View Full Version : My '83 ATC250R Build Up!!!
06-08-2009, 12:33 AM
G'day guys, my names Ben, (ForeverThreeWheels) i ride an '83 250R. I ride it as often as i can with my good mate Jamie who also rides an '83 250R at Stockton Dunes Australia. This is my trike. I have heaps and heaps of pics of this build but there is far too many to post so i'll just put up the main ones where the work done is most noticable. 99% of the work on this was done by me and Dad as Dad is really good at anything he turns his hand to and to keep the cost down. It was a good learning experience too. Dont pay any attention to the dates on any of these pics either as it is usually wrong. Cheers.
6th of July '06
This is it the night i bought it after spending hours cleaning it. This is what i got for $850. An '83 ATC 250R with an '82 ATC 250R engine. It was rough and broken in every way and nothing really worked but it went.......sort of!
After spending a few more hundred on it i mounted later model fenders as it had none, new grips, handlebar pad etc and Dad made the lighting for it. It was quite ridable and reliable.
06-08-2009, 12:35 AM
There is a long stretch of farm road near my place so i decided it was time to see what it could do. In top gear at full throttle the piston let go. Thats whats left of the skirt on top of the piston.
It was only going to be a top end rebuild but me and Dad just kept pulling it apart as there was just so much that needed fixing properly.
Trying to get the rear sprocket off was nearly as hard as taking the swingarm bolt out.
The exhaust me and a mate welded.
The frame i sprayed in undercoat from an aerosol can.
I painted the frame Nissan Pulsar Fiji Blue that i had mixed into an aerosol can for me.
The new piston in and the engine awaiting paint.
The engine i painted from a can.
All the little bits and pieces were hung on Mums clothes line and painted.
The front end coming together.
Rear guards and seat all cleaned up. The seat and mounts are from an '83 but the guard is 85/86.
Engine mounted in frame.
She's a roller. This is the worst shed ever to work in. That was all the room there is. It was full of junk.
How sweet is it!!!
06-08-2009, 12:38 AM
Cooling down after heat nip seizing it.
To overcome the heat seizing we had the bore honed a little and installed new crank seals in the bottom end. To do this the cases had to be split. We had the cases split and this job done professionally as we had never split an engine before. Also put in a new bottom end bearing.
The bike stripped down AGAIN!!!
The engine split and in pieces AGAIN!!!
All back together AGAIN, this time with new tyres too.
I dont have any photos of it but it was around this time i sunk my trike in a river. Yes, sunk it in a river. I tried water skipping and i forgot the river bed had just been dredged and it was deeper than i thought. I had to ring Dad on my mates mobile as mine was water logged to come and tow it out. Dad was real proud of me that day! Incase you were wondering, the back wheels float, nothing else does though. Me and Dad spent the next few days flushing the tank, fuel lines, carby and engine to get all the water out.
Here it is at the beach.
It needed a clutch cable and some new fork boots but the more i thought about pulling it apart the more i thought about all the upgrades i wanted for it and i had the $ at the time so Dad went and saw Ric at ATC Heaven and these are the parts i ended up getting.
A full caliper kit for the rear.
Front and rear brake pad set.
Universal fork boots.
DG grab bar.
Safety flag with mount.
DG expansion chamber.
DG rear silencer.
Clutch cable.
Carb kit.
Clutch lever.
Left lever perch.
Wheel spacers.
They arrived 2 days before Christmas '08.
The DG grab bar mounted.
The old fork boots.
New fork boots with the old exhaust.
The old standard exhaust and the new DG exhaust.
The new DG pipe and silencer fitted.
Looking Good!!!
06-08-2009, 12:39 AM
I added some 1.5' axle spacers. I originally wanted to go with 2.5' spacers but i had these on hand and ready to go so i fiitted them up.
Front view showing standard width.
When i went to fit the spacers, the inner circumferance of the spacer just quite didnt fit over the 4 little knobs on the hub so a little grinding of the 4 knobs on the hub face was required.
These are the knobs on the hub that needed a little grinding.
The spacer fitted.
Front view showing new width of +3'.
Looking Better!!!
While duning my carrier desintergrated.
To fix my carrier i went straight out and bought..... 2 sets of wheels and tyres???!!!
10' ITP wheels, these will be wrapped in motard tyres as im keen to try a little flattracking.
N.O.S 10' Douglas wheels and Duneslider tyres. These are horny looking wheels.
My new carrier and the old one.
Well after a lot of fighting with it i "convinced" my carrier to fit.
Here i am "convincing" it.
The new carrier fitted.
The space that has somehow come between the caliper mount and the caliper when the caliper is sitting on the disk. It was an easy fix though.....i just removed the disk.
06-08-2009, 12:41 AM
HERE IT IS....How it sits now!
Here's a build vid of it.
06-08-2009, 12:56 AM
Great write up Ben!! Looks awesome!!
The Goat
06-08-2009, 01:10 AM
damn good looking bike
06-08-2009, 01:11 AM
Thanx guys, i really appreciate the comments.
06-08-2009, 01:13 AM
Welcome. You and that bike have been through alot. Great pics.
06-08-2009, 01:26 AM
Welcome. You and that bike have been through alot. Great pics.
We sure have mate but its been worth every second and every cent, ive made a lot a new friends through owning that trike and the build me and Dad did on it bought us closer together...... :beer :TrikesOwn
07-01-2009, 11:20 AM
I thought i'd update my build thread a little as ive done a little more to it these past few weeks. Ive always loved the look of the watercooler front end and i wanted a tougher/ racier look so i decided a change was in order.
The old front end.
The old bulky view.
Bag of goodies!
For the front it was a toss up between this
and this
I decided to put a little lighting behind the plate.
New '86 Maier front guard installed and Aussieduner raceplate painted.
07-01-2009, 11:25 AM
The new LED lighting mounted
New view from the cockpit
New front end !!!
Lights up nicely too!
LED for the rear too. I managed to get it to fit in the OEM shell.
I like that LED tail light, nice fooler!!
07-01-2009, 02:16 PM
Great looking trike, congrats to all you have accomplished with your build.
johnny's X
07-01-2009, 02:37 PM
vary nice work on the fooler. And welcome to the boards!
