View Full Version : Big Bore Tri-z ...Built with supporting member products
Well,I have been working on this machine forever it feels like.The front wheel was gold.We stripped the anodizing and polished it out.
The frame has been powdercoated metallic silver.
I have been thru about 4 pounds of Mothers polish.This is a 85 frame with 86 forks on it.Every part on it has been refurbished or replaced.My new front fender will be here today.
Last nite I decked the piston and the top end will be installed today.I have acustom 40 mill pwk ported carb going on it.I also have made, during this project, new custom front and rear brake rotors .
The rear rotor requires you to shim the caliper bracket over, 3/8 of an inch but should work out well.I was told last nite,That I have 5 custom cut blade rotors on the way for me.I will have some for sale shortly if fitment works out well.My seat is in the works and will have tons going on with it.Some of these parts will not be on this bike for the final build,as they were just being used for mock-up purposes.I must say The Sprock Big bore kit has me foaming at the mouth to ride this beast and so far has been a direct bolt on as well as the coolhead.
The plus 4 Yamahondaman Swinger looks nasty on it.
Keep in mind this bike was not built specific for one purpose,but to ride in all types of of styles.Drag,Mx,Hillclimbing and Trail riding.I am hoping have it done next week.
03-08-2007, 09:27 AM
Thats going to be one nice trike. What type of exhaust are you going to use?
:cry: For now a dg system.But for trikefest if, I run the drags I might be using a FTZ outframe drag pipe.I am also looking into having a Bills pipe hand made from the ground up if it is going to be posssible for my final in frame pipe.
03-08-2007, 09:32 AM
Looking good! Are the silver front rims that hard to find for these things? The reason I ask is I have a gold front but two silver rear rims... and I dont know which direction to go with it? :rolleyes: :wondering
Yeah.Chris The silver front wheels are out there,but they seem to bring a lot of money.This took a 4 dollar can of Easy-off oven cleaner,Brillo pads some sanding with 600-800 grit,and a buffing wheel with some jewelers rouge and 4 hours of work to get to the finish you see on it now.:crazy:These are the in progress pics of the wheel.The second pic is before the sanding and polishing was done.
03-08-2007, 10:20 AM
Looks great! Cant wait till you fire up the beast.
Bryan Raffa
03-08-2007, 11:05 AM
Sweet rob I was talkin in chat last night what mine was gonna look like.. I think ya beat me too it, hahahahah. L@@k's great.. My plastic is gonna go to Syko tho for the most Bad a** paint job ever seen on a trike!! and dynoport is gonna build the pipe :naughty:
03-08-2007, 06:20 PM
Douglas makes a 10 inch polished rim. All you have to do is switch the Tri-Z over to the Honda 250R hub. Think its almost a bolt on deal.
03-08-2007, 07:48 PM
very, very nice, i bet that pipe it going to cost alot of$$
03-08-2007, 08:50 PM
The bike is lookin great Rob.
Now on to more important issues. What the hell is up with that ugly ass toolbox in the background. I think there is a rule about posting obscene pics in your threads.
That is all.
Thanks for the compliments everyone.It has been a lot of work for me and those involved with it.
Raffa,yeah I here you on the color scheme.I had been planning on that one for a year and when I saw that one that guy had for sale I was bummed.I thought it would be the only black and silver Z out there.But I still like they way it came out.I will be watching this Dynoport pipe deal.Try to find out what a second pipe would cost and keep me in mind when he makes that pipe for you.
Nathan,Thanks and I may have atrick up my sleeve on the Bills pipe set-up.I hope:confused:
Rick,What can I say?I got a smokin deal on that toolbox.Sorry:lol: I will be ready for a new one shortly as I can barely close the drawers in that one now cuz it is too full of tools.:D I will be talkin to you when I am ready for a add on.
Now back to the bike.I got my front fender last nite and Finished the bottom end work and got my jug torqued down.Today I will be measuring the big bore domes for Sprock and finishing the engine assemble.I might get it fired tomorrow.:Bounce
I was gonna do Tri-z with a 420 shee long rod Cheetah motor,But I couldnt bring my self to strip down my shee And cut up a trike frame.Maybe next year I will do that are a few more pics.
