View Full Version : Lyme disease

07-26-2016, 09:25 PM
This post will be long winded and personal. Don't read it if you don't want to. Not interested in sympathy, looking to learn and teach. Thank you.

I contracted Lyme last summer, the summer of 2015. I had pulled into a beach on Cape Cod. I was on my Buell and it's a very common thing for me to be at a beach on Cape Cod on my Buell when it's nice out. For those who don't know, we have horse flies here at the beaches. Some people call them "Green Heads" for very obvious reasons. Horse flies are the worst, the absolute worst. They're smart and they are nature's arsehole. They will sneak up behind you and intentionally stay out of your line of site in order to avoid detection. Their bite hurts really frickin bad. I don't kill anything, not even animals in the road, no matter how small. I've swerved a 100,000 lb tractor trailer to avoid mice, moles, and snakes. Horse flies and mosquitoes I get a lot of enjoyment from smashing, they suck.

So I'm sitting on my bike when a very persistent horse fly was intent on biting the inside of my left leg just above my ankle between the bone and my Achilles tendon. Having the bike between my legs I wasn't able to smash the fly as I wanted to, only swat him away. Every time I shooed it away it would do a small loop and go right back to where it was on my leg. It was playing a game with me and I looked like an arse hat waving my arm around faster and faster between my legs. This went on for probably 10-15 of his little loops before I finally gave him a good push and thought he got it. I pulled out my phone and started replying to a text message. It gets really hot here, it was probably over 90, and my Buell is air cooled. It literally cooks the inside of your legs, they turn red from the heat. Yes I wear shorts and sneakers on my bike. Because my leg was already cooked and somewhat numbed from the heat, it took me quite a few seconds to realize that while I was texting the arsehole horse fly had returned and by the time I looked down he had his entire head buried in the flesh of my leg with his fat ass in the air. I flailed him away again and then started my bike and left that beach.

A couple weeks later I developed the "bulls eye" rash where the fly had bitten me. I was unaware to associate the rash I had with Lyme disease. Seems just about everyone else is aware of what to look for but I guess I missed the memo. I figured the rash was an infection that would go away and it was very uncomfortable and painful but it did eventually go away. Not long after that I got hit with death on a stick, it was nearly unbearable. At this point in my life I had survived war. Upon my return home I realized that I had PTSD at a life threatening level. I got home in 2004 from Iraq and it literally took me a decade to get my head screwed on straight. In 2015 I had a good job and the best outlook on life I'd had post-war and being single. I typically struggle when single. 2015 was going to be different and I was going to make sure of that. I'd quit smoking, I was going to the gym, I was even vegetarian and drinking green drinks daily. I was on track for really good things. Then all of a sudden I got really, really sick. As many know, I'm able to paint a fairly decent picture using written word, however I wouldn't pretend I have the ability to describe the throes I was in when Lyme hit me full tilt. I could feel it physically coursing through my veins and invading my mind, my very thoughts. For someone who has experience dealing with mental "issues", for lack of a better term, this was on a level far greater than anything that could be fought. It took me ten years to learn to control my own thoughts and actions and to learn to live with PTSD. I considered myself strong and held my head high with pride, especially knowing so many people whose only means to get through their day involves drugs. I refused to accept that fate and I had already won, I was on my way, when not six months into my brand new attitude and brand new me I get kicked in the balls by Lyme disease. My anxiety and depression always came in waves. I would get down, then defeat it or it would subside, then it would come back again, for a decade. I then decided I was going to give it the knock out blow and eliminate my "issues". Explaining how is a different thread entirely, but simply put, mind over matter. These things I dealt with were in MY head and there should be only one person controlling what's going on in my head, and that's me. This ties into how I feel about commercials and such. The mind is a far more powerful thing than most realize. It has both the power to make the body physically ill and heal. Remember that next time you see a drug commercial. If a commercial can make you sick enough to see a doctor and the end result is you need drugs then guess who profits from that? You will all laugh at this because that's the program, but why not a commercial to make you feel better? Seems silly doesn't it, but your mind has the ability to make your body sick or heal it, and every drug commercial you see is geared to make you sick. And this is why I'd rather not partake. Count how many drug commercials you see tonight.

So the effects of Lyme disease are brutal, most likely beyond my explanation, but I will attempt. Initially when it hit me full bore I was trying to fight it. I was trying to work as I normally would but I was tired beyond explanation from the time I woke up until the time I went to sleep. I had only been at my job (which is the best job I've had) for 6 months at that time. It's a small company and we're very tight-knit. The owner is actually a year younger than myself. The other two foremen I was friends with prior to ever being hired there. The three of them thought I was full of shite. They thought I was just being lazy. I don't blame them, I looked fine physically. I had no idea what was wrong with me. Then I started losing my equilibrium, depth perception, and I was getting migraines. Then I got a fever and what seemed like a flu. Not long after that I was bed-ridden. The doctors had no idea what was wrong with me and my aggravation, exacerbated by the effects of the Lyme, soon became vocal. It got into my head and it was playing out the worst things in my head that it could. It's really scary when you think about it, that something has the ability to somehow decipher what bothers you and then queue it up in your minds eye without your consent, or even worse, at it's own will with you powerless to stop it. It's as if the bacteria have erected a screen in your mind and begun playing all your worst memories to you with your eyes taped open. It also changes your perception of what you're viewing currently. A harmless joke or otherwise innocent situation can in fact be twisted in your head so you perceive it as something it is not, something much more sinister. Partly due to my boss and coworker's view of me as I was going through this (which you can't blame them for having) and also due to my lack of performance things came to a head at work and I spazzed out. I finally told my boss I had to get to the hospital, like right after that conversation. I had been multiple times already prior, but I was going back then and there to try and get an answer again. It was then my boss suggested Lyme disease and said something about the rash and instantly my thoughts went back the that d!ckhead horse fly. I knew it then and there. I got tested for Lyme and it was positive. One has to wonder at this point how long it would have taken the VA, if ever, to figure out I had Lyme disease. They prescribed me three weeks of antibiotics and told me to rest. The antibiotics took far longer than I would have imagined to finally have an effect, but once they did it was drastic. I started feeling like myself again, coming out of the "clouds" that surround you when you contract Lyme. They call it "the fog". To attempt to put it into perspective, if you could imagine going through your day wearing one of those big old iron diving helmets with the little glass window on the front, that's how your interaction goes with the outside world. It's as if you're losing the picture on your TV and need to adjust the antenna (you puke millennials can ask a well-adjusted adult to elaborate on that) People don't understand. I try to explain myself and the most common answer you get is "you look fine". Well thanks but I'm anything but fine. Trying to explain yourself or acting as if nothing is wrong are your two options, neither of which you have the mental capacity to upkeep. Both require more thought than you're capable of and it is absolutely exhausting. Solution; don't be around people. Not a very conducive answer to someone who expects lead a relatively healthy social life, especially if that person happens to be single. The problem is, not being around people turns you into what society views as an anti-social person. When you can't attend a friend or a family member's party and they don't understand why then people start having opinions of you. Forget about concerts and things of that nature. I got in a lot of disagreements and ended friendships because people just cannot understand, and that's not to say every single circumstance is my fault. I had also been eliminating people from my life that were detrimental before I got sick. You are the company you keep.

So 21 days of pills and you're all better. Handshake, thanks, goodbye, right? Yes, that's society's current answer to this affliction. The problem is, that solution is anything but. It doesn't work. In the fall of 2015 I was feeling much better, however I was concerned about whether or not I was going to be able to return to my gym routine I had established the previous winter as a huge part of my self improvement campaign. I wanted to gain weight and add muscle and prior to Lyme I had been slowly achieving that goal. I felt well enough to try and regain the ground I had lost, which was a huge mental mountain to climb. So much progress gone and so much ground to regain. I started going to the gym again over last winter and it took some time but I was coming back. I got to a point that I was really happy with my progress, then the weather broke and the gym routine gets shut down in favor of work going full-bore in the spring and also Trikefest preparation, which is two huge undertakings simultaneously. 4:30 a.m. starts with 12+ hour days at work being the norm and then whatever I can do for Trikefest after work hours and on weekends. I powered through it all with this year feeling as if it were more prep than any year previous, but I persevered and pushed through it all without so much as a stumble. When you've been helpless, when you've been tied down beyond your own control, you better believe you take full advantage when given your abilities back. Just before Trikefest I started getting a twitch with my left eye of which I paid little mind. I had no time for that and I didn't want to lend any credence to anything that may have been developing. In other words, I didn't want to make it any more real by paying attention to it. I believe it worked. My eye twitched quite a bit that week but I had no time for that. The week of Trikefest went well otherwise, although I did notice I was slightly more anti social than I would have preferred. I had no reason that I was aware for that at the time. I got home from Trikefest at 3:30 a.m. Monday and went back to work Tuesday. Almost as soon as I got back to Massachusetts my health started to decline. I thought I had a bug or coming back to all this pollen after having been away for nine days may have gotten to me. I worked Tuesday to Friday and immediately went to bed after work Friday and stayed there right through the 4th of July until the following Tuesday. I missed all the celebrations for the holiday and listened to the fireworks from my bed. My sister was up from Arkansas and I missed the big family party. I suspected Lyme then and was taking shots of turmeric. It was the only thing I knew I could combat the Lyme with. I don't know whether that worked or not but rather drastically I was out of bed and out and about again. Started getting out on my Buell and doing my Cape Cod beach routine, but here we go again. Some days are better than others but there is something wrong with me. I went to the VA last week and they did a bunch of tests, nothing. So they did more tests, nothing. I go for an ultrasound tomorrow. I know this is Lyme, they don't. The only test they can do for Lyme shows whether or not I was exposed at one time or another, to which we already know I have been. Even if they could prove this is Lyme right now, there isn't anything they can do to treat it aside from what they've already done. Obviously antibiotics are not the answer. My research and personal experience have shown this to be true. So now what?

My appetite is junk. I basically have to force feed. And I'm to gain weight how? I don't get hungry, I go straight to headache and lightheadedness and dizziness. My craps aren't right. Joint pain in my hips is heavy some days, enough I was almost walking funny yesterday. The bacteria is inside of my body and it can have an effect on a myriad of physical and mental functions of the human body, literally just about everything. This time it's not been bad enough that I can't work, however getting up in the morning has been difficult. Deep sleep is a thing of the past and I am not refreshed when I wake in the morning. I can't really sleep in anymore if I wanted to, and I am junk after the work day. When I get home my thoughts start to race and my head hurts. Work has been a little slower this month so I was able to see the doctor last week and I have an ultrasound tomorrow. I am a shadow of who I truly am in this condition however, and this is not how I will lead my life. I worked hard, very, very hard to get my head on straight after being ravaged by war and also a very unhealthy relationship where I was basically abused. I had gotten through all of that and in the process learned so much. I studied quantum physics and learned of the frequencies at which life in this realm operate and how to harness and focus energy, both mentally and physically. I was more tuned in than I had ever been in my entire life, and I was ready to take life by the balls finally and by myself this time. I was able to read the signs of the universe just as most can see highway signs and it was amazing what I was able to manifest. It is astonishing what the human mind is capable of, and I was just getting started. Laugh all you want, by all means, as I can assure you I will have the last laugh if I can get back to that point. I could feel the energy of our universe as if it were being beamed to an antenna on the top of my head, that's literally what it felt like. Then Lyme came. I have never felt old in my life and it shows. I'm always told I look far younger than my actual age and I always felt that way. That is, until the summer of 2015 when I got sick. I aged 10 years in that couple months I'd say, I can feel it. My antenna was coming back but now it's having issues again. When this happens it feels like I'm wearing a lead cap that's blocking the signal, I'm in the diver's helmet.

For whatever reason, there is far less help for this ailment than one might guess there to be. There is hardly any effective treatment and there are tons of dead-ends on the subject. Trust me, I know. If you'd like to read up on it feel free. Our government handles Lyme unlike any other disease out there. There is shite out there as far as solutions to this problem and many claim that is because Lyme was manufactured by our government and accidentally released into the populous. That's another thread entirely though, read up on that on your own if you'd like to. Really makes you glad you fought for this country.

For those of you with the "disease" of addiction, IE alcoholism and drug addiction, I say a very healthy go fawk yourself and stop taking drugs and drinking. Presto! You're cured! Try having something you cannot cure, then come tell me how easy it was to cure your case of the "Bud heavies".

So after a very lengthy explanation, if anyone is still reading this at this point, I need help. I don't need armchair racers with "ideas", I need the help and suggestions of those who have or who are dealing with this and may know something I don't. In turn I will gladly share any experience I gain from this. I will not live my life this way, one way or the other. I have worked my arse off to get myself healthy and I had made it. I was there, and now I get this. This is no way to live life and I will not do it. This must be fixed. I am considering the VA and traditional medicine almost a total loss. Unless someone really impresses me with something I've not been able to find I don't think modern medicine is the answer. The only two things I am curious about right now is bee sting therapy and some "doctor" with a laser that's claiming he can cure me. The laser guy sounds like a quack to me, but I'm desperate and I'm going to get over and see what he's got going on. All this time and those are my two leads. Why? Because there is nothing to learn because our government isn't concerned with this affliction for whatever reason. This can kill you and it kills every day, just like cancer, yet where is the treatment? Where is the outcry? Where is the information, the support? It's clearly obvious we're not meant to get better, that they aim to leave us this way. I will get better or I will die trying as this is no way to live. Please don't tell me "I look fine".

Thank you for reading and I don't see how but maybe this has helped someone. If anyone has any good answers for me I'd greatly appreciate it.

07-26-2016, 10:26 PM
I remember sensing this last year and emailing you. Wish I would have known more. I just messaged a Dr friend of mine. Runs his own practice,ZERO insurance.Army medical DR. His practice is for wellness and prevention,not treating what's already wrong. I was 100% ignorant of Lymes until a high school friend of mine got it. A logger,it was I believe left untreated,,,he got to the point his GF was carrying the saw into the woods for him,he is now a complete vegetable. Thank goodness,,,see what I did there,,,, yo u had the tenacity to find this,as you know,it is no damn joke. Keep your head up pal,for now, the va won't hurt you,,maybe just maybe,, they will find a little something to help you along until you find the real answer you're looking for.I will lyk, asap when I hear back if he has any recommendations. So tired of bad crap happening to good people.