07-01-2009, 03:31 PM
very cool, love the fact you ride it, break it, fix it and ride again
07-01-2009, 08:54 PM
Thanx guys for the kind words. Yeah i think its nice to have a good looking fooler but youve gotta ride them. I ride mine as often as i can and i like to ride it hard too. Here's some vids of it.
07-01-2009, 08:57 PM
Nice trike there. Please get flags for riding in the dunes. I can't tell ya how many times I have almost front ended people riding without them.
07-01-2009, 09:23 PM
Is that new carrier from ebay by any chance? Perhaps a Boss? If so, i was doing some work on someones air cooler and ran into that problem, and the friggin thing was .008 oversize. Piece of crap, so i stuffed the original back in and called it a day.
07-02-2009, 12:15 AM
hey threewheeler arent parts expensive down under?your ride looks great you and pop do good work.
07-02-2009, 09:41 AM
Yeah ive got a flag, i should use it more often its just not that busy on our dunes. Never the less i should have a flag on. Im not sure if that carrier is a Boss as i didnt get it off ebay, it was a mongrel to fit. It was insanely tight. I spent half the afternoon sanding it down, its soft metal but not so soft that it was easy to sand. I got it off a mate down here who imports parts. Here's he's site...
Parts are fairly hard to get down here. More so than expensive but still expensive none the less. The trike owes me over AUS$4000 so far but ive enjoyed spending every cent and after riding it i realise why i keep spending money on it.
Thanx for the nice comments guys mostly appreciated.
07-02-2009, 10:36 AM
You already know what I think of your R, Ben. BTW those lights were a great idea! You'll have to give us a ride report on those!
07-27-2009, 09:09 AM
I am in the process of trying to swap the 83 tank and shrouds for the 85/86 tank and shrouds. This is a pretty big job and im not even sure if it will work. So far ive realised that the 83/84 exhaust will not work with the later model tank as the 85/86 tank sits lower and hits the exhaust so i may have to buy a later model exhaust. Then theres the fact the later model exhaust may not fit my 83 frame and even if it does will it clear the fins on the head and will it line up with the 82 exhaust flange on the head? Im going to have to borrow an 85/86 exhaust and see. To make this work im going to have to get Dad to make up brackets as im no welder and he does a pretty tidy job when it comes to that sort of thing. Also there seems to be very little room for handlebar clearence on the top of the tank.
The parts i'll be using (except for that rear fender)
The tank. (its not even close.)
Mocked up. (i wont be using that 83 seat)
Mocked up. (with 85 seat)
Testing full lock.
All lined up.
07-27-2009, 09:11 AM
I fitted the 85 seat to the nicer 85 fender, the one i was using before as i'll be using it again and put the 83 brackets back on it. I had to bolt the seat and bracket seperatly as the 85 seat doesnt line up with the 83 brackets. No big deal, the seat is made for that fender so the holes where already there and i bolted the brackets to the holes i had drilled for the 83 seat. Then i tightly mocked it all up and noticed this is where the tank ends up sitting.....
These are all the plastics and the seat i intend on using.
It sits far too high and looks rediculous.
This is with the front of the tank lowered. This is where i want it to sit.
If i lower the front of the tank, i get this problem.
One thing that is going in my favour is the frame mount for the tank and the tank bracket line up.
250rJamie has been nice enough to let me borrow an 85 exhaust to use for mock up. If it fits with the tank like that im going to go ahead and mount it all like that! Dads going to make a bracket that will go from the frame mount and bolt to the tank bracket, then we are going to somehow bend/move the front of the seat pan down at the front and possibly pop rivet or bolt a peice of metal to it to reshape it in that position then re-foam and re-cover it.! Dunno yet, i'll have to see. I'll keep you all posted.
07-27-2009, 11:39 AM
It looks great. I do like the look of the 85-86 plastics and seat on there. Definitely updates the look.
08-06-2009, 10:32 AM
I borrowed an '85 exhaust off 250RJamie about a week ago and i've had a go at fitting it and this is as far as i've got. It's not a great fit, it sticks out too far to the right and the flange is bigger on the '85 exhaust so im not going to use it. The only way i can see it working now is to get a custom exhaust made to fit it so im at a standstill at the moment.
09-18-2009, 12:17 AM
I thought i'd update this a little and let you all know whats happening. This was it last time i took it out.
This is it now after blowing a head gasket.
I have just spent over $1000 on parts for it and im still looking for a lot more "goodies" for it!!! Not a single bolt is gonna be left untouched. Its a long way off but its gonna be worth it. This is gonna look sick! Im not gonna say too much although i will say its gonna be Blue as ive got a brand new complete set of Blue Maier fenders for it. They're being shipped as we speak and should be here any day now. This will defiantely be the last time i build it.
These arrived from the U.S thanx to Mike From Long Island! I also got a polished stator cover from his aswell. Big thanx Mike! Your a champion mate!!!
Im expecting a few more packages from America real soon too!
Do any of you remember seeing these on Ebay? 3a2Q7c39Q3a1Q7c72Q3a1171Q7c240Q3a1318Q7c301Q3a0Q7c 293Q3a1Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhash Zitem27a9797190QQitemZ170347032976QQptZMotorsQ5fAT VQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
They arrived today! Big thanx to RID3R on here. Went right out of his way to make sure i was hooked up with these. Cheers mate your a deadset legend!!!
Shame about the underside of the front fender!
The pics dont do the colour justice either. They look awesome!!!
09-18-2009, 12:32 AM
i know that is gonna look sick and pop do good work.that color scheme is rockin.
09-18-2009, 12:35 AM
I like that polished cover.
09-18-2009, 01:05 AM
i know that is gonna look sick and pop do good work.that color scheme is rockin.
Thanx mate for acknowledging my Dad, he puts a LOT of effort into my trike for me and it wouldnt be half what it is/is going to be if it wasnt for him. :beer
The polished covers i got from Mike are rediculous too. :drool: They are show quality and he practicaly GAVE them to me! :D
09-26-2009, 12:47 PM
Looking real good Ben! Sorry again about the front fender, they definitly had a long trip. My guess is you will get rid of the blue frame, may be a bit much..? Your 250r is one of the best ive seen here no doubt! :) Look forward to an update, ill check back as soon as I can...
