View Full Version : My 86 250R ice racer has evolved again! This time it's a monster!
01-20-2013, 12:22 PM
Many people on this board have seen my R's posted over the years. I go through the bike every few years to update it, fix broken or worn out parts, try new set ups and pretty much play with my favorite toy. I got this bike as a parts bike in 1997 when I bought my other 1985 R. I built it up from scratch. There are only 6 original parts left on the bike. Everything was replaced, updated, modified etc over the years.
Here is a video that brings us up to 2006:
Well the ESR330R motor was a good motor for what it was, it was time for a bottom end rebuild and that set the wheels in motion to build a motor I have wanted for years. I also found out that I had cracked my -1 Westcoast swingarm. While it made the bike a ton of fun to ride, it ultimately hurt me in a lot of races so it had to go.
So I pulled the motor and shipped it off for a rebuild. I rebuilt every part of the bottom end. All new transmission with Yukon gears, shift forks, an 8 plate clutch mod, all new bearings, new clutch upgrade kit, clutch pivot arm, billet basket, clutch hub, crank....everything except the main and counter shafts and the gears that connect the crank to the clutch basket. I sent the motor to FTZ Racing as they I have had good experience with them in the past. I will also be rolling out my old FTZ 250 motor in my 85 R this year, but that is another story.
I then started accumulating parts for my next buildout:
A Lectron 48HV from Packard Enterprises.....Dennis is a great guy and super helpful.
A Westcoast +2 with double coating of powder. FYI, if you use a glossy white powder, it is runny when baking and ultimately does not cover well. Look at my -1 Westcoast above. The powdercoater has agreed to repowder that swingarm again for free since that was only done a few years ago and should not have pealed so bad.
Well, once I started getting parts back in I realized that to acheive what I wanted to do, I would have to make some modifications to get it all to fit. The carb bowl is a 200% capacity bowl, but would not clear the kick starter gear so I had to modify the bowl to fit.
I also had to modify the frame to fit this monsterous carburator:
I then got the pipe in from Nick "NOS_350X"
I sent that out to be ceramic coated:
Next was the intake: I need to run an airbox when we ice race due to all of the snow and water flying around so I had to custom build a box. I built the box so it could be separated from the intake boot. That way, I can choose to run the box or just an aircleaner.
I also modified the case to fit a 16 tooth front sprocket.
Bryan Raffa
01-20-2013, 12:32 PM
Ha ha Ha seems like were all evolving at the same time...:twisted: Nice Buddy!!!!!:naughty: gonna have to keep the tracks small so you dont stretch it out!!! lol
should have said something I got one of them carbs .. all you had to do is change the needle.. Did you run it yesterday????????????????? we would have drove 4 hrs!!!!! lol
01-20-2013, 12:33 PM
Damn, every time I see this bike it's more amazing than the last. And every time I think nothing more can be done to it.
Keep up the great work Chris.
01-20-2013, 12:40 PM
I also had to swap out the HRC Mugen rear suspension for a Works shock because I could not get the larger intake tract to fit with the reservoir.
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I also had to make sure my large carb was getting enough fuel so I invested in a Pingle fuel valve. I also put a pulse port in the cylinder for a fuel pump if I need it. Right now it is capped off.
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Well, the motor was something I could not do myself as I just don't have the tools nor the knowledge to build this motor. I have been through the bottom end of my bikes many times over the past 25 years, but epoxy, case boring, decking, setting port timings are way out of my league. FTZ did a nice job on the motor, so we will see what it can do. Introducing the CP Industries 431 Puma motor.
I finally got it all in....barely.....and am looking forward to breaking it in. More pictures to follow....
Bryan Raffa
01-20-2013, 12:42 PM
you got a problem mr!!!!!!!! holyshit!
01-20-2013, 12:48 PM
Holy Moly!!
I have heard those things are killer...but they chomp through the 250R trannys pretty fast.
01-20-2013, 12:49 PM
That is one extreme R!Awesome!
Bryan Raffa
01-20-2013, 12:50 PM
he already has a updated stronger tranny... from his 330.......
01-20-2013, 01:04 PM
:eek: Seeing your R makes mine look like it came out of a dumpster :( , nice work man can't wait to see some vids of this monster digging trenches on the ice. quads beware!