07-26-2016, 10:43 PM
He's at the store getting groceries, said we'll talk tomorrow night. Sorry man. Hang in there.

07-26-2016, 11:16 PM
trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro John, I didn't know you were having a relapse. You were the first person I ever heard of getting Lyme, but since you told me my neighbor in Florida's mother got it and I just found out this weekend a fellow trike got it. As for help, my neighbor bought his mother a Himalayan salt lamp and it helped her out. I can't remember exactly what he said it gives out ions (+ or -, I can't exactly remember) that help to purify the air. Since it helped her, he ended up buying her a whole salt room. He is wealthy and cares for his mother more than anyone in the world. I haven't talked to him in a while, I'll call him soon and see if the room arrived yet and if it helped her. Best wishes John, I hope you can find some help buddy.

07-27-2016, 12:20 AM
Hey bro, first thing about lyme is to convince yourself that you're stronger than the disease and be tough as nails because it sucks and not many people actually understand or believe what you're going through. Second, get a LLMD (lyme-literate doctor) that will test for co-infections and offer appropriate therapy. You live in a huge Lyme cluster, so a good LLMD shouldn't be too hard to find…but do your research and talk to people first. Third, DON'T GO ON THE INTERNET!!! You will be mislead and find hundreds of quacks out there touting everything from shaman rituals to electrocuting yourself with copper coils. Sad thing is, the majority of these types have chronic lyme and will try anything to find relief. Fourth, talk to your LLMD to understand YOUR illness. You unfortunately have secondary or tertiary lyme; which has surpassed the easily curable phase. You also have chronic lyme, which about 35% of lyme sufferers get (the rest are permanently symptom-free after the 3 wks of doxycycline). The cray thing about lyme is that it affects everyone differently…but once it is in the neurological phase the disease can alter your mood severely. Your disease progression is different than most (usually starts with cold-flu symptoms) and it's odd that a fly bite caused it. Maybe it's mutating? I know your political views, so if you want to get angry read about Plum Island and Dr. Eric Traub. If they ever link lyme to a government trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro-up (which I believe) I'll be the first in line to sue.

Seriously LMK if you need any advice or support. I've had it 4 times and have a flare-up about every year.

Hang in there bro.

07-27-2016, 08:30 AM
Sounds like camino's got the experience. Here is what my friend had to say,,,good luck Fab,stay strong.

Many Lyme's patients need to be retreated with Doxycycline...should be 6 weeks though.

I use IV Vit C and it helps. A test to show chronic disease is the CD57 test done by Lab Corp. see www ILADS.org for alot of info.

Olive leaf extract, oral vitamin C, probiotics, better diet, cats claw

07-27-2016, 09:15 AM
Stay strong brother! This is terrible news and I do not like reading about your situation. Knowing you though, I feel strongly you will conquer and over come - that is just plain and simple Fabio. I do not have any advice to give you as I know nothing about this horrible disease. I can mention one "cure all" of sorts though. If you are interested or get a free moment and have the slightest curiousity of what I am talking about, look into the Dr Max Gerson / the Gerson Institute. If you have any questions about it, I have done much research into it. Not sure how this may or may not help you, but at this point it is all I can offer you. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. — Hippocrates


07-27-2016, 10:07 AM
quacks out there touting everything from shaman rituals

quit quacking if u have no idea what u are talking about please.

07-27-2016, 10:16 AM
Remember that next time you see a drug commercial. If a commercial can make you sick enough to see a doctor and the end result is you need drugs then guess who profits from that? You will all laugh at this because that's the program, but why not a commercial to make you feel better? Seems silly doesn't it, but your mind has the ability to make your body sick or heal it, but every drug commercial you see is geared to make you sick. And this is why I'd rather not partake.

then my boss suggested Lyme disease and said something about the rash and instantly my thoughts went back the that d!ckhead horse fly. I knew it then and there.
Contracting lyme disease from a fly is extremely rare. The CDC reports that there are no credible studies the support flys as being a vessel for transmission.

Those that have been bitten by a fly then contracted lyme disease will beg to differ.

Some lyme disease patients end up with Myalgic Encephalopathy/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Your symptoms sound a lot like what happens to these people.

I really like glamy's Ayahuasca suggestion. It falls right in line with the power of energy and thought in the healing process. Just be sure to find a real shaman, not a charlaton.

My cousin came home with extreme PTSD as well. He also discovered quantum mechanics and started living his life in acceptance of the frequencies and energy that surround us all. He also began to climb the mountain of happiness. He also later realized that no matter how many positive things you think about, do, project, discover, or what frequencies you are transmitting or receiving, that "shlt happens".

I admire your introspection, and your tenacity towards battling whatever it is that is ailing you. There's already a lot of care and concern for your health and well being evident here in this thread, just wanna raise my hand and say I also care, and am concerned. I'd say best of luck to you, or best wishes, but, we both know luck and wishing isn't going to get the job done. You havbe the right attitude, and a good support group. You'll get to the bottom of this and get back to feeling like yourself. There's no other option.

07-27-2016, 10:37 AM
Fabio, I don't have the answers, but I can tell you I have been down your road and it sucks.
You mentioned tumeric. It's great for soothing but not a cure. Look into activated charcoal too.
I'm 2 years in. I saw a lyme specialist in Pennsylvania. I can give you his contact info if you like.
I do not have lyme, so my search continues. But that doc was a great help.
After the meds the charcoal will clear out dead bacteria, which is what can cause you to feel even worse.

Avoid stress! Whatever causes it. ..Internet bs..whatever. write it off!

07-27-2016, 05:16 PM
To Dohc's post. My Sister was stung by a bee in 78.Long story,,,,,,,her life :(((((,,,,short. Today she spends her days,every single solitary day. Concentrating on breathing and swallowing,on great days.Walking across her living room. She has been dx'd with Chronic fatigue Syndrome, Fiber Myalgia,mental illness,,,,yeah right ! ALL in her head :). My Sister would have been a female Trump,,with only slightly less outspoken,,,,,had that bee not stung her.She was a looker of a blonde and worked hand in hand side by side with us men till the job was done, Building a barn,making 1600 bales of hay a day. Fast forward today. She has falsely tested negative 4 times for Myastenia Gravis. It IS what she has ,, there is only one drug that turns this disease around,and when she takes it, She feels like superwoman,,,,her words. Translated,,,she can sort of breathe,sort of walk,,and actually eat without the concentration of fighting for her life to swallow.Some of the testing for MG,are needles around the eyes. She has endured it 4 times,from Washington DC to Rochester NY and 2 in PA. The "treatment" is a transfusion line into the artery going into your heart via the neck,and exhaust out the arm. Gruesome by any means. 5 days straight. It takes around 1 1/2 gallons of dark urine like crap,,Poison,,,out of her blood,,,plasma,,And replaces it with a drug. She is exhausted for days after the last day. Then starts to feel pretty good, then her body produces the poison and it's right back. SOME, ,, 1 treatment and they are cured, others, need it for life. The treatment greatly increases cancer risk.She has decided,,,the risks and results aren't worth it,plus she hates to travel anywhere. So she has forgone treatment for now.Basically,,,,,she is a mystery,,, over 30 years and counting ;(..Hopefully this has nothing to do with you Fab,but may help someone else. According to my friend it sounds like you may need a 6 week round of antibiotics. This aint his first rodeo lol. Fingers crossed,,,,and a Prayer,,,I aint gonna lie to ya ;),,,, this all sorts itself out sooner than later.

07-27-2016, 05:43 PM
Threewheelerworld.com! Now offering medical advice! Lol!

Seriously though, it would seem insane to most people to know that my three wheeler forum is where I go to discuss issues such as these, however those people are unaware of what real trikers are. It's been said ad nauseam what we all are, and that is a group of very special people. I believe this with every fiber of my being, and I thank you all for your replies and concern. You all are fantastic people. Thank you so much.

Glamy- I'd be very curious about that. I know a lot of people may have snickered but in all seriousness I'd be curious to hear what you know about that. Medical advice from Glamy! :Bounce

Bill 007- As I was typing out this post I knew you would be one of the first to reply and I knew you might have an idea. I apologize I didn't reply to your PM last month and thought about that as I was posting last night. Thank you for writing last month and thank you very much for your suggestion and reaching out to your friend for me. It really means a lot!

Joe 86T3- I wasn't aware I was relapsing either. I denied it as long as I could. I was supposed to be cleared of this, it wasn't supposed to be a concern of mine anymore, but here I am. A ton of people have been getting affected by Lyme lately, it's really getting around. I'd be curious to hear about that salt lamp. I'm going to look into that myself. Thank you my brother!

Camino- You are right. Being strong enough to combat this disease is huge. It seems ironic to me that I finally decided one day that I had the power to defeat my depression and anxiety, which I did, only to find out shortly thereafter there was something much stronger out there poised to take a swipe at me. When it hit me the hardest, when I was bedridden the first time, it made all my past confrontations with PTSD feel like child's play. It felt like my brain was boiling and expanding inside my scull, or as if I were possessed, as if there were something else in there. Turns out there was. As far as staying off the internet, I get what you're saying but I need knowledge to fight this. The information available on the internet as far as Lyme goes seems very limited to me, however I must know as much as I can and the internet is a great tool in that sense. I am not opposed to modern medicine, however they have failed me greatly in this instance and a holistic approach may be my best bet in my opinion (more on that later). My problems did involve a lot of flu-like symptoms, yes. It was like the worst flu you've ever had times ten. I've been told the fly bite thing is crazy myself, but I know what I know and make no mistake, I was bitten by a horse fly. I'm aware of Plum Island but not Dr Eric Traub, but you better believe I will google that name now. I thank you for your post and your concern.

atctim- My brother, so good to hear from you and excellent advice. Words of my very own if I think back to when my mind and health were better. If I could only remember how many times I gave that exact advice! I am well aware of Dr Max Gerson and his technique, although I had almost forgotten somehow. That is such a great point to make, and for that I truly thank you!

DOHC- Damon thank you for posting. I am aware how rare it is to have contracted Lyme from a fly. Last time I checked, which was last year when I got bitten, there were zero documented cases of people having contracted Lyme from a horse fly. I was amazed to find this out, but I stand here today with all the proof I need personally. I guess the rest of the planet will just have to take my word for it. With the production that went into this fly's approach and subsequent achievement of its intended goal, it made it very easy for me to remember. That and the chunk of meat it managed to extract from my leg and resulting welt it left. There was no question at all who caused that and when it happened. Very flattering words from you my friend, and I'm proud to call you that. We will hook up sooner than later and I will be in good health. Stay tuned in. ;)

Mrs. Mosh- Thank you so much for your words. It is very wise to avoid BS, I agree. That's something I learned as well. Don't worry, be happy. Things used to get me so revved up, even small things I would obsess over all day. Being a Boston truck driver with thin skin is not a good combination. The ability to let it go, let it gooo!!! is absolutely paramount in one's well being. This is why I spend so much time in the summer on my Buell and at the beach. That is my escape.

That all being said, and again thank you all for such great words and suggestions, so much more than I had expected, I have an update already. Today I took off work (which I really cannot afford to be doing right now) and began my morning with a ride to the West Roxbury, Boston, VA where they took an ultrasound. In typical VA fashion, it yielded zero results and no answers. In their defense, it was the ultrasound tech who said he didn't see anything wrong, not a doctor. Even still, I'm not expecting much more of them. They made me an appointment for gastroenterology halfway through next month. I'm no doctor, but I feel as though they're looking more at the symptoms than the cause. It wouldn't surprise me if the next time I talk to the doctor they suggest I go on liver meds and some sort of anti-diarrheal or something.

Now before I get to my next paragraph I would like to say the following; traditional, modern medicine thus far has failed me with this ailment. On my end, I wish I had gone to the hospital sooner when I had initially gotten sick. On their end, I wish they had the foresight, experience, and training to have tested for Lyme much sooner than they did. Had they caught it early enough their antibiotics may have been effective enough to have cleared me of this right off the bat and this thread would have never existed. The reason I'm saying this is because I want it to be known that modern medicine is being given its chance and because it is failing I am exploring other avenues.

Upon leaving the VA I headed south at high speeds on my Buell to make it in time for an opening at the laser quack guy's office. That may be the last time I refer to him as such. After all the time I spent in the past making suggestions to others as far as drugs, modern medicine, the Gerson technique, healthy living, and alternative thinking, it is time to quite literally put my money where my mouth is. I will be paying for this out of pocket and have found very little answers about the science behind the treatment this doctor offers. The reviews of this kind of treatment I have found vary greatly. Many call it quackery and many swear by it, so it could go either way. It's important that it be known this man is not a medical doctor nor does he claim to be. He is a naturlistic (or something) doctor, a doctor of homeopathy. He did mention quantum physics (not knowing that I'm aware of what that is) and his explanation to me did make sense on some levels to that regard. If you're familiar with how the quantum universe works then you might understand how light energy can penetrate solid objects, including but not limited to, human flesh. What the laser part of the treatment amounts to is what looks like your regular hand held laser pointer, albeit from a much more sophisticated machine which is focused on problematic areas of the body. He did ask my symptoms and what areas bothered me the most, however he also said regardless of what I tell him he will be able to tell the problem areas via his own testing. His testing to locate the problematic areas is not what most would consider viable at all. A non-believer would quickly dismiss his search methods I'm sure. It involves light pressure on the areas to be considered and then a muscle test with him gauging resistance against my arm pushing against his. Not something I would call conventional by any means, but the conventional approach has failed me miserably so I'm OK with that. I asked him how many people he had treated with Lyme and his answer was far more than he could count. I asked him how many came back or were not satisfied with his treatment and he looked at me squarely and said "none". Obviously he stands to gain financially by having me as his patient, so there must be consideration in that as well. I am essentially a customer and in order to sell his product he must believe in it. The laser emits different frequencies as he does the muscle tests and he is able to determine what frequencies my body needs to heal supposedly. Once he finds those frequencies he then focuses the laser on the troubled areas and it does, something I guess. He also did some kind of electronic "acupuncture". He kept mentioning the acupuncture and I was looking forward to being jabbed with the needles somewhat, it's something I've always been curious about. I was surprised to find out the kind of acupuncture he does is completely electronic and doesn't involve being poked with needles whatsoever, just a little device that makes a funny noise and he holds it against your skin for a few seconds. On top of that, he sold me two herbal tonic type things to take as directed. One is for my nerves which he says are shot and the other is for parasites that he believes are in my stomach. I don't doubt either of those things. I already knew my nerves were war-torn and I suspected a parasite may be involved with my digestive tract somehow, so I was glad he suggested those two tonics. He also gave me some homeopathic water to take as directed as well.