09-26-2009, 01:46 PM
Looking real good Ben! Sorry again about the front fender, they definitly had a long trip. My guess is you will get rid of the blue frame, may be a bit much..? Your 250r is one of the best ive seen here no doubt! :) Look forward to an update, ill check back as soon as I can...
Im not worried about the front fender mate, considering they came from the other side of the planet i think we did well. Im still undecided about the color of the frame. This is the color i had in mind for the frame, its Candy Bentley Blue.
But like you said it may be a little too much blue... i dunno... maybe silver? :confused: :rolleyes: Im open to suggestions at this point. :idea:
09-26-2009, 02:48 PM
i dont for sure but that blue should look sick.cant tell for sure if it will be too much till i see guess it will look sick.too cool F T W.
10-13-2009, 11:12 AM
Thought i'd update this a little as things are slowly starting to happen and ive got an idea of the direction i'll be going in.
Since im spending so much on the trike this build round im re-doing a few things that arent perfect and one of those things is the 83 seat on the 85 fender. It never quite fit properly so this time i want it all perfect so i stripped the '83 seat down to the base and also an 85 seat. I'll be using the front of the 83 and the rear of the 85 and then getting it recovered to go with the new blue fenders.
Roughly cut. Its still has to be cleaned up and braced.
85 seat foam for the rear half of seat.
83 foam for the front half of seat.
10-14-2009, 08:48 PM
Ive noticed with alot of three wheelers, when you look at them from the front, they look like they are twisted or uneven. or is it just me? (the pic where he shows the new width)
10-14-2009, 08:56 PM
[QUOTE=ForeverThreeWhe;752217]I added some 1.5' axle spacers. I originally wanted to go with 2.5' spacers but i had these on hand and ready to go so i fiitted them up.
Front view showing standard width.
Front view showing new width of +3'.
Yeah i noticed that too, but i think its just the angle of the concrete there because it feels slanted when i sit on it in that particular spot. I bloody hope thats all it is. :wondering
10-15-2009, 02:51 AM
the wider stance definately looks better.very cool,cant wait till she is done
10-17-2009, 05:50 AM
I did some more to it today. I pulled all the alloy metals off it other than brakes (still gotta pull them down) and the triples and forks and worked out what needs to go for polishing and every piece of metal that CAN be chromed i pulled off it (except the spring as me and Dad couldnt get it out) and put it to one side for.....yep... CHROMING! If it can be chromed it will be and if not it will be polished to a chrome finish!
All this is going to be chrome! (including the custom swinger which is getting made and chromed in the U.S.... and the shock spring)Not sure about the bolts though as ive also bought a 500 pc polished stainless bolt kit from the states. Im waiting on it now.
This is going to be polished! (including the fork legs, triples and the whole engine)
They'll be getting done next week or early the following week at the latest along with the frame.
10-17-2009, 08:45 AM
DAMN!!!! :Bounce
10-17-2009, 08:56 AM
DAMN!!!! :Bounce
Damn Straight Bro!!!! :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
10-17-2009, 09:34 AM
very nice man very nice
10-17-2009, 01:31 PM
That's gonna be sharp.
10-17-2009, 02:17 PM
Looks good man but it does look as if maybe the front forks or frame is twisted up a bit? I noticed too that trikes always look like that but this one looks to have it more so then some of the other ones.
10-17-2009, 08:04 PM
Looks good man but it does look as if maybe the front forks or frame is twisted up a bit? I noticed too that trikes always look like that but this one looks to have it more so then some of the other ones.
Damn it, now im paranoid about it. :crazy: Im gonna have to go to the olds place today and check it out. It does look kinda off in those pics doesnt it. Thanx for picking up on that.
10-20-2009, 05:59 PM
Good job man. I just went through the same. The end is the best part. Now you can sit back and enjoy. Good idea with the front light. I thought i was the only one trying to put led's on my trike. I put one on each fender in the rear and it looks like an airplane at night.
I wish I had a dad to do that with. My dad hated offroading.
10-20-2009, 11:53 PM
Good job man. I just went through the same. The end is the best part. Now you can sit back and enjoy. Good idea with the front light. I thought i was the only one trying to put led's on my trike. I put one on each fender in the rear and it looks like an airplane at night.
I wish I had a dad to do that with. My dad hated offroading.
Cheers T.R, its still got a bit to go yet mate but with the old boys help it'll get there. Them LED lights are the goods arent they.:w00t:
10-26-2009, 06:15 AM
My bolt kit arrived today and im stoked with it. About the only thing i can see not included in this kit is the swingarm pivot bolt. This is the attention to detail that should set it off when all together.
Heres where i got it. 0384911681QQptZMotorsQ5fATVQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
10-26-2009, 09:09 AM
Nice bolt kit! I just polished all mine yesterday. How much did it run ya?
10-31-2009, 10:01 PM
US$150 Delivered. He did me a good deal out side of ebay.
I went and picked up the frame and tank from being sandblasted the other day and took them straight to the painters. Not much to paint really because everything else has gone to the chromers or is going to be polished.
The chromer said all my parts will be ready in about a week, i said dont rush and take a fortnight as my swinger and new front end will be about that long anyway. Im going to the painters Monday aswell to give him the paint codes.
There the codes from the new Yamaha dirtbikes. Thats what colour im going with.
Plastic Colour:
Deep Purplish Blue Solid E
Factory Code: 0583
Bike-Paint top: 5829
Paint- base: None
Frame colour:
Deep Purplish Blue Metallic C (Cocktail)
Factory Code: 0564
Paint-top: 5815
Base: None
I found that info at
11-11-2009, 01:24 AM
After going to the spraypainters and talking with him ive found the yamaha codes dont match anything he had in his data base so the other day i went looking in car yards for a blue for my frame that will go with my new plastics aswell. I took my headlight shell and camera with me and the closest colour/most appealing that i could find was on a Mitsubishi Outlander. Funny thing is that i didnt find the car in a car yard, i found it parked out the back of someones work and here i am all over it with a headlight shell taking pics of it.
Its called Electric Blue Pearl (code T70)
Should be picking my parts up from the chromers this Friday too so i'll post more pics then
11-13-2009, 02:45 AM
I rang up the chromers first thing this morning and was told my parts are going to be another week so then i rang the painter and got some good news!
