View Full Version : Question about a seat for my 185s

02-26-2009, 12:47 AM
I have an 82 185s, here is the seat that is on it. It didn't fit well onto the plastic, in fact it took quite a bit of will and a drill to make it work. Is this an '80 seat? It came with the trike and I got the plastic for $20 thinking they would fit...works for now, but that part of the seat that isn't covered keeps nicking up my gas tank when I take it off or put it on. So I would like the correct seat, or maybe I can make this work some how. Any help on what seat this actually is or how to make it work better would be great, I'm tired off all these new chinks in my tank...

02-26-2009, 01:56 AM
Cotton, I have no idea what that seat is for, but it's not for an 82 185s. I had an 82 seat on my 185s, but it went with a deal for a suspension frame 185s. I have a hi-flite desert seat on my 185s now. I can't remember if the seat base was plastic or not. Even the early 185s seat should fit your trike. You will have to do some searching. I don't remember if I sent trizilla pics of the stock seat or not. Maybe if you look at his thread for his suspension 185s that he got from me that you might see the seat pictures, I can't remember for sure though. That probably helped, but didn't help. Sorry.

02-26-2009, 02:37 AM
Looks more like a 110 seat IMO.

02-26-2009, 07:34 AM
81 to 83 185s seats are the same, and have a metal pan. The pans are hard to find in good shape and bring good money when you do find them.