I'd venture to guess more than one reader has rolled their eyes at some point in this particular post. I'd imagine this all sounds like hocus-pocus to many, if not most, however this is what I've believed in for quite some time but I've yet to put into practice. I can assure anyone following this that my ailment is very real and this method of healing is being put to the test here, real world, no bullshite. I am keeping my mind open. I must believe in this in order for it to work, and that's not something he's told me, that's something I already know. Whether it be the placebo effect, the effect of the laser, or the effect of the snake oils, who knows? All I care is whether or not it works.

I asked the doctor why, if this treatment is as successful as he claims, if he is so confident, why is this not a more accepted and mainstream approach to healing? His answer was "because there is no money in healing for the drug companies". If anyone knows me and my beliefs, you know that I subscribe to this theory wholeheartedly. Our modern medical system is not in the business of healing, they are in the business of treating. Drug companies and (I would venture to guess) hospitals work FOR PROFIT, and healing people would be terribly detrimental to business. I'm not aware of any companies out there that work to put themselves out of business. We are all number$ to them which is why they advertise their wares so frequently, to sell you their products. Anything outside of the quotation marks are not the words of my caregiver, they are my beliefs, and they are being proven true to me.

The results of day one are as follows; I can honestly say that after one day of treatment, after spending an hour and a half with this guy and his laser pointer, after taking the herbal supplements upon my arrival home (which are far and away THE WORST tasting things I have ever put down my gullet), that I feel better. I don't know what else to say. Supposedly I'll have to see him a total of about 20 times give or take, and at that point I'll supposedly be a satisfied and healthy young man again. The doctor is very confident in his system and I want to be very confident as well, but I also want to be just slightly skeptical. I want to believe in it and I already do to an extent, I mean I feel better, but I want to understand and I want to be back to my old self. He has already sent me in that direction. On my post-work Buell ride yesterday I was doing a lot of thinking. I was thinking about what am I to do next? My health is failing. My stationary home, my wheeled home, my Mustang, my trikes, my cat, my Buell... All of these things depend on me and my ability to earn an income, and that I cannot do if I am not healthy. I tend to look far ahead, way down the road in any circumstance I'm faced with. I pictured having to sell everything I own and rotting to death for the rest of my life. I thought I could get rid of just about everything except my cat and my Buell and either just start riding south, to Mexico or beyond, and just shriveling up like a raisin on a beach somewhere. Also my dad lives in Hawaii. I could do the same there. These were my honest to goodness thoughts before I started this thread yesterday, there was little to no hope at this time 24 hours ago. I can say now that I honestly feel better somewhat, and that's just an honest statement.

If anyone reading this is concerned with my choice of hocus-pocus over traditional medicine I would like to point out now, modern medicine is still in this race, I am still going to the VA. Thus far I have hours of time vested in the VA in regards to this illness and the results are less than impressive. I went to my ultrasound today and will be at my gastrointestinal appointment next month, however I venture to guess while the VA is still chasing their tail I'll be well on my way to recovery thanks to quantum mechanics and this homeopathic professional.

So the score at this time is modern medicine- 0

Homeopathy- 1

07-27-2016, 06:46 PM
And I just ate dinner because I was hungry and I enjoyed it...

07-27-2016, 08:48 PM
I have every confidence that you will recover, as you don't strike me as the type of guy to just give up, and you have such a zest for life. I must say that I thought you may have some kind of brain fog going on when you liked a few of MY posts. That's just not right. Get well. SOON!

07-27-2016, 08:59 PM
I posted this in your "origins" thread;
I don't know if you watched it but it is about ayahuasca(DMT).

No eye rolling here, I've heard of everything you've mentioned. I'm a 2nd year beekeeper and heard many times of apitherapy( bee sting therapy). From my limited knowledge it's helpfull with the stiffness and soreness. It's also popular among people with chronic arthritis. If you're intrested in it I could help you find a beekeeper local to you. A jar of honeybees would be way cheaper than a bottle of pills.

07-27-2016, 10:59 PM
Stay strong brother! This is terrible news and I do not like reading about your situation. Knowing you though, I feel strongly you will conquer and over come - that is just plain and simple Fabio. I do not have any advice to give you as I know nothing about this horrible disease. I can mention one "cure all" of sorts though. If you are interested or get a free moment and have the slightest curiousity of what I am talking about, look into the Dr Max Gerson / the Gerson Institute. If you have any questions about it, I have done much research into it. Not sure how this may or may not help you, but at this point it is all I can offer you. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. — Hippocrates


If any of you are wondering about this, check out the documentary "The Beautiful Truth". I have posted about this multiple times before, most likely in my vegetarian thread in the past. I used to live a much healthier lifestyle until just before I was initially diagnosed with Lyme. Once I got really sick I could no longer concern myself, nor have the discipline or concentration to adhere to that kind of lifestyle. It is very challenging to upkeep given my line of work and also given the fact that my diet pretty much consists of cheese and cheese. [emoji52] The more I think about it, the more I'm thinking I should get back into a completely different diet. I'm actually supposed to be in order for my treatment to have its full effectiveness so I think I may have to just bear down and start eating better than right and doing green drinks again.


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07-28-2016, 01:17 AM
Go down to the Amazon and seek out a Shaman and have him administer Ayahuasca ......it`ll give you a new perspective on life .

A man named Gerry Miller has been a guide in the Amazon since the 80s. He lives in East Haddam, CT. He is quite the character, but legit


07-28-2016, 02:53 AM
Don't know if an article all the way over on the other ocean shore will be helpful but here's one from my old neck of the woods:


07-29-2016, 06:53 AM
There is a video thats narrated by T. Mckenna thats 20 mins. long and is a good start (entertaining) for basic information on the subject .... DMT - The inner path to other worlds . I have been aware of this since i was 14 yrs old ....now i`m old ....and i still use what it has taught me every day of my life ..... anything is possible in this world keep your mind open.......and i`m not afraid to die . Eye`s roll about Mary-Jane can you imagine how hard they LOL at me now ? This is glamy seriously .....not very often .......

+1....... being consciously in touch with your subconscious changes everything. i generally call it spirituality without religion... its sounds so cliche when u hear the mind is the most powerful thing in the universe, until you learn how to harness it. there is tons of literature, documentaries, and communities out here in the internets to start learning on the subject. i really hope things turn around for you. good luck on your journey.

Mickey Dunlap
07-29-2016, 09:55 AM
I'm sure I'm the last person you want to hear from, but I still have the love in my heart to bring you the only truth that can heal you. If you can just take 20min. and open your heart, here is your answer. https://www.intouch.org/listen/featured/when-we-cry-out-to-god

07-29-2016, 10:01 AM
Thank you for your love and consideration Mickey.

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Mickey Dunlap
07-29-2016, 10:19 AM
Thank you for your love and consideration Mickey.

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You are welcome, I hope you take the 20min. to change your life, I really do!

07-29-2016, 10:58 AM
Pulling + praying for you as well from S.W. Michigan.
Really wish I could camp with you more then 1 quick week in June.

07-29-2016, 06:15 PM
I wish I had the knowledge to help. At least I can say a prayer, hang in there

07-29-2016, 06:30 PM
Yesterday I felt like a million bucks, so much so that it scared me. This is the most I can type right now, my aim was to reply to each post individually but I literally feel as though I might die right now. This is excruciating. I don't have the wherewithal at the moment to elaborate but a quick look at the following link is most likely, fingers crossed, what is happening to me right now.


I'm writing this from my bed nauseous and aching and death feels like a very viable alternative right now. I went straight to bed at 3:30 this afternoon. This morning I was just telling the Mexinadian how wonderful I felt. Dr thinks I may also be coming down with a flu simultaneously so this could be a kick in the nuts accompanied but a knee to the face. You all know I have more to elaborate on but I don't have the strength. Thursday was almost surreal how well I felt. Wish me luck brothers and sisters.

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07-29-2016, 07:59 PM
Sounds as if you may have bee afflicted by a female deer tick at some point and may not have noticed as they are so small..I too live in the new england area and those pesky ticks are everywhere. I work in the turf industry on the north shore and quite a few guys in my dept have lyme but they all have had different experiences with it. I have been bit by the female deer tick but never developed the bulls eye ring. I take every step to avoid being bitten today as I've seen the results, but sometimes it's unavoidable because we all live our lives out side....Sorry to hear your feeling so bad, I wish there was something I could do for you, ...What I can do is ask the fellas at work what they are doing to combat this illness, maybe they'll have some suggestions. I do know that one of them sees a specialist in CT who deals with similar symtoms, I'll find out tomorrow and get back to you......Hang in there buddy...Sincerely Dave Clark

07-29-2016, 10:02 PM
Hang in there pal. You aren't the first one camexicans had this effect on :)....Kidding obviously .

07-29-2016, 10:08 PM
I've never experienced it, but I've read about a lot of people "herxing" and it sounds awful.

My amateur advice would be drink tons of water to help your body pass the dead spirochetes, NSAIDS, detox tea or elixir, and long HOT epsom salt baths. I've read of people that sit in a 102+ degree hot tub for an hour a day and have reported some improvement.

Have you looked into a LLMD yet?

07-29-2016, 11:12 PM
Sure tough to hear of this Fabio. You have a great community behind you hoping for your full and quick recovery. It is not like you to consider death as a viable option, although I can relate. I have had dozens (if not hundreds) of tests over the last decade, and the only conclusion reached is that they all cost me money. I have days when I can't even walk, and often can't sleep for several days in a row. If I had a clue that I was going survive well into my fifties, I would have taken much better care of myself. Keep your chin up, keep us informed, and please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

07-29-2016, 11:58 PM
Thoughts are with you, energy is coming your way. Check in when you can John.

07-29-2016, 11:59 PM
I've read of people that sit in a 102+ degree hot tub for an hour a day and have reported some improvement.

Sweat it out has helped a friend of mine. His doctor recommended a sauna and it helps him at times

07-30-2016, 10:30 AM
Sounds as if you may have bee afflicted by a female deer tick at some point and may not have noticed as they are so small..I too live in the new england area and those pesky ticks are everywhere.

Thanks very much for posting Dave! I was in fact bitten by a horse fly and there is no question on that. It didn't just leave a welt, it actually took a chunk of my flesh with it. After it bit me I was sitting by the edge of the water and I was amazed at how much me the fly had taken with it, fat bastage.

Pulling + praying for you as well from S.W. Michigan.
Really wish I could camp with you more then 1 quick week in June.

I can assure you the feeling is mutual my friend! I thank you graciously for your thoughts and prayers!

Have you looked into a LLMD yet?

I have not. I'm not sure if you missed my post after having seen the holistic doctor, post #13, but modern medicine is powerless to treat Lyme and therefor is no good to me. I will not live my life with this affliction nor will I become a full-time patient or livestock off of which the medical community can profit. I enjoy all that I have acquired over the years and my happiness and freedom are paramount. I would sooner die than trade that to become their lab rat. Don't get me wrong, the suggestion is greatly appreciated. A girl I've been hanging out with was suggesting the very same thing to me Wednesday evening after I had seen the holistic doctor earlier that day. She was sending me link after link of what Mass General Hospital in Boston can do for Lyme patients. For those who aren't aware, Mass General (MGH) is on the cutting edge of just about all kinds of ailments. People come from all around the world to go to MGH. Upon review of the links I was sent my first thoughts we utter disappointment. Their "breakthrough" they were touting was some sort of new procedure that is focused on the arthritis that is associated with Lyme. Before I say anything more, I must say that there are people out there with arthritis so bad from Lyme that they can't move physically, they can't walk or anything, so in certain instances this is a big deal. It's great that they may have had some sort of breakthrough, however what about the myriad of other problems Lyme causes? I won't start listing them all, but they literally encompass the entire body. What about my appetite, equilibrium, headaches, and on, and on, and on... Honestly I'm just not impressed. I WANT THIS GONE, ALL OF IT. I want these bacteria eradicated from my body and I don't want the associated infections that Lyme brings with it. MGH has no answer to that, not even close, and they are the pinnacle of modern medicine, however the person I am seeing has claimed, and I have every reason to believe him thus far, that he can rid me of this. I won't have to leave my home and all I call dear, I won't have to rot in a hospital bed forced to watch the man's cable TV propaganda all day, and I won't have to surrender everything I own so I can afford to make these wealthy people more wealthy. In the end I'd most likely be "thankful" that everything I own is now theirs and "at least I'm still alive". That doesn't sound like living to me personally. Plus I already know they cannot do what this man can. The choice is clear to me. My route is cheaper, far more effective, and it will be done with minimal time lost at work. Watch me go! ;) But seriously, thank you again Camino. All suggestions are greatly appreciated but the modern medical community has nothing for me.

I have had dozens (if not hundreds) of tests over the last decade, and the only conclusion reached is that they all cost me money. I have days when I can't even walk, and often can't sleep for several days in a row.

If I might make a suggestion, you may want to consult a holistic doctor. I'm just a man, I don't know everything, but I am amazed at what this guy has done to me. I've been to doctors before in my 36 years obviously, however I've never left a doctor before saying that I was "amazed". If anyone I know would like to see the guy I'm seeing they are welcome to. I even have a guest house.