The pictures dont really show the depth of the paint but... The colour is absolutely gorgeous
11-13-2009, 03:03 AM
Looking good.
11-13-2009, 04:57 AM
how much money and time do you have in this thing? damn!
11-13-2009, 08:27 AM
That's a great color. This thing is going to look great when finished!
11-14-2009, 11:19 AM
thing looks sharp. I love that you actualy ride it too! Boo Yesss.
Whered you get that head light cover from?
11-14-2009, 06:25 PM
thing looks sharp. I love that you actualy ride it too! Boo Yesss.
Whered you get that head light cover from?
Cheers guys!
I got the headlight shell in a complete set of Blue fanders i bought off a member here... RID3R. If you have a look on the previous pages it shows them. Im surprised no one else bought them actually. He had them advertised everywhere for a while before i bought them. :w00t: :w00t:
11-16-2009, 12:05 AM
I just got an email from the guy in the states whos building my swinger... he attached pics too. Its close to done but we may make a few slight adjustments. I asked him to add another upright support between the 2 that are there. 1 on each side and we may be working a way to do away with the top brake stay. Then its off to chrome!
looking good!! makes me miss my old 83!!
awesome about the swinger!!!
11-16-2009, 01:53 AM
looking great dude.your going to be putting the old man to work real and pops do great work.
11-16-2009, 02:16 AM
this is gonna be one sick 83. man you have done a ton to this thing since the beggining of this thread. Must be shelling out some bread. cant wait till it starts coming together!:beer
11-26-2009, 09:30 AM
Cheers guys for the comments.
I got some pics of my swinger with the added supports i asked for and the brake stay relocated to the rear. Its all done and at chrome now, im hoping to have it within the next 2 weeks.
Im hoping for some more good news tomorrow too.
11-29-2009, 03:52 AM
I decided to have a go at some polishing this weekend in anticipation of getting my metal from the chromers and tank from the painters tomorrow. I started with a 400 wet and dry sandpaper then moved to an 800 then a 1200. Then i experimented with a bunch of polishes that i bought and they are all rubbish except for Autosol. The Autosol and the proper polising cloth i bought worked awesome.
Im pretty happy with the way it turned out as im usually pretty impatient and this is my first time doing it.
Ive been promised that my tank and chrome will be ready to pick up in the morning so expect more pics tomorrow!!!
11-29-2009, 06:09 AM
I gotta hand it to you. From what I count you have rebuilt the top end 3 times, the bottom end once, painted the frame 2 times,, had 3 sets of tires, 3 sets of plastics, 2 pipes, 2 swing arms, 2 seperate light set ups. Thats a lot of work and patients. Good work I wish I had your dedication. I'm excited to see the finished product.
11-29-2009, 06:19 AM
I gotta hand it to you. From what I count you have rebuilt the top end 3 times, the bottom end once, painted the frame 2 times,, had 3 sets of tires, 3 sets of plastics, 2 pipes, 2 swing arms, 2 seperate light set ups. Thats a lot of work and patients. Good work I wish I had your dedication. I'm excited to see the finished product.
Wow thanx mate, i appreciate your dedication to reading this long bloody thread. :lol: Yeah its been a lot of work but after this build i think i'll finally be happy with it and i think it'll be good to have a detailed thread to look back on and see how far its came and how many changes its gone through. It also may explain where all my money has gone. :wondering :D
11-30-2009, 04:26 AM
I went and picked up all my metal from the chromers today. I got them to polish all my alloy aswell besides the engine which a friend is doing and the front end because im getting a polished and chromed one from the states. Here a just a few of the parts.
They did an inceredible job. I'll let the pics speak for themselves.
I have no idea where all these little bits go. Theres heaps of them too. Thank God Jamie's helping me reasemble it.
Here's all the other bits, theres still a boxfull of chrome but i didnt want to open them yet as it was raining outside and the shed was filthy.
I couldnt resist seeing what the chrome would look like up against the new blue paint. It looks like sex!
11-30-2009, 06:55 AM
WHOA!!!!! :eek: :drool: :drool: :drool: you definitly outdid yourself this time mate! that's gonna be the sweetest R down under for sure! :D :Bounce
11-30-2009, 09:41 AM
Lots of chrome, I think it looks sharp against the blue too.
11-30-2009, 10:14 AM
amazing,your R is going to be beautiful.cant wait to see it when all is done.F T W you and pops are going to be busy putting her back together.
12-01-2009, 04:17 AM
Thanx for the encouraging words guys and your right Harry...Plenty for dad to do this time, im lucky this build round as my good mate Jamie who's also a triker on here said he's gonna help reassemble it all with me which is good cause he really knows his stuff.
I went and picked up my tank and shrouds from the painter today. They did a great job straightening the tank as it had some big dents on each side at the front, the bung in the top was bent to one side from a rollover and the right side was creased. The paint looks great too. I got it done in the same colour as the frame. Its not the same shade as the plastics but it doesnt matter as im planning to get some airbrushing on the tank and the darker shade gives it a little contrast.
(there not chips in the paint either, its cigarette ash)
12-01-2009, 11:10 AM
your trike is going to look that color.cant wait to see her together.nice job Ben.
12-01-2009, 11:27 AM
your trike is going to look that color.cant wait to see her together.nice job Ben.
Thanx mate, the colour does look sick as vomit huh. I wish you could see it in person too because the pics just dont do it justice. Thats why i tried to get a bunch of pics in differant lights so you could see the way the depth changes due to the pearl. I thought that blue on blue may have been a bit much but i looked at A LOT of show bikes before going ahead with it and im pretty confident that with the chrome/polishing, airbrushing and differant colour seat it will sit really well. :cool:
12-01-2009, 11:29 AM
hey Ben over here when you say its sic,that's good.
12-01-2009, 11:36 AM
hey Ben over here when you say its sic,that's good.
Yeah i know that buddy. I just had a friend say the other day "Sick as Vomit" and i thought it sounded cool and my trike is extremely sick and you cant get much sicker than vomit! :lol: ;)
12-01-2009, 11:38 AM
ha ha ha lol.i just wanted to make sure you knew i liked it.
12-01-2009, 11:57 AM
Yeah i know ya do buddy, youve been excellent motorvation too since i started this thread and i appreciate your support and the recognition that you've given my ol' boy too. Cheers mate!
