2012, 06:30 PM
What timing system are you getting those times from?? You would really struggle to pull a 4.9 on dirt without paddles, And to get a top speed of 89 mph would be a et of about 3.3, and there is NO WAY your going to get a 3.3 or 89mph in 300ft.
Stopwatch on my cellphone. Not the most exact but it sure was consistent. I am sure it is not a perfect calculation...... By the way....those calculations were figured under the influence at
06-29-2012, 06:45 PM
Very nice!
06-29-2012, 08:39 PM
WOW,WOW Im a Honda guy but this is a sweet Tri-Shee.I would be proud to own one.You guys did a great job on it.Looks factory.
Cant wait to see some vids of it.Your yammy fleet is sweet.have you started that 700 rator build yet.LOL.
06-29-2012, 10:51 PM
smokin' 4.99 on the last run. I think Jake and I calculated 87 mph!!:lock::lock::lock: Good lord:crazy::crazy: Nice work man.....
I call BS....stock cylinder twins are not impressive. 67 mph would be more realistic and even that's pushing it.
06-29-2012, 10:55 PM
my Drag Banshee which is a DM, wont trap 87 mph
just ben
06-30-2012, 12:21 AM
I call BS....stock cylinder twins are not impressive. 67 mph would be more realistic and even that's pushing post#35
06-30-2012, 12:29 AM
read post#35
read it....87 aint even close, even with whiskey eyez, stop watch and an H n B hanging off your arm
just ben
06-30-2012, 01:05 AM
read it....87 aint even close, even with whiskey eyez, stop watch and an H n B hanging off your armnowhere in that post did I see anything about 87.
06-30-2012, 02:15 AM
nowhere in that post did I see anything about 87.
see post 31
06-30-2012, 05:48 AM
fixed my that 87mph really ruffled some feathers..:lol::lol: My ??? would 300 ft times be faster on a well hooked up dirt strip than sand? I would think so with less loss on wheel spin? Just a thought. Could be wrong:wondering 67mph was the calculation with Snake and I's trikefest
06-30-2012, 07:57 AM
A very impressive build, it looks even better in person, and is FAST!!! Nice build.
06-30-2012, 08:02 AM
fixed my that 87mph really ruffled some feathers..:lol::lol: My ??? would 300 ft times be faster on a well hooked up dirt strip than sand? I would think so with less loss on wheel spin? Just a thought. Could be wrong:wondering 67mph was the calculation with Snake and I's trikefest
Most 300' drag tracks are dirt...some use sand with the dirt. There are a few all sand tracks. A bike is faster in dirt. In general, to trap 87 mph in dirt, you would need around 150 rwhp in a full drag chassis. Heavier bikes would require more power to achieve the same mile per hour.
tri-Z ripper
06-30-2012, 11:20 AM
Love it Mr McKay icefest with that beast? can't wait to see it in person!
06-30-2012, 01:56 PM
icefest with that beast?
why not!!!
06-30-2012, 02:14 PM
If there's anybody out there who could throw that thing around, it would be the Senator... He's got amazing abilities on the ice! You have to realize this machine was built around him to feel comfortable. I checked this machine out in depth at TF, and was truly amazed at how well thought out executed it is. It's truly a one of a kind concept, built with near oem functionality. Super job senator!
06-30-2012, 08:07 PM
my Drag Banshee which is a DM, wont trap 87 mph
That ain't a wheel off it and bring it to trikefest dude it was a typo, sorry............and Mr. Mcain still has the fastest 3 wheel banshee on the planet in my eyes..... until it can be proven otherwise. Nice banshee by the way.....Saleenster....I would love to have that biothch at the drags!! What mods have you had done on that bad boy??
06-30-2012, 11:48 PM
That ain't a wheel off it and bring it to trikefest dude it was a typo, sorry............and Mr. Mcain still has the fastest 3 wheel banshee on the planet in my eyes..... until it can be proven otherwise. Nice banshee by the way.....Saleenster....I would love to have that biothch at the drags!! What mods have you had done on that bad boy??
No need to cut the wheel off, i got that covered:
but a trike chassis has its limits, when a motor becomes faster then the chassis allows, you need to build something else. This one is also mine
07-01-2012, 03:05 AM
BREING IT TO TRIKEFEST!!!!, I'LL run it!!!! NO honda is gonna catch this yammie!!!!!
VERY NICE bikes though :beer
I LOVE the ladder bar swingers... wish I could afford one!