Which brings us to now... As I posted, yesterday afternoon into last night was hell on earth. Simply put, most people will go their entire lives without ever feeling that bad ideally. One thing that I must elaborate on that has a very strong effect on me and that makes me very angry is the lack of understanding of other people when someone is sick. I have said until I'm blue in the face, I have Lyme disease. I fell face-first into my bed yesterday afternoon as I said, still in work clothes with boots on and everything. I awoke a spell later to try and find the energy to remove my boots and clothes and get into the shower. I had explained to those close to me that I was extremely, extremely ill tonight and I would not be around. From experience I locked my door as persistent and caring friends don't seem to understand at certain times you must combat these things on your own. My phone absolutely would not stop. A friend called me and I ignored it. I didn't have the energy to speak on the phone. I texted him back explaining to him that I was extremely ill and I'd catch up with him another day. He immediately called again, the frig dude! I wanted to tell him to frig off something fierce, but I just didn't have the energy. Two minutes later he pulls in the driveway. This is why I locked the door. I very clearly told him I was bedridden. Have some respect! His intentions were the best I suppose. Not ten minutes later I get a text from a friend having a fire in his back yard. He's aware I'm sick in bed. First picture he sent I said to myself jeez that would be fun, wish I could join him. Then I thought I wish he wouldn't have sent me that. I nicely wrote something back and appreciated his good intentions. Then he sends two more pictures and tells me I should come by. The other arse-clown isn't even out of my driveway yet. All I want to do is lay here and get through this and these fawking people are acting as if I can just waltz out of bed. Do they think I'm making this up? Do people think I am acting as if I'm dying over here? Why on earth? This is not fun for me. Untreated this will kill you, this is a huge fricken deal! This is another bad part of Lyme disease, people just don't understand. If I had cancer, if I had a heart attack, if I had Hanta virus, would it be different? If so, why? A third friend was texting me last night. I explained to him that I was extremely sick and I sent him the link to tell him that I was "herxing". He continues to text me back over and over again, he was concerned, I get it, but I was asleep. He's worried, am I OK... Then his last text said he "hopes I'm knee-deep in va-jay-jay because he doesn't understand otherwise why I wouldn't be answering his texts". Could it be I'm not answering because I have Lyme disease, of which he's well aware, and that I'm extremely sick right now, just as I told him, and that I'm herxing, of which I also told him?! Come the frick on people! So please, if someone you know has this, please treat them as such. OK, maybe I don't look that sick, but I can assure you I am very, very ill right now.

Last night was torturous. I was writhing most of the night and doing my best to sleep through it. I would awake periodically drenched in sweat. My sheets and my clothes were soaked. As awful as it was, it's a great feeling knowing that all of what I was going through was in the name of progress. That was Lyme kicking and screaming as it is dying. I am still in bed now, I woke up about two hours ago feeling pretty good. Not nearly what I was Thursday, but I am on my way. My glands in my throat were swollen yesterday, as they get when you're getting sick. They didn't feel quite so bad upon my awaking this morning. I got into the shower and clearly I needed to hock a loogy. There was a lot in my throat, I really had to hock deeply I guess you would say, it was making me gag a bit. When I fired the loogy onto the floor of the shower I was amazed at what I saw. It was of a color and texture that of which I've never seen come out of my body in my entire life. Mind you, I'm a 20 year smoker. When the Lyme came back swinging hard after Trikefest, I didn't have a choice but to stop smoking. I say stop, but what I mean is "stop". I will still smoke 2-4 cigarettes after work and have a couple on the weekends. I have quit smoking before and I have hocked up some nasty shite. Whatever I hocked up this morning was unlike anything I've ever seen. Then I fired off a snot rocket. Once again, this disgusting thing came from my nose with a similar color and consistency of the thing I had just hocked up. No idea what that was all about and I don't aim to gross everyone out, this is for the sake of accuracy. I am confident I will be cured of this incurable disease and I want this all to be on record, to be known. People's lives are ruined every day from this affliction and your doctor will tell you there isn't a whole lot you can do about it. I want to come out on top here and have a solution for something that there isn't supposed to be a solution for. So far so good.

Again thank you all and we shall see where this road leads.

07-30-2016, 05:28 PM
My phone absolutely would not stop. A friend called me and I ignored it. I didn't have the energy to speak on the phone. I texted him back explaining to him that I was extremely ill and I'd catch up with him another day. He immediately called again, the frig dude! I wanted to tell him to frig off something fierce, but I just didn't have the energy. Two minutes later he pulls in the driveway. This is why I locked the door. I very clearly told him I was bedridden. Have some respect! His intentions were the best I suppose.

My buddy came by again this morning and I must say the entire reason he was coming by last night was the tremendous amount of respect he does have. Lyme is obviously very tough on a person both mentally and physically and I mistook his huge level of concern for me as him being a pest. I hadn't told him what was going on yesterday, I had informed a lot of other people, but I hadn't told him yet he knew somehow. That's why he was as insistent as he was on coming by and checking on me. Shame on me for getting upset with someone for showing so much concern for me. He's a true friend and I'm lucky to have so many of those.

Today has gone really well. As I said I awoke in pretty good shape. It's hot as blazes and sunny as frig outside and the season is really short here in the Commonwealth. It takes a lot to keep me inside all day on a day like this. Rest is probably the best thing for me right now, but I was hungry and able to eat this morning (as a matter of fact I'm starving right now) and letting a day like this go to waste is far too sad of a proposition for me to accept, especially after the hell I endured last night. My buddy came by with his bike and I broke out the Buell to just go "up the street a ways". Well four or five hours later or whatever it's been and I'm home again. Kind of crazy to think I'm up and around after what I've just been through, and clearly not the best idea, but I am a child of the sun and as such I must act on that if I can. I feel very grateful I was able to do what I was today. I'm going to eat something now and despite being begged to join some people out tonight that I'd really love to, I'm going to find some movies to watch with the cat for the evening. The fact that my condition improved as rapidly as it has solidifies the theory that I was indeed "herxing", which again is a good thing. Doc told me this morning since I've improved so much not to bother seeing him until Monday. Thank you all for reading.

07-30-2016, 07:49 PM
Sounding better ;) Loving it !

07-31-2016, 10:01 AM
Sorry to hear your feeling so bad, I wish there was something I could do for you, ...What I can do is ask the fellas at work what they are doing to combat this illness, maybe they'll have some suggestions. I do know that one of them sees a specialist in CT who deals with similar symptoms, I'll find out tomorrow and get back to you......Hang in there buddy...Sincerely Dave Clark

If I might make a suggestion, you may want to consult a holistic doctor. I'm just a man, I don't know everything, but I am amazed at what this guy has done to me. I've been to doctors before in my 36 years obviously, however I've never left a doctor before saying that I was "amazed". If anyone I know would like to see the guy I'm seeing they are welcome to.

Too many doctors dismiss this disease and have no basis to discredit a patient that asks to even have a blood test to check!

I have two friends that are battling Lyme now for decades. Unfortunately both were not diagnosed for years, just experiencing ailments that no doctor could pinpoint. What you describe in your thread both have experienced. It is unimaginable the pain and mental afflictions from Lyme disease to people that have not contracted it or know a friend or family member battling Lyme.

07-31-2016, 05:36 PM
I have always believed that when the doctor leaves the room and says "give me just a minute...", he goes off to spin his "roulette wheel" of cures to try on the patient; It almost seems as if they know less about your illness than you do yourself.

I'm sorry to hear how bad this has been on you and I hope you can bounce back from this in time....

07-31-2016, 06:48 PM
I have always believed that when the doctor leaves the room and says "give me just a minute...", he goes off to spin his "roulette wheel" of cures to try on the patient Awww, cut 'em some slack DC... They're only practicing!!

08-02-2016, 08:51 PM
I'm sorry and hope you get well. Sounds weird, but I think about you often.

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08-02-2016, 09:39 PM
Hey thank you bud!

08-02-2016, 10:01 PM
Hows it going Fab? I don't want to bother,but curious lol.

08-03-2016, 07:30 PM
Still going well Bill. I saw the doctor again this past Monday, it's Wednesday as I post this. Tuesday I felt really good but not stellar. Today I felt really good but the end of the day I was getting run down a little bit, not terribly though. One thing is for certain, I am eating right again. Before as I had said, I was basically force feeding and I wouldn't feel hungry. I'd just go right to sick. Now my appetite is really good, possibly almost back to normal. I ate ravenously last night and I'm not done eating tonight. I'm impatient to get well completely, so I forget how far I've come. It was just a week ago that I was delirious and having a whole host of problems. So far the improvement is drastic Bill. I intend on getting rid of this completely and so far so good. I'll see the doctor again next Monday. Thanks for asking!

08-03-2016, 10:20 PM
There is no doubt in my mind you will. Glad to hear it is working!

08-04-2016, 10:34 AM
Fabio, out of curiosity, you ,mentioned that you are "eating right again". So what are you actually eating? Clean and whole foods? I am just curious as I need to start "eating right" again too, and this is the perfect time of year to start, as home grown, un-poisoned, garden vegetables are beginning to reach their peak ripeness.

08-04-2016, 06:13 PM
Tim I've just started and the last time I did this was just to see the overall benefit. For some reason I just wanted to give it a shot. This time it is not of my choice and therefor not quite as enjoyable. I am supposed to be cutting out sugar and dairy which were both a huge part of my diet as of late. Lyme loves sugar and the dairy doesn't help either. This is unfortunate because I basically live off of cheese and bread, followed by cheese, then usually some Cheez-Its and three packages of fruit snacks. I'm exaggerating slightly, but you get the idea. My diet of good home made healthy meals that I had been adhering to last year is long gone. These bacteria that cause this disease are inside of me, they essentially are a part of me. They're in my nerves and my brain. They want sugar, therefor I want sugar. Sounds crazy but I have to ignore the cravings. I drank Vitamin Water XXX all day every day for as long as I can remember, but just yesterday I came to the realization that it's just too much sugar to be chugging that all day. I just stopped that yesterday, still have a fridge full.

I used to eat a fresh fruit cup (not soaking in syrup), a Kellogg's yogurt with granola you mix in, and sometimes an Uncrustable for breakfast. There would be changes from time to time, a bagel here, egg Mcmuffin there... Lunch would be either a sandwich I brought or whatever I could find. Fast food burger, pizza, whatever. Now I still have the fruit cup. The yogurt is a no-go, too much sugar. No more Uncrustables. Oh gluten is bad for this as well and I have no idea what foods have gluten, it's never been a concern of mine. Honestly I'm afraid to look. I guess most meats aren't terrible but I'm not sure. So now what I have in my cooler is sandwich bags full of fruits and vegetables. Baby carrots, green beans, bananas, snap peas, strawberries... No more Vitamin Water, I guess regular water now. Even eating all of that I am starving so I've cheated a couple times already and I'm just getting started. Picking between starving and possibly being healthy is difficult. My stomach is begging me for food and it's in my best interest to oblige, I need as much food as I can eat, but I'm so limited as to what I can eat. I'm operating in a fog so it's difficult for me to concentrate on something as simple as combining four ingredients in a wok which makes cooking more of a chore now as opposed to something I enjoy, which is unfortunate because I was a fantastic cook and I loved it. I've made stir fry the last few days with fresh vegetables and Ramen style noodles. It takes a lot for me to decide something as simple as what I'd like to eat. My sense of smell and taste seem to be malfunctioning as well.

Honestly there are a lot of things going on inside of me. This has the ability to move around inside of a person, it is a part of me, so I guess we have to hunt it. I'm nervous now, had to leave work early today. It's absolutely gorgeous outside but it hurts me on days like today. It's in my head and telling me bad things, and it doesn't like the sunlight. I love the sun, you see me at Trikefest. In this condition my eyes and skin are sensitive to the sunlight and I feel sick. I had to go right to bed when I got home. Then I had to get up and eat, which means I have to cook because there's nobody to do it for me and I can't just eat whatever anymore. I can't pop something in the microwave or just throw a sandwich together. I have to cower in here, on my own, should be working, could be doing so many things, but here I am. Never take your health for granted.

As far as treatment goes; the results initially cannot be ignored. The day after my first treatment I had improved drastically, and that is not an exaggeration. My appetite came back almost immediately, my craps improved shortly thereafter, my head was clearing, and the evening of the day after I got treated I had the best sleep I've had in months. All of that was a big, big deal. I was extremely excited at that point. I felt really good for most of the weekend, just improved all around aside from the brief "herxing" which is actually a good thing. I got treated again Monday of this week and was doing well. Not the huge improvement I felt from the first time, but still an improvement and still doing well. Today wasn't quite as well. There are a lot of effects of this and it can get to you from time to time. I spent the last ten years figuring out how to get my head on straight only to have this hit me. In my position one can't help but wonder if he is to spend the rest of his life sick, battling, and alone. This is not the existence I intend to lead. I suppose some days will be better than others but better days are not to come if I can't work and I can't work if I'm not healthy. As I may have mentioned already, I have a habit of looking down the road. I don't know which way this is going just yet but the rough road is a very big possibility at this point. What I've accumulated may have to go which would be an undertaking in and of itself. I'm having problems knowing what to buy at the grocery store right now, never mind liquidating assets. There isn't really a whole lot I can do at this point but keep trying.

Getting better is still a feasibility, however not getting better is a possible reality. As of now I release any fiber of my youth or hope at young love and a family I still clung to. We are all right where we're supposed to be right now living the exact lives we're supposed to be living and I am where I am because of my own actions and decisions. I see happy couples, all my friends are paired up and happy. They all have kids, a family. I've had some spectacular women in my life and having someone to share life with is the best part of existence for me. It beats everything else by a long shot, however it's proven so elusive at times. Worse yet, it's been elusive while I was young and virile, never mind old and sick. So it is what it is, either way. I've gotten away with a lot in my life. I can either get away with it again or maybe not this time. Maybe I've used up all my passes. Time will tell.

A bleak post, yes, albeit an accurate one. People should know what this is regardless of the outcome. Thank you all again for posting.

El Camexican
08-04-2016, 07:37 PM
Getting better is still a feasibility, however not getting better is a possible reality.

No, no, no! Not getting better isn't a possibility, or an option! Don't even think it! The power of the mind is stronger than any physical ailment. The problem is we don't know how to use it (the mind) to it's full capacity yet. I can't promise you a cure, but I can guarantee you that if you ever give up in your head, your body will embrace the decision.

I'd suggest that you make that grocery list as far in advance as possible and with your mind and not your cravings and know what you're going to be eating the day before. It's like a weight loss diet, you have to plan it out because if you wait till your hungry you'll screw up every time. If it helps think about what the food will do for your body, not what it will taste like.

Man up soldier, you've got a war to win and a lot of people cheering for you!!!

tri again
08-05-2016, 06:46 AM
new to this thread but have it on good opinion that our bodies can hear what we think.

We're all on your side fab.

You may not have to wait for very long for the miracles to start.