12-19-2009, 12:08 PM
Mum and Dad bought me this for Christmas! I had it sent to a friends place (Jared200x) in the states where the plan so far is to send it to Denny at Flotek to be modded for the TRX 330 piston and a port job!
Im glad i went with the Hondaline 300.
12-19-2009, 12:20 PM
Hell yeah.. That picture is awesome. Need to make a t shirt out of that. :D
12-19-2009, 12:51 PM
Hell yeah.. That picture is awesome. Need to make a t shirt out of that. :D
Id buy a couple
12-19-2009, 01:32 PM
It's great to have parents that help with the addiction.
That poster rocks.
12-19-2009, 10:41 PM
cant wait to see this monster Ben.we should have that pic screened onto shirts.
12-20-2009, 01:37 AM
I think Saul made that. Looks cool huh!
01-16-2010, 03:51 AM
The custom swingarm i had built for me is now finished... it should be here from the U.S in the next week or 2. I cant speak highly enough of the guy who built it, nothing was impossible for him.
01-16-2010, 06:01 AM
That's purdy.
01-23-2010, 04:29 PM
Ben,just looking for an update.i figure your about ready to put her back together
01-31-2010, 09:38 PM
Almost buddy, im getting veeeeerrry close now. Only thing i havent touched yet is the engine.
Look what arrived the other day! The swingarm i designed and had built for me. Im gonna build the whole rear end this week now as ive got it all and can start to peice that together!
The welds are flawless and the overall finish is first class. If anyone wants a custom swingarm made i cant speak highly enough of the guy that built this. Well worth every cent.
01-31-2010, 11:17 PM
that swinger is the cats meow Ben.she's a beaut.
02-01-2010, 12:19 AM
That is a very nice arm! Do they built them for other trikes?
02-01-2010, 12:46 AM
That is a very nice arm! Do they built them for other trikes?
Thanx Harry, i appreciate trailprotrailpro dedication in following this build mate.
Yep T3 LOPES... whatever you want mate... Theres a thread on here in classifieds called Custom Swingarms... i think its by NOS_350X.... It was posted bout 4 months ago... Its his mate that built this. He'll do whatever you want...
02-01-2010, 04:32 PM
thanks ! ill check it out!
02-08-2010, 07:08 AM
I went to Mum and Dads today and started to peice the rear end together just to make sure its all there. For some reason the new bearing carrier looks like its gonna give me hell fitting it. It almost slips into my old standard swinger but seems incredibly tight (almost the same circumfarence) on this new swinger even though this swinger was made with an original 83 carrier housing. So i just peiced together what i could and mocked up the rest. Im leaving the carrier for Dad to figure out and in the mean time i might get all new bushes while im at it. Here's some pics i got with my phone... BLING BLING!
02-08-2010, 09:50 AM
That's sharp, gonna look real nice.
02-08-2010, 10:24 AM
Hell of a good job on that!
03-19-2010, 09:30 AM
bump,any news Ben?it's been awhile just checking in on your progress
03-26-2010, 04:49 AM
Hey Harry, thanx for keeping an eye on me buddy.... it keeps me in line. No progress sorry guys. I took the swinger and carrier to a machine shop so the carrier could be fitted properly because it seemed strangely tight to me and it turns out the carrier holder on the swinger is a little out of shape. Thats why i couldnt get it to fit. They quoted $300 to fit it when i rang them back a week later. Sooooo after picking it up unfitted.... lol
I cant assemble the rear end till i get the carrier in. Im also in the process of getting lots of little bits and peices from Ric at ATCHeaven, you know the little bits that add up but are really needed like seals, rubbers, bearings etc. My 300 top end is still at my good friend Jared200x's house in America, i need to get a few more $$$ together before i ask him to send it to Denny at FLOTEK to be fitted with a 330 piston and be ported because when i do start on the mechanical side of things i want to have the $$$ to get it all done at the sametime and be focused on it 100%. Im also waiting on my front end. I didnt want to post this yet till it arrived but you guys have been with me all the way so you can share some of my anticipation/anxiety/impatience with me...
I bought this 85 front end along with an 85/6 polished thumb throttle, polished 85/6 front master cyl and lever and polished 85/6 caliper. This was one of the first main purchases i made actually. I contacted the seller in October '09 to enquire about shipping for the forks, tripples, axle and hub as he is from California i beleive and he said he had no problems shipping it over here to Australia for me and after a little more conversing through emails i decided to get the front brakes and throttle off him also as his polishing jobs truly are second to none. It then took over a week to transfer the money to PayPal, then he had to polish the throttle, caliper and master cyl for me as they were a custom order and after polishing 1 front caliper he noticed it wasnt good enough so he did another 1 and that had a small crack in it so then he had to do a 3rd one. Then when it was ready to be paid for prior to shipping i was a couple hunderd $$$ short as my swingarm was ready and had to be paid for so then i had to transfer more money to PayPal. Then when customs or whoever inspected it they did not believe they were 2nd hand parts and said the documents were filled in falsely so it was re submitted but it was flagged for inspection, that was about 4 weeks ago. I contacted him this week and told him i still not had received it and he said he would cancel the shipment and documents this week and re submit it in 3 boxes now along with my address and housemates name, not my parents address and my name as it should pass straight through this time and be here within 3 weeks. He has been a great guy to deal with, answered all emails within an hour and all this mucking around has cost him over US$100 and he's even offered me a full refund of US$750 but i said i'd like to try for the front end etc one more time as no other will do my build justice. So without further adu.. this is some of what im waiting on at the moment...
My good riding mate Jamie asks me every day if ive made any progress on my trike and i spose he is sick to death of me saying no so he just picked up my engine too and he's gonna split it for me and give me the cases so i can get them blasted and get a start on polishing them. Thanx Jamie.
04-10-2010, 05:01 PM
No real progress sorry guys as im waiting on quite a few parts at the moment and its a little frustrating as i want to get stuck into certain aspects of the trike like the rear end but i cant due to "Murphys Law"
"Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first!"
I got all my parts out the other day, i even unwrapped the new plastics and all the parts i had chromed and polished. It was the first time that i had them all layed out together so i thought i'd share a few pics of what some of them look like when mocked up on my frame.