03-09-2007, 03:44 PM
very nice rob.looks for a yammer!!glad to finally see make some good progress!nice trike
03-09-2007, 03:47 PM
I will be having a Custom pipe made up for the 310-330 kits When i get mine,,,,,Run 350$ Cnd,,,,Probably less if i have a few more made,,,
Derrick Adams
03-09-2007, 09:23 PM
Mosh, that thing is BadA$$!!!!
03-09-2007, 10:25 PM
ya thats going to be a very nice looking bike !!!!!!!!!
Bryan Raffa
03-09-2007, 10:30 PM
rob find some thing for now cuz its probley gonna be around fall time for the pipes.
Thanks again for all the compliments.Now on to something new for the Tri-z.I have had 3 sets of new rotors made for the Tri-z.These are a direct bolt on.They will fit front and rear And are Awesome looking.These are laser cut stainless steel.The front rotor goes right on.The rear rotor requires spacers to shim the caliper out 3/8 of an inch.I will be selling these for the Tri-z.Both rotors with stainless steel rear caliper spacers will be cheaper than 2 similar aftermarket rotors.I am testing the waters on these.IS anyone gonna want to buy these?I have one set for sale now and I am working on final fitment for the rear.I can have more made.So if there is interest,I will put a post in product research forum. Let me know what you guys think.Sorry for the bad pics.My camera battery is dead.:lol:
03-10-2007, 04:05 PM
I'm def interested in a front disk, if you can cut original designs!
I have a "theme" I am working on, sort of, and would REALLY like to find a front rotor to fit into this whole package. PM me and we can talk about the details!:w00t: :w00t:
Sorry Karma,I am only going to have this design cut,as they charge a set-up fee to cut anything special.This one is already set-up.If they start selling though,I am sure there will be a ton of nice stock ones for sale.
Bryan Raffa
03-11-2007, 10:32 AM
hey rob ever notice that some of the rears have holes in them and some are soild? I think the 86 had holes in them
Actually I never noticed any with holes in them.I was under the impression that rear rotors were not available any more for the Tri-z rear brakes.I figured it would be a good idea to find a replacement.I never run a skid plate,so I figured it wont be long till I clober a rock and smoke the rear rotor.Now I dont have to worry about the replacement.
Bryan Raffa
03-11-2007, 10:50 AM
Ya i got a stock one with holes in it.. and they are discontinued
03-11-2007, 12:12 PM
Ya i got a stock one with holes in it.. and they are discontinued
Ive never seen one with holes in it, and the 86 parts diagram, (which isnt great) doesnt show any. Im wondering if you have one that someone cut holes in. Anyways, the holes will work a lot better for guys who get them muddy.
Garage Boy 34
03-11-2007, 09:46 PM
Nice rotors! They went right on and work fine. thank you!
03-11-2007, 10:43 PM
Geez Mark, is that my Z? WOW! :)
03-12-2007, 10:30 AM
Mosh - that thing is gonna be sick!!!!!!!!! Nice work - keep us posted.
Well here it is.Got it running and all.I have a K&N pod filter on the way and some new tires will be going on shortly.The big bore kit rips!I wanna say big thanks to Sprock,Ronnie,Xsystem and Garageboy.Thanks guys!
More work to come still...
03-18-2007, 07:25 PM
WOW Rob, that thing is smoking hot. DAMN!
Can I ride it?????? :)
03-19-2007, 11:16 AM
Looks awesome! I want to ride it on Devil's Backbone...
03-19-2007, 11:35 AM
Who did your seat? :lol: :lol: :lol: You must know someone in the business. :lol: Im a honda guy but that thing looks bad ass rob.
Who did your seat? :lol: :lol: :lol: You must know someone in the business. :lol: Im a honda guy but that thing looks bad ass rob.Thanks.I bought the seat on ebay for 10 bucks shipped.:lol: I cant wait till it is broke in so I can see what kinda sack it has.:drool: My next project is a honda.:D
I thought it was a 310? Anyway looks nice. Thanks for not letting me and Derrick come out and ride it:cry: !!!!!!! You should bring it to Rumble. It would be a great break in ride, lots of speed variation.