08-05-2016, 08:07 AM
Gosh ,this can be a great place :) Some good things are happening for ya Fabsio,,, stay tuned ;)

08-05-2016, 10:01 AM
When I was eating super healthy, just raw fruits and veggies, I had to eat a pile of them to fill up. For lunch I would eat a large full bag of fresh spinach with about 5 carrots, and maybe come celery, a cucumber, then loads of fruit. Apples, oranges, pears. I would literally have my jaw sore after one feeding time to get full. Doing this 4 or more times a day to stay full. I know my energy levels were through the roof and I really need to try it again. Isn't it funny that how when you are in the midst of doing something great, you say to yourself: why didn't I do this a long time ago. Yet later when you fall out of good eating habits, it is so hard to get back into them, even though you know the powerfully awesome outcome. Food is for sure addictive. Sugars are like cocaine to you body. There is a raw animalistic craving for it set deep in our beings. It is so hard to get back to eating right - even though we all know how good it makes us feel. It's literally like good VS evil for our nutrition. All I know is that you are one of the most strong willed persons I have ever met. You WILL overcome this, that I know as fact. Thank you for the updates, I appreciate them as I am trulyconcerned that you are getting better. Stay strong brother!

08-05-2016, 11:48 AM
I feel like I have as much to say in response as you've provided in detail. Just not sure that it would be well received at this juncture, so I'll say a few things for now, and maybe get the feeling to post more as I type.

You've chosen your treatment. Regardless of which route you go, there's only so much a man can do for another. Some of it, you gotta do yourself. You've already said what some of those things are, now I'm just wondering why you aren't doing them. If some days, you feel like you are dying, then what better motivation? You got nothing to lose by experiencing the discomfort that could provide the healing.

Stop smoking. Cigarettes are bad. I know you say 1 or 2 now and then, but that's an excuse to have one whenever you choose. Choose instead, the growth and health that comes from the minor discomfort of refusing your cravings. Every cigarrete is a step backward, and a statement that you aren't willing to do everything possible to make yourself healthy.

The "woe is me" relationship status is B.S. John. "I'm too old, i give up"... I'm sorry, but, LOL. Good. I'm glad you've given up on obsessing over the feeling that another person is what will make you complete. I understand that you might want a family. Why the deadline? Being guided by the schedule that modern society has implemented for you? Hmmmm. Well get this... There are some people out there that have already spent years with the love of their life, started and built a family, only to have it torn apart. There are thousands of people out there that would KILL to be in your position, never married, no kids with a past love, a clean slate with no less oportunity at 36 than you had when you were 18. It's all perception, my friend, and yours is usually more positive than this.

You're John "Fabiodriven" Fahey, and you have every ounce of energy and potential that it takes to conduct yourself in a manner that will allow you to obtain any damn thing you want from life. You're powerful, you're a warrior. These are things you already know, and you've told us all before.

Hit the weights. I don't care how tired you are. I know how much gym time and strength training is exponential to your motivational thought process. The more you do good, and see good results, the more you will want it. ave you ever in your life met your strength training or physicality goals? Have you always wanted to be Bigger, Faster, Stronger, and known thatr you have the potential to achieve the vision you have of your best self, if only you could find the time, motivation, etc? Well now is the time. Go get it. When you feel the closest to defeat, you've got nothing to lose. You're not easily amazed, but you have the power to amaze others. Amaze yourself instead. Some might say "easier said than done," and them I say, "No shlt".

Good, get rid of that feeling. Resolve to be ok with loving yourself, being in a relationship with you and you alone. Anyone that knows, will tell you that love often shows up when you've given up on it, real love can not be stopped. If she's out there, she'll find you. There's no deadline.

Financially, I'm in debt to people I don't even remember. I've taken risks with other people's money, untold amounts of my own, and dug a hole so deep that it's actually almost impressive. I quit drinking. I quit smoking weed. I started lifting weights again. None of those things cost money to do, and nobody can take any of that from me. No matter how much the debt that I can't seem to manage quite yet is on my mind, I still at least have a set of dumbells to pick up and say "alright, I know this is good for me, I know I'm spending no money and that i'm getting in shape". There's no downside to doing healthy things for yourself, regardless of your financial status. I'm not saying that this is an issue for you, but it's my demon and this is the way I fight it. Hopefully time spent doing the right things and taking 2 steps forward for 1 step back will eventually tip the scales of fate into my favor. Regardless of what others think, people CAN change, and it usually happens when the worst is upon us. I'm a good person and I intend to prove it to those that might think otherwise. It takes time and dedication.

You don't sit back on your heels, in defense, and expect to overcome a threat. You get your ass in gear and attack it, put it on the defense, and smother it with an endless barrage of whatever exposes the weakness of that particular threat. You're not one to cower and cover yourself in the warm blanket of fear, so I guess you'll have to start fighting.

You gotta eat better and drink more water. Stop talking about it and do it. Between the "wringing of the dirty sponge" that weight lifting provides, the flush and refresh that water supports, and the reintroduction of the proper ingredients to the muscles and bloodstream that healthy eating will provide, you can give your body and immune sytem a triple threat attack on this bacteria and disease that has you on the defense.

There's a story being told in your posts here. Not one of lyme disease, but one of life and the circumstances that life brings, regardless of what we have the opportunity to manifest, and how we can take the energy and frequencies that are transmitted to us, only to convert them to whatever energy and frequencies we would like the world we live in, to receive.

What's this life for? I don't know, John. We surely won't know if we don't decide to live it.

08-05-2016, 12:37 PM
Your thinking toward the healthcare system is definitely on the right track. You might study into the PH level of the body and how it affects your health and how changing it can fight disease. This is an interesting read and website...


Stay strong!

08-05-2016, 01:32 PM
John, I know we haven't been close for a long time; I'm well aware of why that all happened and take 100% responsibility.

Losing a close friend made me make better choices as well as my father moving in.

I hate reading how bad this has affected you especially because I knew how much effort you were putting in to eat better, exercise etc etc etc.

So, I'm just throwing it out there; I know you have lots of close friends but if you need anything or help with anything, don't hesitate to give me a call.

08-05-2016, 06:10 PM
Damon thank you for such a well thought out post. From what you know about me it's clear you're paying attention here. I have very close friends that I spend a lot of time with personally that have no idea what's going on with me. You can't explain it to them, even if they could listen past three sentences without being distracted or interjecting they still wouldn't understand, and none of them have 20 minutes to take to read this thread which they've all been directed to. "You want me to READ something?" Perish the thought! Never mind then! I don't want you to read anything. You asked a question and here is the answer. If you don't want to read it then stay in the dark, doesn't matter to me. So thank you for your attention and consideration. I might have the very same advice if the shoe were on the other foot.

You've chosen your treatment. Regardless of which route you go, there's only so much a man can do for another. Some of it, you gotta do yourself. You've already said what some of those things are, now I'm just wondering why you aren't doing them. If some days, you feel like you are dying, then what better motivation? You got nothing to lose by experiencing the discomfort that could provide the healing.

Hit the weights. I don't care how tired you are. I know how much gym time and strength training is exponential to your motivational thought process. The more you do good, and see good results, the more you will want it. ave you ever in your life met your strength training or physicality goals? Have you always wanted to be Bigger, Faster, Stronger, and known thatr you have the potential to achieve the vision you have of your best self, if only you could find the time, motivation, etc? Well now is the time. Go get it. When you feel the closest to defeat, you've got nothing to lose. You're not easily amazed, but you have the power to amaze others. Amaze yourself instead. Some might say "easier said than done," and them I say, "No shlt".

This is overwhelming. When it gets to the point where it is winning a battle and I have to come home and collapse in bed, that's because I have to come home and collapse in bed. Last Friday I pushed it farther than I should have, I was determined to finish all my tasks at hand. I had trailer load of compost to pick up and deliver, then swap out trucks and jump in the lowboy so I could go pick up a loader. The loader was close to Boston and north of the city, I'm on the South Shore. That means a wrestling match with traffic. By the time I was loading the machine on the trailer it was clear something was wrong. I stopped en route to delivering the loader to get something to eat but it didn't help, my head was spinning. I got the loader off and had to go pick up an excavator from there, load that, then drop it off at a residence and pick up the skid steer that was there. I didn't find this out until later but after I loaded the loader I left the stinger down that props up the goose neck while the lowbed trailer is separated. In turn I ruined the brand new fenders my boss just had put on the truck two weeks ago. I was stumbling and nauseous, so I don't know what I'm expected to do in that condition.

Stop smoking. Cigarettes are bad. I know you say 1 or 2 now and then, but that's an excuse to have one whenever you choose. Choose instead, the growth and health that comes from the minor discomfort of refusing your cravings. Every cigarrete is a step backward, and a statement that you aren't willing to do everything possible to make yourself healthy.

I know what you are saying. I've completely quit before and I will do it again. Cigarettes have been a staple of my misery for years. When I'm at my worst, when life is hitting me the hardest, for the last twenty years I've reached for a smoke. This is hard hitting, some of the biggest stuff of my life. This is insanely stressful and it's very easy to turn the stress into more illness under these circumstances. Obviously I have a weakness for smoking and I'm happy with where I'm at in that regard right this second. It's difficult for me to be down and not smoke. It's far easier for me not to smoke when I'm happy.

The "woe is me" relationship status is B.S. John. "I'm too old, i give up"... I'm sorry, but, LOL. Good. I'm glad you've given up on obsessing over the feeling that another person is what will make you complete. I understand that you might want a family. Why the deadline? Being guided by the schedule that modern society has implemented for you? Hmmmm. Well get this... There are some people out there that have already spent years with the love of their life, started and built a family, only to have it torn apart. There are thousands of people out there that would KILL to be in your position, never married, no kids with a past love, a clean slate with no less oportunity at 36 than you had when you were 18. It's all perception, my friend, and yours is usually more positive than this.

This realistically is a subject for another thread completely, alas I must reply in at least a brief fashion. As I stated earlier in this thread, I had slayed these demons. I was working on my self image and learning to love myself. The gym isn't just for physical gain, with me it's every bit as important for my mind. It is absolutely essential. Damon this ages you something fierce. My hair is falling out, people call me sir, and 21 year old people look like children to me now. Ten years ago I had the most beautiful woman you ever saw. We bought a house together and had two cats and a dog. She was off the charts in the looks department, but she was so much more than that. Hard, hard worker, smartest woman I've ever met, she could sing, open minded, sexy as hell, didn't wear makeup once the entire 5+ years we were together and she would turn every man's head when she entered the room. She was perfection personified in the form of a female, and I lost her. If I knew then what I know now. So where do you go from there? I quickly learned that very few women found me interesting after that, or any that did were not someone I'd be interested in. So where do you go from there? When you've been eating filet mignon every night, how do you suddenly switch to burgers? In typical fashion I somehow managed to up the ante by landing the most beautiful girl (in my opinion) from my home town growing up. I met her when I was 18 and she was 12. We were acquaintances and nothing more at that time, however 14 years later fate had it that our paths would cross, and I was determined to take advantage of those circumstances. I did so and long story short she wasn't as pretty on the inside as she was on the outside. I did everything I could for her for two and a half years and she was determined to destroy me as a person. I let her, I have very little power against her, I let her twice actually. Letting go of these situations was my triumph that I had mentioned earlier, it had taken place before I ever got Lyme. The problem with this affliction is, it is a part of you. It is me Damon. I know what bothers me, therefor it knows what bothers me which allows it to use my worst thoughts against me. I can't erase the past, it has full access to my thoughts and memories and it takes full liberty. This is the short version believe it or not. It is tough to get past what I've had and lost. Memories of good times hurt me that they're over rather than being glad they happened at times. When I see young couples I see myself from times passed. It hurts me and makes me miss what I had and what has proven very elusive since. This disease has access to what I've been through with anxiety and depression and it knows how to use it. Basically what many wouldn't understand is I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes. I have to turn my head until my darkness goes.

I do intend to see this through. I saw the doctor today and he is ever optimistic. There are parts of this that you all don't know, that many don't know. I hinted earlier in this thread that Lyme can reach into just about any physical or mental part of the human body and mind. If you wanted to really get to someone, if you had zero regard for what's fair and clean, if you needed to inflict the most damage with no concern for your intended victim, a low-blow might be in order. Without coming right out and saying much more than that, there is a critical area on all men that we consider a very large portion of who we are as male human beings. Lyme clearly harbors discontent for the human species, or it just enjoys torturing people. It is very smart and it knew I was getting the upper hand last week. If a low blow might get to me, Lyme would surely not be opposed to such and idea. Capiche?

08-06-2016, 04:10 PM
I get what you mean about the family etc etc. I'm the same way, Deepa is too. We just can't seem to find the right girl. So, I stopped looking and did things that made me happy. And #1 on that list is seeing the people from Facebook and 3WW; That's my family as well as my mom/dad/brother/sister in law and a 5yo niece.
Sadly, they won't let me build her a trike......
I see seemingly happy couples everywhere; But how many of them are in love, can't wait to see each other every day and feel "complete" with a spouse??
Not many from what I've seen. People stay together for lots of reasons, kids, family, don't want to hurt anyone etc etc. But that's life the way they choose to live it.
Personally, I haven't met anyone in 10 years that I thought maybe she was the girl. We have problems, they have problems; And at your and my age, we may not have kids or have never been married but they do. So, it can be hard to fill that void with the right girl.

I am so happy my toy hauler is all mine and done, I have my trikes, I have my shop, I have my dad and I have my family both trikewise and genetically.

Sure it hurts to see others seemingly so happy, but get them apart and ya may find they're not the real deal, they aren't all rainbows and puppy dog tails!!
It's hard to find that one true love, so I don't look. I just stay busy....

You are absolutely correct. I see happy couples with kids and houses and although I can relate with 20 year olds, it's not gonna be easy to find that one special person. So, let Karma work for you.

You may feel like, "Well, WTF, I'm the best I've ever been and I still don't have a girl I'm proud to be with".

We may be destined to be alone, and I'm fine with that. I'd rather be happy alone than unhappy with a girl, her baggage and all the crap that comes with it.

You and I both have a house, probably very little on credit cards and some toys and friends to enjoy. We're luckier than most. I want a trike/backhoe/big garage or a small machine shop and I save for it and do it. Most people will never have any or anything like that; Just their miserable existence in an apartment with not so much as a bicycle. But, they have their SUBOXONE scrpt and food stamps to sell and 1 paycheck or MASS welfare SSI/SSDI to count the days with. Who the F! wants to live like that!!