Feel free to comment...
haggard 2hundie
04-10-2010, 05:39 PM
great job bro!! i didnt think an 83r could look so tough
86 350x
04-10-2010, 08:28 PM
thats wicked, very nice keep up the good work
04-10-2010, 09:14 PM
WOW looks alot like my old 250r that got stolen:(:(:(:(
Shorty, i shall extend you the courtesy of giving you the opportunity to ellaborate on what you meant by your post before i comment on it.
In what way does my pearl blue and chrome 1983 250R with custom one off rear end and 3rd Gen reflex blue fenders "look alot like" your old 250r? I know your not implying my trike is in some way connected to the theft of "your trike" because incase you didnt know i live in Australia but i'd like to know how my trike is "alot like your old 250r" ???????
I have sacrificed so much to get to where i am with this trike. I have pumped more blood, sweat, tears, time and money into this than most couples put into their marriage, i also purchased a computer a few years ago and got connected to the internet for the sole purpose of "trike stuff!" I have 1000's and 1000's of trike pics on my computer and i reckon ive read just about every thread on every trike site and ive never come across anything or even heard of anything that "looks alot like" my trike, so sorry for being blunt but when you sacrifice what i have to get to where i am with something its easy to be extremely offended by someone who makes a comment like you did..... Thanking you as i wait in anticipation for your reply.
04-11-2010, 09:56 AM
looking good so far Ben,what a pain in the arse with customs.a polished motor on top of that work already done will be so sweet.its been along haul to get to this point and your hard work is paying off in spades.yours is a top notch build that im glad i have followed from the for the guy saying"that looks like mine that got stolen"all they have to do is read the thread from the beginning,and see your work and progression.and i doubt his looks anything like step at a time will eventually get you to the end of the project.take many ,many pics when you get it done.great work to you and pops.
04-11-2010, 10:29 AM
Thats gonna turn some heads for sure.
04-11-2010, 06:23 PM
Is the spring on the shock chrome??
04-11-2010, 07:00 PM
That's awesome, your hard work shows.
04-11-2010, 10:26 PM
Is the spring on the shock chrome??
Yep, i got the idea from "BOSS'" dad i think it is who also has a chrome spring.
Thanx Harry for following this thread, ive noticed youve been with me from the start of it and cheers to everyone else who comments also. It really does help keep me motavated. My front end should be here in 3 weeks. I really cant wait for that. The polished motor should look "tits" as you guys say. Ive got the cases all stripped down now, all i have to do is remove a few bearings, have them bead blasted then i'll take them to the chromer for polishing. Im really keen to get it to the point of a roller, thats when i know i'm on the home stretch.
05-27-2010, 02:46 PM
bump,winter is comming Ben are you ready to ride yet?
05-27-2010, 04:36 PM
No real progress sorry guys as im waiting on quite a few parts at the moment and its a little frustrating as i want to get stuck into certain aspects of the trike like the rear end but i cant due to "Murphys Law"
"Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first!"
I got all my parts out the other day, i even unwrapped the new plastics and all the parts i had chromed and polished. It was the first time that i had them all layed out together so i thought i'd share a few pics of what some of them look like when mocked up on my frame.
Feel free to comment...
Nasty, pure nastiness!!! I love this build!!!!!
Nasty, pure nastiness!!! I love this build!!!!!
05-27-2010, 04:41 PM
are your sure you wanna ride this after your done...its looking like a show trike
05-28-2010, 02:30 AM
Ive decided im going to show this a little before i ride it because IT IS pretty nasty looking, a little too nice to thrash on it straight away... that and it owes me a little over $12,000 now. lol Its coming along steadily now Harry. Dont worry though, i will be riding it... one day. lol
Picked these up the other day from the chromer, i had him polish them and took them to my good mate and trike riding buddy's Jamies. He's building the engine. What do you think about the cases?
These also arrived the other day. Ive been staying at my girlfriends place a lot lately and my house mate rang me and asked me the other day if i'd gotten my trike parts, i thought he was talikng about my engine cases from the chromer and i said yes but he was talking about the front end. Its been sitting at my place and i didnt know... till about an hour ago.
I bought this from 250rtrikes on ebay. Its an 85 250R front end. Im still waiting on a polished caliper, front master cylinder and throttle from him too. He does amazing work. BLING BLING BLING!!!
05-28-2010, 09:37 AM
topnotch Ben,your hard work and cash is paying off.she is a beaut.cant wait till its done
05-28-2010, 09:53 AM
nice, hope you keep that sucker locked up and under a cloth!
05-28-2010, 10:03 AM
Why is this build not in the best builds section?! I have just finnished reading this entire post, I have to hand it to you, this is by far one of the nicest trikes I have ever layed eyes on and its not even a roller yet! I'm crawling out of my skin to see this thing all put together! I've got an 83 R and wanted to do some upgrades but this just blows the doors off anything I was thinking! You and everyone involved with that trike do some amazing work! Did the 3rd gen rear plastics bolt right up or was there some modifying? Keep after it man, when your all done your gonna have one of the nicest trikes on the PLANET!
05-28-2010, 09:29 PM
Thank you so much for your kind words guys and thanx for your dedication to this build Harry.
The 3rd Gen fenders are a relatively simple swap. The easiest way to do it is to use all 2nd gen mounting and redrill the 3rd Gen fenders to fit them and the 2nd gen seat. This build round im using the front half of the 2nd gen seat and rear of the 3rd gen seat so everything will flow perfectly then having it custom foamed and covered. This build was never meant to go this far but i just got sick of pulling it down and improving it so i just decided to way over do it and then never have to worry about it again. lol
05-28-2010, 09:57 PM
Wow thats gonna look sweet. I couldn't have anything that nice, i would drive myself nuts trying to keep all the chrome clean.
06-06-2010, 12:33 PM
The engine is coming along nicely. I'd like to say a big thanx to Jamie for his work on this. He's doing a great job in record time and without his help and encouragement on this build it wouldnt be as far along as it is, it also would have cost me a LOT more than it has.
Thanx Jamie.
06-06-2010, 05:39 PM
looking great Ben,that new head your mum and pops got is really gonna wake her should be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel by now.looking premo bud,or sick as vomit ive heard.