03-20-2007, 10:16 AM
Looks awesome! I want to ride it on Devil's Backbone...
i can't wait to see that !!!!
and the Bike !!!! heck ... Mines UGLY AGAIN !! :(
Bryan Raffa
03-20-2007, 10:50 AM
I thought it was a 310? Anyway looks nice. Thanks for not letting me and Derrick come out and ride it:cry: !!!!!!! You should bring it to Rumble. It would be a great break in ride, lots of speed variation.
the biggest bore it will go up to is a 330:p
03-20-2007, 11:33 AM
I've never been into zeees but thats one NICE trike!!!,
you can see the time and effort thats went into it, AWESOME!!. :drool:
i can't wait to see that !!!!
and the Bike !!!! heck ... Mines UGLY AGAIN !! :(Not to sound gay or nothing,But Sprock will be carrying ME piggyback up the backbone.:eek: :lol:
Max,Yes now it is a 310.I have another cylinder being done to a true 330 with drag porting and Nikisil for pure alcohol.And there is thoughts of hitting close to 400cc before it is all said and done with:naughty:
Ronnie,Your trike will never be ugly:confused: If it wasnt for you,half these Tri-z's would not have all the bling on em.You da Man
03-20-2007, 11:33 PM
Not to sound gay or nothing,But Sprock will be carrying ME piggyback up the backbone.:eek: :lol:
You dont sound gay.... Just Bi-sexual. :Bounce
03-20-2007, 11:45 PM
....blah... god mosh.. thats uber nice.. well nice work man.
03-21-2007, 04:13 PM
You dont sound gay.... Just Bi-sexual. :Bounce
Judge Judy still says that the word "GAY" in her book means "HAPPY"...
BELIEVE in Judge Judy or,........... she WILL GIT YA !!!
HEY ROB.............. iv'e been told that until people saw my "RAG" that all of the TRI-Z's were slow and gave Inspiration to all to have "NICE" Bike's......
now alls i gots to do is try and keep the "Crown" for speed in the 300 !! :naughty:
Bryan Raffa
03-21-2007, 05:31 PM
B.............. iv'e been told that until people saw my "RAG" that all of the TRI-Z's were slow and gave Inspiration to all to have "NICE" Bike's......
:beer :beer :beer amen!!!!!
You know what the greatest thing is,is guy's like Ronnie and Sprock and some others,Sblt500, X system,Etc etc,Are just running ramapant with aftermarket Trike parts.I really think that becuase of this forum and these folks that take the bull by the horns and make these Great pieces,It is truly great for the trike world.Right now could be the best possible time for trikes.There seems to be more available now than ever.And for that I am thankful.Thanks for takin the time to check out this thread.
Once I get her broke in,I will update with a ride report!:D
Ok I have put some time on the Sprock 310 kit.I sarted with stock cage and Boyeson power reeds and put some time on it.Then I installed the new V-Force 3 system.What a huge difference.The throttle response is so crisp and it pulls about 20 percent harder in the low end and midrange.
I thought a plus 4 swinger would be good,But boy was I wrong.I need another 3 inches to launch this thing.The 310 kit has been performing well and no real major problems.I am fighting a float issue with the carb and I have ordered a brand new 39 pwk that will be here this week.This thing Is stupid fast as it sits, and I need to fine tune a few more things.Here are some new pics with My chrome decals installed and here is a short video link as well.Sorry there is no sound,My camera is from 1985 as well as the trike:p .When the rest of you guys get these 310 kits from Sprock,You will be pleasently surprised and yelling:w00t::w00t:
Here are some :pics: and a link to the video.I will tell you that in the video I was only at 3/4 throttle:D and fighting the float issue.It has way more potential:eek:¤t=tri-zbigborevid001.flv
04-29-2007, 07:36 PM
Looks sick Rob! Is the seat stenciled or stitched? And where'd you get the reflective decals?
Get us another vid with some sound. :w00t:
Edit: Do the v-force reed cages have interchangeable rubber flanges to accomodate different size carbs like the Rad valves do?