I love my Toyhauler so much that I often sleep in it. I just feel so FREE!!

I wish I accomplished these goals 10 years ago but a couple girls got in the way. And time goes by so fast; But I love where I'm at now.

All you gotta do is beat this infection and continue where you had to stop. Your generally a very healthy veteran and I'm fairy certain you will beat this one way or another!! Nothing else has ever stopped you and this won't either...

08-06-2016, 05:30 PM
If you guys had wives, right about now you'd probably be unwillingly participating in a "love your spouse" challenge on facebook. Imagine the pure lifelessness that must exist to have spawned such an epidemic.

Tons more to say, probably a good thing we have a gig tonight. Suffice it to say, I know what it's like to lose the love of your life. 8+ years being told i was loved, then poof, gone. Difference with me is, that I now know it could be a lot worse.

08-06-2016, 06:55 PM
In reading this, i am reminded of the power of a good woman and the devastation that a bad one can create. Guess I should go hug the wife

08-06-2016, 07:20 PM
Yes, women wield a lot of power that they take for granted. I've seen enough men, including myself, just absolutely crushed out of nothing more than the just the woman's will to do so, just because they can. It's just my point of view and only one side of the argument so what I think is irrelevant really. If it came down to it and honesty were the only choice, I know as well as she does what happened. They're such good actors that they can actually fool themselves, poor them. I know the good ones exist, I had one. They're fawking unicorns though, good luck. At this age, especially where I live in the country, I've been coming up quite empty handed. But I must digress, as this is another thread completely.

Obviously there have been some bleak posts by me as of late and undoubtedly the situation is serious, however this is a glimpse into what this disease is and as part of this disease it is well known that people suffer great depression. As such, if I am to accurately portray what this is then I must express the highs and lows for the sake of accuracy. There have been lows lately, yes, but what Steve and Damon are trying to convince me of I know in my heart of hearts. Unfortunately I do lose connection with that train of thought when I get in a bad place, which is expected of someone in this condition. What's truly unfortunate is how recently I had decided to stop worrying about the past and things I couldn't do anything about, and the success I had accomplished being knocked down so effortlessly. It's as if I had built myself a platform to keep from wallowing in the shite, brick by brick, until I was in a new place. It had taken a lot of work both mentally and physically. I had carved new neuro-pathways and hatched a completely new outlook on life and especially myself. I'm very familiar with how all of this works.

Lyme just knocked me down with such a quick swipe, just took it all away as soon as I had achieved it. Something I had worked so hard to ascertain and it just reached out and took it from me like candy from a baby. Something I felt I had such a tight grasp on. The timing of this, after struggling inside my own head for so long and just finally walking away from all that, then here comes Lyme with an even tougher nut to crack. You can look at it as if I got stronger in my fight over the last ten years, that was training so I was better prepared for this, or you could look at it as just being too tired to fight anymore, being worn out from fighting for the last ten years. It all depends on the day.

After seeing the doctor yesterday and informing him of the issues I was having not being able to taste and smell that good, he was able to fix that. So far most of the things he's tackled he's had a lot of success with. This is just how it goes, you have to chase it around the body and hit it one problem at a time. I have a slew of herbs I'm taking and I've read that herbs are the best recourse with this. So combined with the lasers, acupuncture, and whatever else he's got over there I should be in good shape. Just gotta stick with it and chase it around for a while.

08-06-2016, 10:33 PM
That god damn horsefly!! It's crazy; I wouldn't believe it if it were from anyone else!

Man, I hope you can beat this fricken thing; It sounds horrible....

EDIT - All the times my mother STILL warns me about mosquito's, flys, bats, coyotes, frog spit, beetle dung etc etc. I always brush her thoughts off!!

No joke man...............

08-08-2016, 09:09 AM
Point to counter-point. Here is a good post that I'm happy to be able to share this morning for those who are interested.

Friday was crappy with Saturday being similar. Just a waste of two beautiful beach days with me only having left the house once between those two days only to see the doctor. Sunday (yesterday) I felt good enough to spend the entire day on the Buell, but still couldn't say I felt great. Today I can say that I actually do feel great! I've been adhering to my diet restrictions for the most part and I'm sure that has had an effect as well as the herbs I've been taking. I just hope it keeps up like this. I'll see the doctor again today.

I've known this song for years but it came up in my shuffle today and had an entirely new meaning for me


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08-09-2016, 03:29 PM
Knocked out 100 push-ups with this on my mind while lifting yesterday.

08-09-2016, 04:31 PM
That's borderline homosexual. Nice!

Seriously though thank you Damon. Yesterday I thought long and hard about working out, I'm really looking forward to being able to do it again. Unfortunately I have to ration my energy now and be very weary of how much I strain myself. I just kind of lolly-gag through the day now, it's not the way I'd like to live. Last summer after I thought I had gotten rid of Lyme it was tough to get back on top. I couldn't just jump right back into the gym.

I'll keep the updates coming, maybe a little less frequently though, and as always thanks to everyone for the support. Today wasn't as good as yesterday so at this point I'm going to back off on updates because I'm swaying back and forth here. The treatment has been so frequent that it's difficult to attribute it to anything definitively in either direction. Basically I have a bunch of shite I have to get down my gullet during the day, I can't eat anything so I'm hungry all the time and constantly firing fruits and vegetables down, and I'm going to work but barely. If we had our spring work load right now I'd be fuct completely. It's difficult to have a good day when you're walking such a fine line. I'm fighting something that society tells you is a losing battle, just going through the motions on a day like this, more of a shell than the person that is me. I'm typically a bit more sensitive than most, very strong feelings, however on days like this they're flat. I know what to do and say from experience, however if I have to engage in in conversation that requires thought or feeling I go blank. It's very uncomfortable so avoiding conversation is best. I live alone and I'm alone in the truck all day so I'm lucky in that regard, however I don't aim to spend the rest of my life like this. There are some serious repercussions if I don't get better and that's something I must concern myself with right now whether I'd like to or not.

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08-10-2016, 02:04 AM
Man, I wish you the best of luck with your ordeal. Just keep your head up and push on.

08-10-2016, 03:44 PM
Well looky looky...


Over a year in and I just find this now?

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08-18-2016, 06:40 PM
It's been roughly three weeks since I started seeing the holistic doctor. Seven days ago I felt drastically improved. Six days ago was even better and the subsequent days progressed as such. After taking it easy as I was used to all day Saturday, I decided that evening that the following day I was going to push it. I didn't feel sick at all. I'm sure I've mentioned how important it is that people with Lyme stay out of the sun at all times. The doctor doesn't have to tell you that, your body does a fine job of doing so if you try. Your eye sight gets overwhelmed as if you're being snow-blinded, when the sun shines off the fresh snow. Your skin burns almost as soon as you get in the direct sunlight and it behooves any Lyme patient to avoid the sun. Well Sunday was extremely hot here, by far the hottest day we've had this year. It was right up around 100 degrees. First thing I did that day in the morning was jump on my Buell donned only with a helmet, riding gloves, sneakers, and shorts. No shirt in the direct sun light riding an air-cooled wheeled people grill. I was being broasted from above and below with scorching heat, and I rode to the beach where I soaked up some more sunlight and enjoyed myself for as long as my little heart desired. I then rode off the Cape and back to my buddy's house on the main land where we hung out at his pool until the sun went down. After that we went out to eat. So obviously my appetite has been great still and the massive social anxiety that comes along with this ailment are taken care of as well, at this point. That's pushing it far beyond the limit for me. I was so incapacitated before, bedridden. I couldn't do ANYTHING many days. So that was pushing the throttle to the boards and keeping it there for the day. The results were A+ across the board.

Seven great days in a row is absolutely OUTSTANDING and I am cautiously optimistic and nervous to acknowledge how well I am indeed doing. A week is huge to me, but in the big picture that is a drop in the bucket. When I can revisit this thread next year and say the same thing then that will be something. The doctor and I were discussing a blood test when he's done to see if Lyme is still in my system. Internet banter says it would still show up but there's no proof one way or the other. When he's done, provided I feel as though it's completely gone, I will go to the VA and get tested again. If it is indeed gone this would be an absolutely MASSIVE finding. Either way, I am extremely impressed with how this has gone to this point. He treats everything specifically using a few different approaches and everything he's treated has been fixed with exception of a couple things which I am confident we'll figure out. It hasn't even been long at all so I'm happy with the pace.

Anyone who is reading this please realize that I have only seven consecutive days in this extremely improved condition and I wish I had a year under my belt to give you all, but this past Sunday really showed me something. If I were to improve as the weather were cooling off I would be worried about it returning when it got hot again which is what happened to me last time. Lyme can lay dormant as we know. I am taunting it by doing things such as a stupid hot beach day on a heat gun with wheels intentionally and cheating just slightly on my diet. I want to see what it has and if it has any fight left in it I hope it's planning on growing legs. As of yet it appears as all systems go. I will keep you all apprised I suppose. This is something really, really big if it continues in this direction. This is an "incurable" disease with literally zero support from the medical community, which is fine. They should stay the frig out of it as far as I'm concerned, however there are people who are consumed by this for years of torture until they die having led a miserable existence from the time they were bit. As I said, this is early for me, but I might suggest anyone who knows anyone, please even if you don't know them that well, I'd suggest people keep an eye on my progress. I aimed to beat this which any doctor will tell you is impossible, and my aim seems true. There is little doubt I will triumph here and I'd like to extend my hand to anyone who wants to jump off that terrible ride.

08-18-2016, 07:16 PM
I like to think of diagnosed medical conditions as schrodinger's cat.

If you go looking into the box, and see the cat dead, then maybe you got sick just because you looked.

For this reason, I'd accept the presence of no symptoms as the all clear. No reason to open the box.

Not to mention, traditional doctors have a way of wanting the cat to be dead. It's what keeps them in business.

Whatever it is you and him are doing, keep doing it. Here's to hoping this is the beginning of a good long term report!

08-21-2016, 10:23 PM
I wanted to say that some people from the site here have reached out to help me and for this I am truly grateful. I didn't feel I deserved anything and I was extremely hesitant to accept, however my bills were coming at me quick in the short time I was faltering. Being aware of the fate of most chronic Lyme sufferers I was prepared for the worst, and it's been a real gauge as to how quickly things can get out of hand. The doctor isn't free either. In my thinking, accepting help was more acknowledgement of a situation I refuse to accept. So I continued along and put it on the back burner, but it got to a point where I was going to be rude not to accept the graciousness and effort of these people. Some of them I know and care for dearly already, and others I'm sure are cut from the same cloth as we tend to be. Take a bow if you choose or just wink when nobody is looking. Either way thank you all so much!

This whole endeavor, this disease, the treatment, and what's happening now, this is all supposed to be happening. Something is going to come of this.

08-22-2016, 09:07 AM
Sounds like you found what works for your body and that's great! The crazy thing about Lyme is that symptoms vary so widely from person to person…and their responsiveness to treatment varies equally. Best of luck my friend.

On a somewhat related note, I have had a flock of free-range guineas this year and [along with spraying permethrin 3x per yr] I have seen a HUGE reduction in ticks on my property. In fact, I have found 1 wood tick since then and that's it (whereas when I first moved in a buddy of mine found 13 on him after a brief walk through the field). I also keep the lawn short and the brush trimmed back. Anybody doing anything similar?

08-22-2016, 09:30 AM
Sounds like you found what works for your body and that's great! The crazy thing about Lyme is that symptoms vary so widely from person to person…and their responsiveness to treatment varies equally. Best of luck my friend.

Thank you Camino!

Yes, the range that people's symptoms and treatments vary is very well known in the community, however this approach to treatment is far different than anything else available anywhere. I am not the first person he's treated and he claims not to have found one person yet he couldn't fix. I have no reason not to believe my doctor at this point. He treated someone who has been living with Lyme for 16 years, and he's also treated people who were so far gone they couldn't walk, but now they can. This treatment would work for anyone with Lyme disease, I'll tell you right now. My life feels like a movie now, it's beyond words. I was bedridden two weeks ago and you don't just walk away from that, people don't do what I have done.

However they can if they choose.

08-22-2016, 09:32 AM
Please share your doctors name if not in the thread via PM please


08-22-2016, 09:36 AM
Please share your doctors name if not in the thread via PM please. Have a friend that is reluctant but will have an IV pick in her arm for two months to try a new brew. Her husband and I were talking this weekend and his wife has had over three dozen different cocktails prescribed by her latest doctor and he told her if the IV drugs over two months does not improve her condition he is going to bail on her. Of course insurance does blood work on her and they are against paying for any more treatment because they have decided she has no illness


08-22-2016, 05:00 PM
PM sent! Thanks for asking!

08-22-2016, 06:51 PM
I provided your doctor's contact info this morning! I sure hope my friend follows up with him before she does anymore conventional treatments seeing her current doctor doesn't seem confident his regimen will help. Unfortunately the consensus is she was bitten 7 or 8 years before anyone diagnosed her with Lyme so many symptoms have developed - your explanation is much like her experience over the years, horrible affliction!
. Will definitely get in touch and let you know when she has spoken with your physician. Thank you for sharing the name of person who has helped you, very much appreciated!!

08-24-2016, 08:40 PM
This may seem off topic to some.

John sometimes I watch some strength training videos while I do my reps. Since my accident last year (hit a fence doing 70mph broke my neck etc. ect. etc.) I still think I can be more agile and powerful than I ever have been. At times, I think about the popping in my neck, the pieces of shattered bone that i know are floating around, and the pain that still exists every single night and day since the accident. Those thoughts don't last long when I remember that I know deep down that even at 36 I can still be the best athlete I've ever been by far, as long as i focus on what it really takes to get me there.

This one prompted a post here. Take the 13 minutes and listen to what this meathead has to say.


Been going strong every day for a while now, up to 190lbs and it feels great.

08-24-2016, 10:58 PM
That video was great Damon, thank you very much man. Guy reminds me of Rob Bailey. Those are some fantastic words of wisdom.

I didn't know you had been in a wreck or injured so badly, and it sounds like we're lucky to be hearing from you. I'm grateful it wasn't your time yet.