06-07-2010, 06:33 AM
looking great Ben,that new head your mum and pops got is really gonna wake her should be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel by now.looking premo bud,or sick as vomit ive heard.
LOL. Yep, the 300 top end is still over in your neck of the words though at my good mate Jared200X's place, i havent got around to that yet. I havent started peicing it together yet though as i want to have atleast 90% of it here and ready to go before i start assembly as i know if theres a part i need etc and its holding me up i'll become impatient and anxious. This is what i still have to get/do... (what i can think of)
get top end done (sandblasted,TRX 330 mod and porting) and have flywheel lightened (FLOTEK) send good ol' Jared a BIG thank you package for hanging on to my top end for me for over 6 months,
get head and cylinder polished,
Headlight straps and billet plugs,
front and rear braided brakelines,
polish and assemble rear master cylinder and caliper,
coat the inside of tank,
2 rubber seals for carrier,
have carrier machined to fit swinger,
Polished PWK carby (pay for)
V-Force3 reeds, (pay for)
clutch basket and pressure plate,
polised or N.O.S 85R front rim,
mohawk front tyre,
seat custom upholstered,
drill rear fenders for seat,
hydraulic clutch,
rubber on gear lever,
collar thing that goes behind front sprocket,
1 needle bearing in the engine #91020430008 (discontinued/banshee?) or #9331142045
clutch arm bearing, # 91031329000
rubber boot for sand scorcher manifold,
exhaust springs from TLR,
case saver from TLR,
billet handlebar grips,
paint the switchblock,
get underside of tank shrouds resprayed (do numberplate aswell),
get FRAME and Tank AIRBRUSHED with murals!!!
Thats all i can think of at the moment... thats pretty much it.
06-16-2010, 03:10 PM
Any new(er) updates? Love this build!
07-20-2010, 09:47 AM
Completely insane bike dude, i'm not a huge fan of the air cooled r's but this one is one of a kind and totally badass!! Can't wait to see the rest of your progress and the finished product!! Props to you and your build!!
07-20-2010, 12:43 PM
sweet FOOLER! Great pics!
I have a nice frame for this bike if anyone needs one PM me.
08-02-2010, 05:15 AM
The bottom end is now complete. I cant thank my good mate and trike riding buddy Jamie enough for building this for me. He built this with the same care and attention to detail that the rest of the trike has recieved. Thanx Jamie!
and here's the polished 39mm PWK carby i'll be using.
08-02-2010, 05:26 AM
WOW! That looks great. All I can say! All that hard work paid off on the cases. So bright I gotta wear shades:)
08-02-2010, 01:11 PM
nice build
08-02-2010, 06:33 PM
g-damn Ben those are the shiat sounds like fiat.looking good brother,are you gonna clear coat those shiny bits?this will be the sickest m f'n air fooler in the world.
08-02-2010, 07:18 PM
g-damn Ben those are the shiat sounds like fiat.looking good brother,are you gonna clear coat those shiny bits?this will be the sickest m f'n air fooler in the world.
Hey Harry, Yeah i may just clear coat them... i might use this if i can get it over here...
08-02-2010, 07:29 PM
that stuff should work well from what i read.
08-23-2010, 09:06 PM
Its getting there now guys. Ive got my engine back and my carrier fitted.
08-24-2010, 01:25 AM
Looks good ben and that dude in the blue flanno what a good looking bloke haha
08-24-2010, 01:47 AM
looking good Ben and you still look happy(thats good)i know you have alot of time and money into that baby.hopefully soon youll be tearing up the sand,summer is comming.if i ever get to australia id love to party with you blokes
08-24-2010, 03:47 AM
This bike looks amazing! I can't believe how much work has been put into it, it is easily one of the best looking bikes I have ever seen. Awesome work man!
08-25-2010, 10:48 AM
I wouldnt know if hes good looking or not Jamie... looking at blokes aint my thing. lol.
Harry you are more than welcome to come over and shred the sand on the gorgeous Stockton beach dunes then drink beer with us anytime my friend.
I was going to wait till i got all the parts i need to finish it before i started assembly but i think its time to get into it. Its been sitting too long now. Im thinking 2 weeks time. Between me, Jamie and my father i reckon we can get it 90% built in a weekend.
Thanx MrPretty.
08-25-2010, 11:36 AM
Looking Great!! I love this thread!
09-04-2010, 08:32 PM
bump,to make it easy to update, Ben.
09-05-2010, 05:49 AM
bump,to make it easy to update, Ben.
LOL. No wonder i couldnt find it at first... I started looking from page 3. I actually thought my build may have made the top tier section by now... That would make it super easy for me. lol I was actually talkin about you today Harry. Me and Jamie were having a yarn about you and weve decided you should come to Australia for a ride one day buddy.
Well.....I thought i was assembling it today but i didnt.... My great buddy Jamie did. lol.
Seriously, i asked him to come over and give me a hand and while i stood there scratching my head, pullin faces, smokin durries and farting he had it done.
I put the bearing cups in the headset and some other little jobs that i couldnt stuff up but thats about it. Between putting the top and bottom cup in i made sandwiches. I didnt get any pics of the sandwiches... but i got some pics of Jamies work. Thanx a million Jamie. Trikes like this dont get built without the help of people like him. Not too far off now.
09-05-2010, 06:21 AM
It looks reallly really great,we did....well I did a great Job haha.I really enjoyed putting it together really happy with it and big suprise we didnt get 1 scratch on it putting it together.
When you get the rest of the parts I will come over and help out again and hopefully we'll get it going then I can sort out jetting/tuning it for you!!
hey theres a pic of me eating a sandwich lol
09-05-2010, 09:27 AM
looking great Ben,no fitment problems yet?thats not a vegemite sandwich is it?well have a few brews you guys deserve it.this should be in top tier section for sure.maybe the gods will see this and realize the pure beauty of this build and relocate it.
09-05-2010, 11:02 AM
Awesome build, looks great.
09-05-2010, 12:06 PM
Crazy build. Definitely the sharpest 2nd gen 250R I have ever seen hands down..
09-05-2010, 12:42 PM
Looks fantastic Ben! Wow!
09-05-2010, 01:07 PM
One if not the baddest 2nd gen out there....keep up the fantastic work
Billy Golightly
09-08-2010, 11:15 PM
This is a fantastic build, Love the fab work on the swingarm and the attention to detail on everything, WOW.