01-20-2013, 01:27 PM
I am waiting for files to upload so you can see it all together. Thanks for the kudos! To avoid the tramsmission explosion as much as possible, EVERYTHING in it is new with brand new Yukon gears. I can't wait to get it on the ice.
Did you run it yesterday????????????????? we would have drove 4 hrs!!!!! lol
No, I didn't get it out yet. The ice was sketchy there. It is also 4 hours from me too as I am in Maryland. I will be going to our place in GWL next weekend, ice or nor ice.
01-20-2013, 01:32 PM
01-20-2013, 01:43 PM
01-20-2013, 01:44 PM
One question.Did the pipe mount not line up?Only reason I ask was looking at his pipes.Or was it made for a stock R?
Bryan Raffa
01-20-2013, 01:51 PM
I am waiting for files to upload so you can see it all together. Thanks for the kudos! To avoid the tramsmission explosion as much as possible, EVERYTHING in it is new with brand new Yukon gears. I can't wait to get it on the ice.
No, I didn't get it out yet. The ice was sketchy there. It is also 4 hours from me too as I am in Maryland. I will be going to our place in GWL next weekend, ice or nor ice.
let me know next weekend ....sub zero temps heading at us...
johnny's X
01-20-2013, 02:30 PM
Love how u kept this a secret. Even posting about my 370 and how you are just going to run the 250. Hahaha. Got me thinking since my motor is still in pieces that I need to step it up already. Doubt I will make this ice this year anyway. Nice build for sure chris.
01-20-2013, 04:00 PM
Awesome Build Chris. Your builds have been an inspiration to me since I started 250R ice racing.
Bryan, you better not make the track too small, we want to stretch these things out.
01-20-2013, 05:53 PM
Love how u kept this a secret. Even posting about my 370 and how you are just going to run the 250.
At the rate things were going, I didn't think it would be done this year. I rode it around my yard today and it sounded good so far. I hope to get ice this winter so I can enjoy it some. So far things look sporadic. I guess it will depend on how long this next cold wave lasts.
Awesome Build Chris. Your builds have been an inspiration to me since I started 250R ice racing.
Thanks Anthony. I'm looking forward to some good times ahead. Hopefully we can get out soon.
01-20-2013, 06:11 PM
That is an insane build for sure. Can wait to see some video of it and maybe get to see it at Icefest if there is ice. Great job!
01-20-2013, 06:24 PM
I second riverrat, your videos and blogs have pushed me in the short track direction. Watching you hang it all out in those sweeping corners couldn't motivate me anymore. Hope the weather gets super cold for you guys up that way.
01-20-2013, 07:13 PM
Helluva build brother!!
I would like to upgrade to a CPI big bore someday.
Looking forward to some vids of that Puma tearin' it up on the ice!
01-20-2013, 09:11 PM
DUDE! that is WICKED!
That will be one hell of a monster! Well friggin done!
Cant wait to see you again at ICEFEST, pray for ice boys and girls!
01-20-2013, 09:41 PM
Looking FAST!!!!!!!
01-20-2013, 10:08 PM
Thanks again guys!. Josh, we will continue to make #19 proud. Hope to have ICEFEST and see you there too. We should do a 450R / 430R shootout for all the 4 stroke / 2 stroke guys and gals.
I thought it would be slow to spool up with the big piston and big carb, but this is just tapping the throttle... I guess the guys are right in saying it spools up like a twin.
Jays......One question.Did the pipe mount not line up?Only reason I ask was looking at his pipes.Or was it made for a stock R?
The pipe is set up for a stinger and has 3 mounts because I also have a stinger for it so I can 86 the silencer. I have one mount attached and combined with the springs it is a rock. My challenge on this pipe is the cooling hose from the head. It is touching the pipe. I had the same problem with my old motor and the PT Hi Rev. I used heat tape to protect the hose. I also bought an LED Big Bore Pipe and will test both pipes on my freind's dyno. It will have to be this way until after ice racing season though. I will maximize the power in the spring.
mike from long island
01-21-2013, 03:50 PM
This is a great project you completed!! I think the biggest reason I like this bike the most.Its going to be used and not sit in the garage.Your gonna tear it up!! Great Job!!