If I'm honest it's been interesting lately. This may sound odd, but my view on who we are, what I am, and what all of this is has evolved significantly. I am doing something that's not supposed to happen. I'm jumping out of a sinking boat that nobody else has been able to bail out from, even after waking every morning to a completely unbearable day from the moment your eyes open. I feel like people don't believe me or possibly think that I was never sick. If I had seen this information when I was still sick you had better believe I'd find out step by step how this happened and I'd follow suit immediately. Honestly I've been really surprised by how few people want to do what I'm doing. I mean I suppose this is just happening very suddenly and there isn't much time under my belt, but the two weeks clear I have already is unheard of.

Lyme disease comes on so strong, my panic earlier in this thread was by no means unfounded, not by a long shot. My bills barely scraped by and I didn't even miss much time at work in the grand scheme of things. People with this affliction lose everything and it happens really fast. I was faced with that. Had I not found this doctor I could very well be posting for sale ads rather than this report.

A lot of people I see every day don't understand the gravity of the situation I'm in right now. Life is very different now as I said. My diet has changed drastically so when I am able to eat something somewhat junky it's like the first time I've had something so good. A friggin caramel iced latte with milk and sugar is like heaven because my sugar intake is literally zero except for fruit and Swatland's friggin awesome honey that I have been using with everything and eating with a spoon. Stuff is amazing.

I'm so thankful for everyone in my life who has been there for me and propped me up as I was poised to fall, you all included. Strangely the outcome thus far seems anti-climactic for some reason. I mean maybe it's too early for celebration or maybe people don't believe me but I'm beating trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro Lyme disease. I thought it would be exciting, which it is uncontrollably for me! I'm exuding excellence, without coming off as vain hopefully. There was a ton of hub bub when I was sick and I am very grateful, so grateful for that. I will help others, this is just the beginning.

I started working out again Sunday, it's Wednesday now, and I write this today saying in full confidence on this, the eve of my 13th day feeling free of this affliction that I feel absolutely 100% as if nothing had ever happened to me. If you're reading this and you have Lyme or know someone who does, watch my progress.

On September 15th I am going to the VA to get tested for Lyme disease. The results take a couple days. I don't know what is going to happen but judging by how I feel it wouldn't be surprising to me if we make history.

Thank you all for reading.

09-21-2016, 07:40 PM
Last Thursday September 15th I had my blood drawn to get re-tested for Lyme disease. No need for suspense, it did not come back negative. It's not "supposed to" ever come back negative, I should always test positive for Lyme since contracting it even if I feel fine. We felt it was worth trying seeing as I've been feeling completely better. My homeopathic doctor, my my primary care doctor, and myself were all waiting anxiously for the results. The homeopathic doctor was certain it was going to come back negative, I was optimistic, and the physician was curious. I had very little doubt it would come back positive just based on how I feel, so I was somewhat surprised. It was seven weeks ago tomorrow that I started counting the days that I could say I felt fine, and in those seven weeks I've taken advantage of every single moment. I've been working exceptionally hard at work and at home without so much as an iota of feeling I was ever sick. Everyone has heard the saying "having a new lease on life". When you are trapped in bed while the world continues on around you and you're faced with the prospect of being that way for the rest of your life, things get really real, and really fast. I owe this site and so many of you all such a debt of gratitude, I don't think any post could convey how grateful I am. Damon, Bill 007, Jonny Swinehart, even Mrs. Mosh posted at the beginning. There are so many more, so many of you. Please know I am grateful to each and every one of you. When I think back to where I was and what I was thinking two months ago, I feel like I'm dreaming right now. This, what I'm doing right now, was a virtual impossibility. Going to work, working on my house, going riding, having fun, eating whatever, all things I was going to have to exclude from my life and I was beginning to come to terms with having to consider that. I owe it all to my holistic doctor. Life would not have been worth living for me sick like that. I'd be in the process of selling everything right now I'm certain. No work = no money = no house. Even if somehow I could have kept my house the place is heated by solid fuel only, wood or coal. I couldn't get out of bed to do anything more than I absolutely had to, and any kind of manual labor would have been out of the question. Over the last few weeks my buddy Albie and myself have split probably four cord of wood (by hand with a maul) and we also insulated my attic. I've been incredibly productive and happy to have the ability to be such, something I will never take for granted again.

I can write this today in cull confidence of this man's ability to heal people. On July 26th I went to urgent care at the VA as my very first course of action to find out what was going on with me. I had the inclination it was Lyme at that time, but I wanted to see what they found. Anyone who's been following this already knows that the VA had no idea what was wrong with me. What I just found out last Thursday was I tested positive for Epstein Barr that day on the 26th and they either didn't tell me or I forgot. After my primary care doctor told me that last week I relayed the message to the holistic doctor the next time I saw him. He already had me scheduled for treatment for Epstein Barr from the beginning because it's a very common co-infection of Lyme disease. I wasn't surprised he was way ahead of things as usual.

So far life continues on as usual and again, thank you all so much.

09-21-2016, 08:31 PM
Firewood warms you several times before you are done with it. Glad you're feeling better!

09-21-2016, 09:53 PM
So glad to hear the improvement continues. David and El, here is your answer lol. Nothing but good vibes headed your way Fab. Keep up the great work.

03-29-2018, 12:05 AM
Well here we are over a year since my last post in this thread, amazing how time flies.

As most already know, I had bit of a relapse with my Lyme disease issue while away in Hawaii last month. This is obviously very unfortunate for me. That was the first time in a year I'd felt Lyme return, aside from general fatigue which I've worked around and gotten used to. When I left Hawaii, I felt better almost immediately, so I blamed Hawaii and went about my business.

Last Friday my Lyme symptoms began again. It is Wednesday night as I write this now. It feels like it's been two weeks I've been down. The weather is just breaking which means I have a lot to do. I have a long list of machines to work on, as well as a home and a yard. These machines are a requirement for my three-wheeled hobby. The trikes need to run in order to ride them (as well as the Buell), the trailer needs to be operable in order for me to take trips with the machines places, and the truck needs to be operable in order to haul the whole ordeal wherever it is I'd like to go. None of that can happen if I'm too sick to do anything.

When this happens, I am powerless to do anything that requires any kind of thought or physical effort. I am unable to do things that don't require thought or effort, never mind things that do. Regular house hold tasks go on hold and endless hours are spent resting and nothing more. It is difficult to rest though, when your mind is working overtime rehashing old and terrible memories, analyzing situations that are better off forgotten about completely, and projecting a future of total and complete hopelessness and solitude. I have difficulties with everyday tasks sometimes anyways due to PTSD. Take food shopping for example, I used to love food shopping. Now it serves to confuse and befuddle me. I feel overwhelmed with the task and don't know what to buy on a day of "regular" mindset, sans Lyme disease. I'm sure that sounds silly, welcome to my life. Something like food shopping becomes a huge task to surmount when I am sick with Lyme, near impossible. My appetite is fuct as it is, and Lyme makes it completely non-existent.

That's just one example, but you could apply that to many otherwise simple aspects of everyday life that people don't think twice about. It is severely debilitating. When this happens, any sort of learning or teaching anything is completely out of the question, which to me most recently translates to, no Red Pill. This is very unfortunate for me. Imagine if you could, approaching someone you've never spoken to before to "chat them up", but you have the flu. Not only that, but your thoughts are scrambled and you cannot express them verbally without making errors, pausing to think about simple things that require no thought really, and just being discombobulated in general, and very obviously so. It's just simply not going to happen. Even as I write this I struggle to form the right words and recall the thoughts I wanted to get out.

My therapy for PTSD (and a good part of my Red Pill regimen) is working out, physical fitness. I have been determined to build a vessel in which I feel comfortable presenting myself, and I'd been doing well on that front. Well that's out of the question if I'm sick with Lyme as well. So you see how this becomes all-encompassing and takes over one's life completely.

Lyme disease is known to cause Bell's palsy, which is the loss of control over half of one's face. That's what happens to stroke victims as well, Bell's palsy. In the past, I'd had my left eye going a bit haywire and twitching a lot due to Lyme when I was really sick, but thankfully I never got full-blown Bell's palsy. Well this week, for the first time in almost two years, my eye started twitching. This time it was my right eye. Also, my right ear was ringing like crazy and I could feel the right side of my face tightening up. I knew what I could be in for. Circumstances such as these serve to benefit the sickness, as it bolsters the strength of the Lyme by giving you yet another thing to get worked up about, as in "Holy carp am I supposed to go through the rest of my life with half of my face paralyzed?" The more worked up you get, the stronger the illness gets, the sicker you get, the more worked up you get, and on and on... A huge part of this battle is mental, and if you are sick in your head your body will act accordingly, which works both ways.

A few days ago, I found out that cannabis has shown to be a very effective treatment for Lyme disease. Lyme disease does not like cannabis. Being that cannabis products are legal where I live, CBD oil is readily available here. CBD oil is made from the cannabis plant but does not have THC, so it does not get you high nor would it show up on a drug test. CBD oil is known to have a plethora of benefits and can treat a metric ton of ailments. Even knowing all of this, it took me two days (which felt like a week) of thinking about it sick on the couch before I got up, went out, and bought some. I took the CBD oil and dropped it under my tongue when I got home. For days now I'd been very sick mentally, and very weak physically. Suicidal thoughts reach a very dangerous level when this happens to me, as life seems more effort than it is worth. Nobody wants to feel this way. I have dealt with night sweats since my service in Iraq in 03, and I've gotten used to it. Lyme gives me night sweats that literally soak the bed, it's quite disturbing. Not only that, but it's some kind of toxic sweat, it doesn't smell like regular sweat. Too much information for some, but for the sake of accuracy I am sharing. It also has caused me hot flashes. I'll be freezing one minute and sweating the next.

Anyways, I took the CBD oil and within minutes I felt a lot better. Not just a little better, a lot better. The eye twitching and onset of Bell's was almost completely gone within a couple minutes, and my thoughts cleared. I was taken aback, startled almost, and I was half chocking it up to a mental effect of the oil. As the evening progressed, my thoughts stayed clear and my body wasn't feeling quite as bad, it was unmistakable. I sat and watched a movie and paid attention to the the whole thing, something I'm not able to do when my mind is wandering deep into the darkness of hell on earth. I noticed I didn't have terrible uncontrollable thoughts for the first time in days, and there was no way this was a coincidence. It's been about 24 hours I've been using it now, and I am extremely impressed. It makes sense though, because when I was in Hawaii and had an issue with Lyme, the only time I felt really good over there was after I had blazed the chronic, and I don't mean I felt "high". Of course I was high, but I legitimately felt good during the time I had pot in my system there. That is because Lyme doesn't like the chronic, as I said.

I went back to the holistic doctor today for the first time in over a year, and his testing immediately showed that I have indeed had a Lyme resurgence. I am the first patient he's ever treated for Lyme who has returned with a relapse. It's always extenuating circumstances with me. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always extenuating. He said my issue is likely caused by Epstein-Barr, of which I tested off the charts for, so we're focusing on that. Treatment is back to what I was doing with this doctor before, which is cold laser therapy, colloidol silver, a product called "LymePlex", and now, CBD oil, which I feel is the heavy hitter right now. The object is to make my body as inhospitable to Lyme as I can, so you hit it with everything you have. Today, right now as I type this, I feel far better than I did a couple days ago. I have moments where I feel hungry enough to eat, which is great for me obviously. For the last few days I've been eating only because I knew I had to, not because I wanted to, and when I'm sick like that I cannot eat just anything. It's mostly fruit and stuff that's easy to stomach.

So the struggle continues with Fabio's fantastically complicated and overly difficult existence, which seems to be on a road rife with obstacles and challenges for whatever reason. Unfortunately Lyme plays a huge role in my life and affects everything I want to do, so whatever focus I planned on using with "The Red Pill" is on hold for the moment, and "The Plan" is out the farking window. I do feel as though I will pull out of this again and be fine soon, but there is no guarantee of that. If I do wake up tomorrow feeling like a million bucks, there is no guarantee that will stay. It makes me question everything, and I do mean everything. I don't even know if I'll be able to make it to Trikefest this year. I bet I will, but there is just no guarantee of that. This is no way to live life, and there is nobody here to help me. Sure I've got a crap-ton of friends and relatives who offer to help me constantly, but there is nothing that anyone could do. It would be a lot more bearable if someone were here with me as a significant other, that's the only kind of person I could see helping me. How are you supposed to attract a mate as an unhealthy male though? You don't, simply put. You just don't. It's in our nature to avoid sick people as mates, that's how animals are wired as well as human beings. If I'd started dating someone a month ago and this happened, I simply could not blame them if they didn't want to be a part of my life anymore. I think few would. It is times like these that make the effort seem futile. I will likely die a sad lonely veteran, and it would be of no surprise to anyone who knows me if I were to die at a rather young age as well as alone. It's funny how these things happen when I try to guide my own destiny and seem to begin to succeed. I'd reached an all-time high for myself as a single man in 2015 when I learned how to be me and be alone and be content with who I am and happy without someone by my side, and then I contracted Lyme. It's as if life one-upped my efforts and reminded me who's boss. Just a month or so ago I started on The Red Pill, which I was taking to so quickly that it was surprising to me. Life says "Uh-ahh! No you don't!" and kicks me in the nuts again. Maybe I'm reading into this too much, maybe I'll be better tomorrow and end up in a sandwich between Milla Jovovich and Scarlett Johansson, I don't know. All I know is the definition of the word "futile". In my words, it is putting out more effort than results returned. It's bailing a boat out which is taking on a gallon of water every ten seconds with a Dixie cup. It's replacing a top end every week rather than jetting. It's putting shingles over a roof with rotted boards. Lmfao, as I look around my home now, which I do love, I feel like I've been banished to eternity here. I have trouble wrapping my head around the idea that I am a middle aged man all of a sudden. Whatever.

At any rate, I cannot say enough good about CBD oil. If you are reading this, I don't care if you like the chronic or you don't, please take into consideration what this completely natural substance is capable of. And remember, it does not get you high! It doesn't just help bozos with Lyme disease, it works on a literal plethora of health ailments, from mild to severe. Please Google CBD oil if you would like to see what it is capable of, and you will be amazed at the claims they make, which as far as I can tell are by no means empty claims. It has worked absolutely fantastic for me.