04-29-2007, 09:55 PM
Im glad to hear the 310 kits are doing well. I look forward to getting one. I was just at a local drag tonight with my Z and it was the first time out with it. It's an 85 Z with an 86 powervalved engine on it. The top end is race port, boyseen reeds. and im running a 41mm Keihn PWK carb. The thing needs jetted down a little more ( i think) i didnt have much time on it before the race. I did respecatable i was running mid to high 8's in the 500ft. Traction was the issue im running 18 inch turf tamers and was hooking big time with an 8inch over swing arm. Being the first time on it I was watching myself the first two passes... but I found that you can just run a power wheelie about half way down the track. IF you are straight. So if your gonna strech your Tri-Z 8inches is not to me... feels like your on top of the world when it rares up..... I also am running a top mount zinger tank.............ill have to get some picture of it for you fellas
Bryan Raffa
04-29-2007, 10:16 PM
So if your gonna strech your Tri-Z 8inches is not to me... feels like your on top of the world when it rares up.....
try standing up a +12 strait up!!!! feels like your on top of a 8' step ladder moving FAST!!!:naughty:
04-29-2007, 10:17 PM
Looks great!!!! I think the v-force is the hot ticket for the 330 kit.
04-29-2007, 11:56 PM
ya that is a good looking bike ....what did the reed cage cost ?
04-30-2007, 06:40 AM
Here are some new pics with My chrome decals installed
Okay, spill the beans................where did you get the chrome decals? Looks good, and sure looks to be a handfull to ride! I now have an interest in this setup, and might have to look into a build in the future!
Looks sick Rob! Is the seat stenciled or stitched? And where'd you get the reflective decals?
Get us another vid with some sound. :w00t:
Edit: Do the v-force reed cages have interchangeable rubber flanges to accomodate different size carbs like the Rad valves do?
The stickers I got from a local guy here.Here is his web link.Good guy.He is also a member on here.
The V-force reeds are special made for the Tri-z with the good graces of V force.I had 4 sets made up.I have 2 sets left and I am selling them for 145.00 shipped.
Dammit .The intake boots Sprock will be making I think.But the stock one will fit over a 39 mil pwk with some work.
The sticker guy just got his site up and going this week,so he will be adding more pics as time goes.He does a lot of stickers and already has alot of the stock logos ready to go and he will do custom stuff as well. Here is his link.
04-30-2007, 01:38 PM
The V-force reeds are special made for the Tri-z with the good graces of V force.I had 4 sets made up.I have 2 sets left and I am selling them for 145.00 shipped.
is that for the whole reed cage setup or just the reeds?
04-30-2007, 06:01 PM
What a great looking Triz Rob. It's been a long and fun road watching this thing
come alive. I'm just glad I was able to be a part of it.
For everyone else I made the decals. I'm just starting out doing this on the side.
Like Rob said I can do custom stuff. I can pretty much do up anything. Check out
my website link Rob posted. If you have any questions let them fly. Thanks for looking.
04-30-2007, 07:14 PM
I just got mine today!! and looks really nice i will let you know how good it works.. :naughty:
The V-force reeds are special made for the Tri-z with the good graces of V force.I had 4 sets made up.I have 2 sets left and I am selling them for 145.00 shipped.
is that for the whole reed cage setup or just the reeds?That comes with the whole cage and gasket.You have to slightly mod you stock intake boot and bolt it on.I will also add,,, the replacement pedals fit a lot of current machines and will be easily available.Right now, The replacement pedals run around 50-60 bucks.Anyone who orders these cages from me will get the replacement pedal part number with the kit.You can buy the replacement pedals thru me,OR V-force or anyone who who deals with V-force:)
I will be adding these to (
After a winter teardown of the 310 kit,It was time for some freshening up.
I had the first 310 jug, which was a proto-type from Sprock,and was much different than the kits you recieved...
Mine was basically a Frankenstein Cylinder,and held up great for the first season.I doubt any of you will have any problems with the re-design peices he made for you.Mine ran well,with a massive pounding put on it all year!
Now,out with the old,in with the new.
I Recieved my new jug from Sprock with all the updates,then added some porting of my own to it.I also switched out my DG pipe for My Cobra pipe.
I also have some other little goodies on order.I am changing up the gearing,and adding some better rear tires.
Last year on a loose track,I was taking down modded LTR 450's,Yfz'450's and modded Shee's with little effort,at the time of 5.15 Seconds in 300 feet.
This year I am aiming for 4.80 seconds on a steel Plus 4 swinger.
I also added the NEW MAIER plastics I got today.
Anyone interested in the new plastics,can Click to this thread ( to purchase some.
Here is a pic at TF 07,then the remaining pics are as of now.
I still need to fire her up and run her,and Some finishing touches yet.Sorry,she is dirty.