01-22-2013, 08:25 AM
I hope to get some video this weekend. We should have ice somewhere nearby. The southern end of our lake may be ready if it stays this cold.
mike from long island
01-22-2013, 09:01 AM
Its below freezing here on Long Island.You guys are always colder for longer too!! I bet there will be soe nice ice..
01-22-2013, 11:45 AM
amazing build! Very nice! Love everything about it, I am looking at puma's for my next build lol. Really top notch work all the way around on your machine, and I like the airbox you made too. Just awesome all around! Also watch your leg on that pipe while your sliding around on the ice, these suckers are big lol i have scars on my right leg from my inframe nos350x pipe ;)
01-22-2013, 04:50 PM
Absolutely beautiful, one of the nicest R's i've ever seen. Great Job!
01-22-2013, 06:22 PM
Chris Could you share more details on the Air filter / intake tube ?
01-22-2013, 07:06 PM
wow that is a complete beast.... AWESOME! red is better than yellow too! :) what radiators are you using?
01-23-2013, 12:29 AM
The intake is a 2 1/2 inch tube to the carb which is just barely larger than the carb's intake diameter
. It turns at a 30 degree angle and opens up to a 4" intake at a 30 degree angle. I tried to fit a 5" filter, but then I could not run an air box and you will want a box in wet, snowy conditions. The air box fits under the frame instead of between the rails for more space for the air cleaner to breathe.
The radiators are PWR Oversize.
01-23-2013, 08:15 AM
The battle plastics and studs are on. A couple last minute items and I am ready to go. Lets hope the souh end of the lake is ready for some carving!!!!
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01-23-2013, 11:53 PM
01-24-2013, 11:29 AM
Chris not sure where your from but theres races at Sport Island Pub on Sacanda Lake this sunday. Trikes are welcome they have a class for them. Electric City Riders is putting it on.
01-24-2013, 06:27 PM
Too bad...I would love to do it. I live in Mayland now and to drive 7 hours for a one day race is tough. We will be near or on Greenwood Lake depending on which lake is frozen well. Thanks for the heads up. NYTRO may be interested though. How many threewheelers do you think would be there?
01-24-2013, 09:50 PM
Sacanda lake? or sacandaga lake?
01-25-2013, 12:31 PM
just keep looking at this thread, turned out awesome! One thing though, how is your coolant line touching the pipe? I didnt have clearance issues with my inframe, is it just because of the size of the top end? And I only have mine secured down on the front of the cradle with one mount, i dont have the mount attached at the spine/backbone. I do have the silencer attached at the back of the frame but the entire system is only attached in two spots on the bike if i recall correctly. Is that all you have on yours? Your pipe turned out amazing looking with the coating too!
01-25-2013, 01:18 PM
If you come to Raffa's Chris i will race you with my SX! Just dont start yours k?:lol:
01-25-2013, 01:59 PM
just keep looking at this thread, turned out awesome! One thing though, how is your coolant line touching the pipe? I didnt have clearance issues with my inframe, is it just because of the size of the top end? And I only have mine secured down on the front of the cradle with one mount, i dont have the mount attached at the spine/backbone. I do have the silencer attached at the back of the frame but the entire system is only attached in two spots on the bike if i recall correctly. Is that all you have on yours? Your pipe turned out amazing looking with the coating too!
Thanks Jason. The problem is the size of the intake. The Puma cylinder uses a CR500 intake. It's huge. The pipe is just 1/2 inch too close. It will lay on it, but i reinforced the hose and heat taped it. I had to do that before so it should be fine. I have my pipe mounted the same exact way you do. Another problem point for me is the shroud. The short track shrouds are larger and get close to the pipe. I bent the radiator bracket to get it away from the pipe, but i will have to keep an eye on it. I may get a set of DC shrouds and cut them so they are away from the pipe. I had the pipe ceramic coated to retain the heat in the pipe. It would look way cooler all chromed out, but I was going more for performance than pretty here. Either way the pipe had to be coated. Racing in ice and snow means lots of moisture and rust if you don't protect it.
If you come to Raffa's Chris i will race you with my SX! Just dont start yours k?