Thank you all for reading my most recent downdate. I do aim to be back to functioning retard level soon and hopefully can remain there, but we shall see.



03-29-2018, 08:45 AM
I hate seeing this Fabio! I do not like reading this at all. I will pray for you and I hope you you get better very very soon. You are as tough as nails man, I feel confident you will shake this in a hurry! Stay Strong!

03-29-2018, 09:32 AM
Got damn John, we need to get you out from inside your own head.

CBD is good for anxiety and depression too I've been told

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03-29-2018, 11:21 AM
I know what you mean Doug. Mental illness is something I'm familiar with, obviously. Something which physically exists inside of me and has it's own agenda is a whole different thing.

03-29-2018, 01:08 PM
I do want to apologize about the darkness of what I post at times. Today is an improvement I would say. I had someone show up unannounced and drag me outside to move around and stuff, and I did spend some time with two other friends yesterday too, so I'm actually not as alone as I feel and portray. Lyme doesn't like cannabis as we know, and my friend brought a joint. It's a small step in the right direction.

03-29-2018, 01:29 PM
CBD is good for anxiety and depression too I've been told

Sorry to hear the Lyme is out of remission for you currently. Glad to hear the CBD helps.
You can buy CBD is a vape concentrate and even a 20 to 1 or 5 to 1 with THC. CBD oil can help children who have uncontrollable seizures.....amazing that this effective remedy is not legal everywhere. There is a rehab center in Maine who uses heavy doses of CBD oil to help break people from their opioid addictions. The results are folks that kick the oxy habit after being hooked for years. The dosage given to heavy heroine users is equal to what they offer hospice patients....at least people can detox without the pain and agony of withdrawals.

See if you can find a store that offers a tincture, if you like the results you feel from CBD oil the tincture is merely a concentrate that has even more potent effects.

03-30-2018, 02:37 PM
Apologies once again for the seriousness of the crappy downdate a couple days ago. Today I am drastically improved, one week from the day this all began, and I went out and picked up where I left off on the 650. Good progress.

I do attribute A LOT of how much better I feel to the CBD oil. I'm going to make my blood type cannabis now. I ordered an extremely potent CBD oil (2500mg in a 30ml volume) as well as continue on with my regular treatment through the holistic doctor. I feel like the more cannabanoids in my system, the better off I'll be. It gives me hope. At this rate I should be back to functioning retard very soon, and I hope to be able to maintain that.

Again sorry for the bleakness. I do air on the side of accuracy when documenting my life experiences, and the unfortunate reality of having these illnesses is not pretty.

03-31-2018, 10:52 AM
Imagine a natural remedy can be so effective yet govt bans it. Big Pharma is not in it to offer any cure for ailments that humans have, in fact much of the Rx offered have side effects that tend to be worse then the ailments they are marketed to treat...My argument to all the misinformed folks demonizing the NRA and the 2nd is to research how much $$$ big pharma spent to influence law makers in 2016 election.

CBD has potential to irradiate cancer....How come lawmakers continue to restrict it's use in treatments instead of funding research.....Just like Big oil against free energy, Big pharma is against humans having access to a plant that can be cultivated virtually anywhere on planet earth, a plant used to treat human illness for centuries.



[COLOR=#000000][FONT=arial]Although cannabinoids exhibit a broad variety of anticarcinogenic effects, their potential use in cancer therapy is limited by their psychoactive effects. Here we evaluated the impact of cannabidiol, a plant-derived non-psychoactive cannabinoid, on cancer cell invasion. Using Matrigel invasion assays we found a cannabidiol-driven impaired invasion of human cervical cancer (HeLa, C33A) and human lung cancer cells (A549) that was reversed by antagonists to both CB(1) and CB(2) receptors as well as to transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1). The decrease of invasion by cannabidiol appeared concomitantly with upregulation of tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1). Knockdown of cannabidiol-induced TIMP-1 expression by siRNA led to a reversal of the cannabidiol-elicited decrease in tumor cell invasiveness, implying a causal link between the TIMP-1-upregulating and anti-invasive action of cannabidiol. P38 and p42/44 mitogen-activated protein kinases were identified as upstream targets conferring TIMP-1 induction and subsequent decreased invasiveness. Additionally, in vivo studies in thymic-aplastic nude mice revealed a significant inhibition of A549 lung metastasis in cannabidiol-treated animals as compared to vehicle-treated controls. Altogether, these findings provide a novel mechanism underlying the anti-invasive action of cannabidiol and imply its use as a therapeutic option for the treatment of highly invasive cancers.

Cannabis has been cultivated by man since Neolithic times. It was used, among others for fiber and rope production, recreational purposes and as an excellent therapeutic agent. The isolation and characterization of the structure of one of the main active ingredients of cannabis - Δ9 - tetrahydrocannabinol as well the discovery of its cannabinoid binding receptors CB1 and CB2, has been a milestone in the study of the possibilities of the uses of Cannabis sativa and related products in modern medicine. Many scientific studies indicate the potential use of cannabinoids in the fight against cancer. Experiments carried out on cell lines in vitro and on animal models in vivo have shown that phytocannabinoids, endocannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids and their analogues can lead to inhibition of the growth of many tumor types, exerting cytostatic and cytotoxic neoplastic effect on cells thereby negatively influencing neo-angiogenesis and the ability of cells to metastasize. The main molecular mechanism leading to inhibition of proliferation of cancer cells by cannabinoids is apoptosis. Studies have shown, however, that the process of apoptosis in cells, treated with recannabinoids, is a consequence of induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress and autophagy. On the other hand, in the cellular context and dosage dependence, cannabinoids may enhance the proliferation of tumor cells by suppressing the immune system or by activating mitogenic factors. Leading from this there is a an obvious need to further explore cannabinoid associated molecular pathways making it possible to develop safe therapeutic drug agents for patients in the future.

03-31-2018, 11:06 AM
Imagine a natural remedy can be so effective yet govt bans it. Big Pharma is not in it to offer any cure for ailments that humans have, in fact much of the Rx offered have side effects that tend to be worse then the ailments they are marketed to treat...My argument to all the misinformed folks demonizing the NRA and the 2nd is to research how much $$$ big pharma spent to influence law makers in 2016 election.

CBD has potential to irradiate cancer....How come lawmakers continue to restrict it's use in treatments instead of funding research.....Just like Big oil against free energy, Big pharma is against humans having access to a plant that can be cultivated virtually anywhere on planet earth, a plant used to treat human illness for centuries.

Although cannabinoids exhibit a broad variety of anticarcinogenic effects, their potential use in cancer therapy is limited by their psychoactive effects. Here we evaluated the impact of cannabidiol, a plant-derived non-psychoactive cannabinoid, on cancer cell invasion. Using Matrigel invasion assays we found a cannabidiol-driven impaired invasion of human cervical cancer (HeLa, C33A) and human lung cancer cells (A549) that was reversed by antagonists to both CB(1) and CB(2) receptors as well as to transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1). The decrease of invasion by cannabidiol appeared concomitantly with upregulation of tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1). Knockdown of cannabidiol-induced TIMP-1 expression by siRNA led to a reversal of the cannabidiol-elicited decrease in tumor cell invasiveness, implying a causal link between the TIMP-1-upregulating and anti-invasive action of cannabidiol. P38 and p42/44 mitogen-activated protein kinases were identified as upstream targets conferring TIMP-1 induction and subsequent decreased invasiveness. Additionally, in vivo studies in thymic-aplastic nude mice revealed a significant inhibition of A549 lung metastasis in cannabidiol-treated animals as compared to vehicle-treated controls. Altogether, these findings provide a novel mechanism underlying the anti-invasive action of cannabidiol and imply its use as a therapeutic option for the treatment of highly invasive cancers.

Cannabis has been cultivated by man since Neolithic times. It was used, among others for fiber and rope production, recreational purposes and as an excellent therapeutic agent. The isolation and characterization of the structure of one of the main active ingredients of cannabis - Δ9 - tetrahydrocannabinol as well the discovery of its cannabinoid binding receptors CB1 and CB2, has been a milestone in the study of the possibilities of the uses of Cannabis sativa and related products in modern medicine. Many scientific studies indicate the potential use of cannabinoids in the fight against cancer. Experiments carried out on cell lines in vitro and on animal models in vivo have shown that phytocannabinoids, endocannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids and their analogues can lead to inhibition of the growth of many tumor types, exerting cytostatic and cytotoxic neoplastic effect on cells thereby negatively influencing neo-angiogenesis and the ability of cells to metastasize. The main molecular mechanism leading to inhibition of proliferation of cancer cells by cannabinoids is apoptosis. Studies have shown, however, that the process of apoptosis in cells, treated with recannabinoids, is a consequence of induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress and autophagy. On the other hand, in the cellular context and dosage dependence, cannabinoids may enhance the proliferation of tumor cells by suppressing the immune system or by activating mitogenic factors. Leading from this there is a an obvious need to further explore cannabinoid associated molecular pathways making it possible to develop safe therapeutic drug agents for patients in the future.

WAY more profit in Cancer treatment than there is for any kind of cure. That's why they suppress groundbreaking information.

I figure once the proverbial cat is out of the bag, they'll shift focus and go from Big Pharma to Big Chronic and ruin that market too.

I watched a good documentary a couple times called 'Cancer: The Emperor of all Maladies' and they touch on this. They admit that alot of "cancer" doesn't even require treating at all and that the currently accepted treatments are also carcinogenic by nature and thus can give the patient new kinds of cancer by getting treated for the original issue.

Another revenue generation scheme that works to suppress any real groundbreaking research or development.

Interferon was developed in the 60s and 70s so why are we still using the same treatment decades later? Most people who are treated that i know personally that have died, died from the complications of cancer treatment. Like my mother in law. The oncologist gets to say she was cured of ovarian cancer but they fried her guts and lungs doing it which ultimately killed her 7 yrs later. They don't care because on their belts, this accounts as a success or "cure" while they absolutely destroyed her quality of life for her seven remaining years while she slowly died of the complications of radiation and chemo treatments.

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04-01-2018, 05:00 AM
WAY more profit in Cancer treatment than there is for any kind of cure. That's why they suppress groundbreaking information.

I figure once the proverbial cat is out of the bag, they'll shift focus and go from Big Pharma to Big Chronic and ruin that market too.

I watched a good documentary a couple times called 'Cancer: The Emperor of all Maladies' and they touch on this. They admit that alot of "cancer" doesn't even require treating at all and that the currently accepted treatments are also carcinogenic by nature and thus can give the patient new kinds of cancer by getting treated for the original issue.

Another revenue generation scheme that works to suppress any real groundbreaking research or development.

Interferon was developed in the 60s and 70s so why are we still using the same treatment decades later? Most people who are treated that i know personally that have died, died from the complications of cancer treatment. Like my mother in law. The oncologist gets to say she was cured of ovarian cancer but they fried her guts and lungs doing it which ultimately killed her 7 yrs later. They don't care because on their belts, this accounts as a success or "cure" while they absolutely destroyed her quality of life for her seven remaining years while she slowly died of the complications of radiation and chemo treatments.

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I watched my cousin suffer through chemo treatments for Leukemia as a 4 year old. Then again at 22, then the last fight is the one that got him at 27. Absolutely a miserable way to fight cancer. Wish we had known about CBD oil then. I guarantee he would have tried it.

Another thing Doug, I have known a few women who had breast cancer and the radiation "treatments" might have knocked the cancer down, but at the same time caused them all kinds of heart problems later down the road. It is time for a better cancer treatment. That treatment is out there and they know what it is, They just dont make as much profit from it as they do poisoning their patients.

12-27-2018, 01:00 PM
Here are two strong remedies for Lyme disease I just recently learned about, and I wanted to make sure they end up in this thread. They are both good for overall health and both treat a lot more than just Lyme.

The first one is called Chaga. Chaga is a fungus which grows on birch trees here in New England. It can be harvested from the birch tree using a small saw. If you cut it right, the Chaga can grow again. If you rip or smash it off the tree that will work in a pinch, but that's the end of that particular Chaga and I would venture to guess it's not that good for the tree either. Thanks to Aldochina (Rory) for teaching me about Chaga.


This one I just learned of just this morning thanks to Joe Swatland, and was a huge surprise to me because of the invasive properties of this plant. For years I fought these plants when I worked on a roadside mowing crew, and we called it Japanese Maple. It actually grows in my yard here as well.


12-31-2018, 12:53 AM
I wanted to say something in regards to chaga, and not just specifically on how it relates to Lyme disease. I have to say, I am really impressed with how chaga is making me feel. I've heard nothing but great things about it and after two to three small mugs a day of chaga, I do have to say I feel pretty great overall.

As far as the Japanese knotweed, I was going to make my own tincture from it but then I found a tincture I could buy which has the Japanese knotweed as well as others in it, so that was my best bet. That tincture hasn't yet arrived to me.

01-04-2019, 12:35 AM
I didn't know chaga would help in any way, good info! I've heard of it's natural tendencies to treat a myriad of ailments but didn't think lyme disease was one of them. Are you harvesting your own or buying it? the reason I ask is that it's available out my way and I have a friend that regularly harvests it while snowmobiling in the bush. I don't know if I can ship any cross border as it would probably be tagged as a chunk of h*sh, lol. I tend to mix a little cinnamon in my mug when I drink it. Keep strong my friend as I know you can!

01-04-2019, 03:23 PM
Pete I just cannot say enough about Chaga. My appetite and digestion have been frigged for a very long time and that's been big battle for me. Also I've been dealing with issues with temperatures as well. I'll sometimes be sweating even when I'm cold, I can't stay out in the heat like I used to, and it's just really difficult for me to find a temperature which my body agrees with. Lyme has done all kinds of weird stuff to me...

Anyhow since I've been using chaga my appetite and digestion have been great! I've had lot of energy and I feel really alive, and I feel very comfortable in my skin overall.

I am really touting chaga here, but the long term is going to tell me exactly how effective it is. I've just been inundated with a lot of antibiotics for the cat bite, and that could very well be the reason the Lyme is getting it's arse kicked right at this moment. Also I've recently quit smoking cigarettes, so that helps too. I'm banking on it more being the chaga though and I love the stuff now.

I went looking to harvest some in NH a few weeks ago Pete but came up empty handed. That's when I ordered some, but I'll be looking for for more in the woods from now on!