View Full Version : CPSC BAN 3-Wheelers Info/statistics.

02-15-2007, 03:14 PM

EDIT ---"I re-read the thing and it does say:
"In the LOUs, the major distributors agreed to continue to refrain from selling
three-wheeled ATVs. None of them currently sell them (although three-
wheeled ATVs that pre-date the Consent Decrees are still in use and
could continue to be used if a ban is finally adopted). However, newer
entrants to the ATV market have not made such agreements with the

So I guess we are safe for now, thanx for the correction kb200x. Saved me a heart attack, sorry for jumping the gun. But there is still a lot of info there if u wanna take a look.

Main Page-Breif Description and Overview:


Copy of Proposed ban in Detail:


02-15-2007, 03:50 PM
They are not trying to ban our three wheelers. They are trying to stop the import of three wheelers from China.

this is what they say about it

" (although three-
wheeled ATVs that pre-date the Consent Decrees are still in use and
could continue to be used if a ban is finally adopted) "

mike from long island
02-15-2007, 03:50 PM
not to single out any other sport,but street bikes come to my mind. i would like to know how many people have died because of those machines. every summer here on long island i read at least one a week is killed here.and maybe all summer youll see one injuy from an atv. it isnt the machine that is getting people hurt it is the driver. would you buy your child an 1100 street bike for their first one????????? or start them off on something they could handle. it isnt the machines i cant express that enough.

the last sad story i read about an atv death was a granddaughter got her grandfathers big 4x4 quad going.she was 12 or so. took off with no helmet,unsupervised,hit a tree and had the machine land on top of her. killing her. now if he had taken the key out and hidden it he would have a granddaughter still. that is just one example.

you cant protect every single human being with laws!!! you cant cross a street without getting killed. so what ban cars next when will it end??????????

02-15-2007, 03:53 PM
Also I wonder how they came up with the injury data comparing trikes and quads? Thats BS! :banned:

02-15-2007, 04:00 PM
Wow,that's alot of words to incorperate,Yeah it sounds to me like they are trying to get ahold of the Chinese and korean market on the trike's.I am just curious about the resale of our machine's,there's alot of mumbo jumbo in that proposed document..And while I'm thinking about it ,I seen something about 3 whelled golfcarts in there,now would this effect the aftermarket 3 wheeled conversions on the Harley's and Honda's I wonder?? They ain't very clearn on much if you ask me,I ain't no Lawyer !!

02-15-2007, 04:05 PM
not to single out any other sport,but street bikes come to my mind. i would like to know how many people have died because of those machines. every summer here on long island i read at least one a week is killed here.and maybe all summer youll see one injuy from an atv. it isnt the machine that is getting people hurt it is the driver. would you buy your child an 1100 street bike for their first one????????? or start them off on something they could handle. it isnt the machines i cant express that enough.

the last sad story i read about an atv death was a granddaughter got her grandfathers big 4x4 quad going.she was 12 or so. took off with no helmet,unsupervised,hit a tree and had the machine land on top of her. killing her. now if he had taken the key out and hidden it he would have a granddaughter still. that is just one example.

you cant protect every single human being with laws!!! you cant cross a street without getting killed. so what ban cars next when will it end??????????

Mike you make a good point. I was thinking the same thing. Look at the helmet laws. I know in Indiana and Kentucky they use to be required. If I remeber correctly a large group of bikers rasied nine kinds of hell. They filed law suits saying the helmet law was unconstitutional they held rallys and marched to the capital till they changed the law. I think there is just to many bikers and there is power in numbers.

02-15-2007, 04:06 PM
China is making trikes?

02-15-2007, 04:11 PM
China is making trikes?

I think there are making small 50cc models?

02-15-2007, 05:05 PM
not to single out any other sport,but street bikes come to my mind. i would like to know how many people have died because of those machines. every summer here on long island i read at least one a week is killed here.and maybe all summer youll see one injuy from an atv. it isnt the machine that is getting people hurt it is the driver. would you buy your child an 1100 street bike for their first one????????? or start them off on something they could handle. it isnt the machines i cant express that enough.

the last sad story i read about an atv death was a granddaughter got her grandfathers big 4x4 quad going.she was 12 or so. took off with no helmet,unsupervised,hit a tree and had the machine land on top of her. killing her. now if he had taken the key out and hidden it he would have a granddaughter still. that is just one example.

you cant protect every single human being with laws!!! you cant cross a street without getting killed. so what ban cars next when will it end??????????

I agree, its the driver. We had a lady here on the mountain last year that decided she was going to take her quad on a closed trail that goes alongside a very steep mountain. While driving on it she somehow tipped, didn't let go of the quad, and rolled all the way down the mountain and got killed. She left blood all down the side of the mountain. Did the quad kill her?? no. the quad wasn't the one that decided to go riding on a closed trail. it was the drivers fault.
A few months earlier there was a 12y.o. boy that was on an adult sized four wheeler. He got going too fast, could make a tight corner and flew off a cliff for I think it was 60 yards before he hit the side of the mountain.
Then just this last summer there was an inexperienced 16y.o. that tried driving his 200 0r 250cc range polaris off the designated trail and up a shortcut to a switchback. The front of his four wheeler came up and over him trying to climb. He fractured his femer. He was even riding the correct size atv, but he was inexperienced and didn't stay on the trail. the machine was only doing what he was telling it to do.
Regulating the speed will help in some cases, but I think the majority causes of these accidents is parents not responsible enought to teach children how to properly drive and enforcing it. Then again, half the adults around here dont know how to drive either, so can you blame the kids??

02-15-2007, 08:30 PM
Just like the anti-gunners... The atv is only a tool.

02-15-2007, 08:34 PM
hey my moms friend is a lawyer i could maybe get help with deciphering this junk...or fighting it!

02-16-2007, 04:11 PM
Here are the notes for the proposed rule making that I found on the CPSC site. This is one heck of a good read if you have the time (143 pages)


Check out page 14 specifically - SWEET!

02-16-2007, 04:48 PM
Man alot of good reading. Many people fighting for trikes, and many crotchety old women saying "The police and town council just wont listen to me, what can i do?" I'm happy that alot of these parents writing have common sense, its refreshing

02-17-2007, 04:30 PM
I think the only reason all those people have a problem with 3&4 wheelers is because there nose is a little high in the air, damn rich city folk lol. and they have probly never rode one