I hope to be there. I have an SX too. We can race those. :twisted:
01-25-2013, 10:10 PM
Insane build Chris! Can't wait to see this thing on the ICE! Just hope I can keep up!!;)
01-25-2013, 10:18 PM
yes dont let it ruin that stock ST shroud!! nice build!
01-26-2013, 05:25 AM
Ok - only if you let me put my plow on mine to...can act as an airfoil:naughty:
01-26-2013, 10:37 AM
2013 Plow Fest!!! I like it!
Bryan Raffa
01-26-2013, 03:18 PM
2013 plow fest!!! I like it!
no!!! Lol
01-26-2013, 03:22 PM
Hahahahaha!!! LMFAO. Just stay snow. That snow was rough.
01-26-2013, 08:19 PM
Meet my nemisis........
01-27-2013, 09:16 AM
Holy studs!! That looks like a hell of a man cave as well!! When shall you and your nemesis settle the score???? I wanna see that video. Heard the puma on that clip...... I keep playing it at work and turning the volume up for the quad guys at that would be a bad ass ringtone Chris!!
01-27-2013, 10:50 PM
I should have taken more pictures. He has a nice man cave!! The best one I know of. He's running a stroker banshee and with it fully lowered, it rips! Thanks for the compliments. I rode it this weekend. It pulls and pulls, but is a mo-fo to kick over.
Bryan Raffa
01-27-2013, 10:56 PM
so maybe a lemans start at ICEFEST then,,,,, LMAO!!!:lol:
01-27-2013, 11:10 PM
I am 'roiding up my right leg as we speak. Lol.
01-28-2013, 12:30 AM
yea Lemans start and 100 laps.
I think both me and Chris got more tired trying to start our trikes than riding them. My right toe is all messed up so I actually have to get on the trike backwards and kick with my left. I bruised the back of leg on the gas tank. I told Chris we should design a windup starter lol.
01-28-2013, 12:38 AM
enjoying the ice while we can.
02-12-2013, 09:56 PM
Love the way it turned out... I will be pimping out those pics soon lol
Hows that puma run??
02-13-2013, 08:24 AM
The motor revs quicker than I thought it would which is great. It just keeps revving when you top it out. It's funny, with 15/33 gears in 6th gear, it's asking for another gear. It's a big difference from the 330. Starting is tough, but I have been talking with a couple other Puma owners and I have a couple solutions to try.
I ran out of time to fine tune it as I kept running into new issues, so it has not been on the dyno yet. It will have to wait until the spring and be good enough for the next couple weeks. We plan to be racing this weekend, so we will see how it does against the modded quads. Last week there were a couple quick bikes, but I didn't get to race as I was breaking the motor in and still messing with carb issues. I now have the Lectron close and at the end of the day it ran well.
Your pipe seems to pull throughout the rpm range, but I will know more this weekend. Ice has been tough to come by this year, so I only have 2 days on the new set up. I will let you know more.
09-10-2015, 05:59 PM
NOS 86 gears that have been magnafluxed, heat treated, cryo frozen and given a 5 degree back cut. On the ice, it's topping out the gears it has now. I'm currently running 88 TRX Yukon gears with a 16/33 sprocket combo. It can pull more. The 5th and 6th on the 86 transmission are taller than the 88-89 so I should have more top end for those high speed drag races you stumble into from time to time.
For the times I run into guys like this on a Banshee who want to drag race "for sh&#s and giggles". I beat this guy pretty bad, but you never know! Please excuse the long warm up. It was cold that day and my bike was sitting for a while.
09-10-2015, 06:20 PM
Any updated pics of the bike?
09-10-2015, 08:01 PM
Not yet. It's coming apart now.
10-02-2015, 03:17 PM
How hp did it have when you took into the dyno??
11-06-2015, 06:58 PM
Never made it to the dyno yet. I've got 3 kids in sports so this thing sits until the ice comes each year. I need to do that and dial it in.
I got a new pipe from Arlen a couple weeks ago.... The chrome is a standard LED big bore pipe, the hand coned one is the new one.
Billy Golightly
11-06-2015, 10:48 PM
Arlan builds some sick how his stuff turns out
11-20-2015, 09:41 AM
I have 1 of his big bore pipes! Best pipe I've ever used hands down! LED rules
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