She has not seen the light of day since Sept,07...
04-10-2008, 08:16 PM
:drool: :drool: :drool: man that thing is so sweet! love the silver shrouds, breaks it up a bit. Wish mine came out that nice:lol:
04-10-2008, 08:28 PM
WoW that is an amazing machine you have there. Love the Z man. Looks good. I bet she rips!
04-10-2008, 08:30 PM
I agree---- lookin' very sweet! The silver shrouds look outstanding. As does the entire bike.:beer
04-10-2008, 09:00 PM
Rob - I am drooling a little bit on my keyboard. Man - that thing is SAAAWEEEEEEEEETT!!!
04-10-2008, 09:37 PM
Rob where did you score that front rotor? I am looking for one for my project. Well actually a front and a rear, preferably matching ones. That thing is just plain sexy.
04-10-2008, 09:52 PM
looks good Mosh, tell us more about the silver shrouds
Russell 350X
04-10-2008, 10:17 PM
Nice touch up Rob, looks great!
Bryan Raffa
04-10-2008, 10:28 PM
very,very,very,very,very NICE!:acr
The Goat
04-10-2008, 10:38 PM
nothing like looking at a pretty Z
04-10-2008, 11:12 PM
mmmm mmm sexy beast robbie
04-10-2008, 11:22 PM
Looks great! Love the shrouds!
Nice craftsmanship for a Muslim. Humamacumala.:drool:
My R is running on slurpy fuel this year. Your going down.!!!
Lets ride!!!
Honda250sx,The rotors are from the rear of a 2004 yfz 450.They are just about direct bolt-ons.You may have to enlarge the bolt holes a few thousandths on the yfz rotors,some do some dont.That also fits the front of the Z as well,and you can use your stock hubs and calipers.The rear caliper has to be spaced over 1/4 inch with spacers and longer bolts.
Maggiesboy,The silver shrouds will be available thru or the order thread I posted above.Other colors will be made too.I had the prototypes made insilver to match my Z.
Max! I will slap you with slurpie cup on the trail.:beer
Everyone else,thanks for the compliments.:Bounce
04-11-2008, 08:34 PM
Thanks for taking the time to answer mosh! Much appreciated.
04-11-2008, 08:45 PM
SICK.. very nice build!
04-11-2008, 09:00 PM
danm mosh !!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats a killer looking trike if i must say so. i love black !!! great job on it man.
04-11-2008, 09:00 PM
Looks really good Rob! I have a cobra pipe on the 300r too.
04-11-2008, 09:03 PM
Looks really good Rob! I have a cobra pipe on the 300r too.
Oops I posted with my dads screen name:lol:
tri-Z ripper
04-11-2008, 11:24 PM
very nice Z good color scheme!! the silver breaks it up well! i myself still like the traditional yellow and black! can't wait to see it at TF!
Thanks again.
Tri-z ripper.
It was at TF last year.This year I am not going to make it out there.Bummer..
07-10-2009, 03:24 PM
Thats the sickest trike I have ever seen. Needs a little red LED bar at the front like Knight Rider :D
Tri z man4884
08-29-2009, 08:16 PM
just wondering if anyone knows of any sites i can get parts for a 85 tri z 250 just picked one up in good shape just needs a few things .... thanx for trailprotrailpro time
just wondering if anyone knows of any sites i can get parts for a 85 tri z 250 just picked one up in good shape just needs a few things .... thanx for trailprotrailpro time
Welcome to the site!
What all do you need for your Tri-Z ?
09-07-2009, 02:03 PM
Is there a benefit to having the tank under the seat? Does the benefit outweigh having to use a fuel pump? Does it fly straight in the air or does it drag the rear off jumps?
After Mx and Trail riding both a 250R and a Tri-Z, I cant say for certain it is a hinderance or help.
They are a pain to fill, they dont scrape as long as the shock is good, and I never had fuel pump problems.
My Z always felt more comfortable to sit on, as the seat height seems lower than a 85R.But I am a short guy too.But I hear taller guys fit a Tri-Z better than a R.
One benefit for trail riding on the Z is the air filter is where a normal tank would go.
So it is well away from any water vs a traditional under the seat air box filter.
The down side, is the Z has less weight up front which makes it a little more wheelie happy than the 250R.
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