07-01-2012, 03:40 AM
BREING IT TO TRIKEFEST!!!!, I'LL run it!!!! NO honda is gonna catch this yammie!!!!!
VERY NICE bikes though :beer
I LOVE the ladder bar swingers... wish I could afford one!
No need to travel that far, some of the fastest 250R's on the planet reside in the 7 western states
07-01-2012, 12:25 PM
No need to travel that far, some of the fastest 250R's on the planet reside in the 7 western states
Sand DOES breed fast bikes...
07-01-2012, 04:12 PM
Very impressive build John.
I got to ride it guys, and I'll tell you what impressed me the most was how mild natured it was if you wanted it to be. Big power is awesome but big power hidden behind a nice time cruise-able machine is even better. You could literally cruise this machine in the trails all day. Very impressive.
cruise!? I think I would be wide open throttle on that thing all day lol
07-01-2012, 06:27 PM
No need to cut the wheel off, i got that covered:
but a trike chassis has its limits, when a motor becomes faster then the chassis allows, you need to build something else. This one is also mine
Holy Sh%# dude you gotta bring that R to trikefest and drag race it!! Sweet rides....wish I lived around the sand.....
09-26-2012, 09:49 PM
Just an update on Trish... I set her up for flat tracking at Ashtabula earlier this year, and thats how she has set since! I took 7th at Ashtabula, after a terrible quallifier and a back row start in the main. Then took her to South Arcade Speedway for the first ever ATV race on their new TT course...and WON the main! This weekend, we are off to Redbank PA to try for another TT win abourd Trish. Wish me luck boys!
Some pics of Trish and I on clay!:pics:
Sorry Jake, it's a good pic!
Tri-Z 250
09-27-2012, 10:36 AM
Drag vs Race the 7th doesn't really equate in performance. If you watched Raffa's GoPro of Ashtabula John was right behind him making the same passes midpack. Raffa had some good lines and was able to manage a slight lead out of the bowl. At the end of the straight that Ban-Z could close the gap just on motor. The Ban-Z looks quick in a crowd of 3wheelers while everyones flatting out, it just keeps pulling. It did seem a bit hard to handle as it would light the back tires quick. Condition weren't the best and seat time will lead way to traction control...but when that thing hooks-up man it's fast.
Goodluck, track looks great....can't wait to see how shee runs amungst the boyz.
10-03-2012, 05:53 PM
Well, I took Trish to LL Raceway in Redbank Valley this past weekend for the NYTRO flat track event...AND WON my heat and the main.
So, thats 2 wins, in 3 races... I THINK I LIKE THIS THING!!!! Next TT race will be at Paradise raceway in Geneva NY on the 20th of this month, hopefully I can take home another trophey for Trish's wall!!
10-03-2012, 07:11 PM
One heck of an awesome build polaristech! U should send pics to Dirt Wheels mag.
10-04-2012, 08:55 AM
You better watch your back Senetor McKane............................ My little 250 might be going on steroids this winter. I feel you have been too long without strong competition, and to be honest, that must come to an end ;)
10-04-2012, 10:39 AM
Ahhh....BRING IT TIMMEY BOY!:crazy:
Bryan Raffa
10-04-2012, 06:14 PM
you better re jet on the 19th... because you will have your hands full....:naughty:
01-20-2013, 11:29 PM
I gotta say this build is awesome. I love the sound of a screaming banshee motor. Sorry guys, I am not exclusively a Honda guy, I own them all. I love that pipe, and the fact that you did it 2 into 1 to make it fit all together on a trike. Can't wait to see it in person.
11-28-2013, 03:31 AM
I didn't like what you said about honda
06-25-2014, 09:24 AM
Sweeeeeet build! Love it!
06-10-2016, 01:01 PM
Thought Id bump this build thread up. A lot of new members may find it interesting or inspiring.
07-20-2016, 12:24 PM
Good bump. I've been reading through this. It's a damn good build and thread. I noticed the naysayer saying it can't go x fast.. people are always in disbelief! Even if it was a typo!
Either way, on 100 octane fuel, 400cc twin oughtta be able to easily push 80hp with a nice wide powerband. Well over 100hp is capable with a build like this.
The 100 octane fuel and the stroke + the high comp are all factors of torque monsters!!
07-20-2016, 02:37 PM
Im in awe of this built and can't wait to do one! I know a guy that would probably sell a Z roller for cheap. Just gotta find the perfect Banshee... An 86 Tri-Z themed build would look slick.
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