09-15-2010, 03:06 PM
this thing is gonna turn out wicked! very nice job - well done
12-13-2010, 02:25 AM
oh man! i read the whole thing was so looking forward to seeing it, and it just stops! is there another thread or has nothing been posted
12-13-2010, 03:07 AM
oh man! i read the whole thing was so looking forward to seeing it, and it just stops! is there another thread or has nothing been posted
LOL. Sorry about that Jason... Pretty anti-climatic huh. The 300 top end has just been sent from Pennsylvania to FLOTEK so Denny can work his magic on it. There'll be updates when i get it back in Australia in a month or so.
12-13-2010, 11:26 AM
i'll be waiting! Looking great bro, you've donewhat ive always dreamed of. But i'd hate to keep all that chrome clean.. ha
12-13-2010, 04:13 PM
Bike looks amazing! Congrats hope you really enjoy it as much as I do lookingat it! Did the 85 back plastcs bolt up easy? Also are you using the newer front fender? Sorry If I missed it!
12-15-2010, 07:31 PM
my R live in tijuana, mexico i rebuilding and above 2 years since my broother gone but is not on great shape like your well don fooair
12-16-2010, 10:54 PM
Bike looks amazing! Congrats hope you really enjoy it as much as I do lookingat it! Did the 85 back plastcs bolt up easy? Also are you using the newer front fender? Sorry If I missed it!
The 3rd Gen rear guards werent too hard to mount... just had to measure and drill a couple holes. I'll be using the blue 85/86 front fender too.
12-17-2010, 02:52 PM
Top notch build, by far the sickest air fooler I have seen! Like everyone else, I'm very much looking forward to seeing this beast completed. Cheers to a job well done!
12-18-2010, 01:37 PM
Front view showing standard width.
Front view showing new width of +3'.
Yeah i noticed that too, but i think its just the angle of the concrete there because it feels slanted when i sit on it in that particular spot. I bloody hope thats all it is. :wondering[/QUOTE]
Your frames twisted at the headstock mate, it will never be right, best to bin the frame and find a straight one.
12-18-2010, 08:34 PM
Front view showing standard width.
Front view showing new width of +3'.
Yeah i noticed that too, but i think its just the angle of the concrete there because it feels slanted when i sit on it in that particular spot. I bloody hope thats all it is. :wondering
Your frames twisted at the headstock mate, it will never be right, best to bin the frame and find a straight one.[/QUOTE]
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :cry::cry::cry: Please tell me your jokin Gord? :wondering Oh well, not to worry. :rolleyes:
12-18-2010, 11:55 PM
My god Ben , your making me so jealous! Wonderful build , makes me want to go do something like that! Althought low on $$$ isn't really helping! But great work!
Would you , by any chance, know what kinda of LED light you used for the back?
12-19-2010, 03:36 AM
My god Ben , your making me so jealous! Wonderful build , makes me want to go do something like that! Althought low on $$$ isn't really helping! But great work!
Would you , by any chance, know what kinda of LED light you used for the back?
Thanx for the comments mate.
This is an LED rear light i puchaesd from
I managed to fit in the original rear housing!
Im not sure if i will use it this build though. im thinking about goin for something like this... 0810696QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccesso ries 5433823QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories 9134210QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
12-19-2010, 12:09 PM
Thanks! I think that the lights from eBay would look way better in my opinion. But I think I might just pick up one of those LED rearlights, would be alot better for trail riding just incase anybody is behind you they would see you fine and dandy.
I'm actually thinking about finding a 250r or 200x body (since there is no decent condition ones around here) and rebuilding it totally. Would be quite the project but it would be well worth it by the looks of your project
I give you props! :)
12-22-2010, 07:33 PM
hey Ben gotta love the FTW blue dot light,i mean it does have your moniker.but i do fear it wont be bright enough.the skull is super cool too but i think same problem.that leaves the cross,if it dont take to much voltage.
01-27-2011, 05:05 PM
Any Updates?
01-27-2011, 07:56 PM
No updates yet mate, the top end is still at FLOTEK PERFORMANCE. Im just waiting for that to be finished and then im going to get back into it.
01-27-2011, 08:01 PM
You really needed that Mugen 360!! J/K I love this thread.
01-27-2011, 08:08 PM
You really needed that Mugen 360!! J/K I love this thread.
LOL. I know, the price didnt bother me, it was the shipping that pushed it into the "too expensive" basket.
Even for a no expence spared build.
I'm feeling the air fooler love in here!!!!!!!!!!
01-27-2011, 09:43 PM
This is looking good.
05-02-2011, 09:59 PM
Hey guys, i know its been a long time since ive posted in this thread but things have been slow until yesterday when this arrived. Its my birthday tomorrow and this is what my wonderful girlfriend bought me. We got it from here.
Im just waiting on a quote for the front brakeline and caliper rebuild kit etc and then i can get it rollin'. The 300 top end shouldnt be far off either.
05-05-2011, 11:30 AM
Lookin sexy boss!
05-06-2011, 12:05 PM
What type of tire is that, looks like Kenda. What size is it? I looked on the website and couldnt find one.
05-06-2011, 01:35 PM
Pretty sure its this one
Ben will chime in
05-06-2011, 02:00 PM
Sweet Thanks, I have a nankang on my R and was looking for a similar one for my tecate. By the way ForeverThreeWhe That 250r is Awesome!!! I Love the blue and Chrome. You have inspired my to build a Blue R. Keep it up as I will continue to watch this build.
05-09-2011, 08:18 AM
Pretty sure its this one
Ben will chime in
Yep, thats the one. It says on the website that it's a SkatTrak but when I got it I noticed it's a shaved and buffed Kenda Front Max. It's still the same size. The wheel and tyre was $400 delivered to my door, pricey but I'm happy with it.
05-11-2011, 04:41 AM
WOW!!!! I just read this entire thread all pages you have come a long way I was reading everything and was checking the dates I wasn't expecting it to still be going. ForeverThreeWhe you must have a lot of patience to go this long without riding it I would be going insane. It LOOKS REALLY AWSOME and the best part is its air cooled I love the first and second gen 250rs but yours when finished should be posted on the front page for all the hard work you, your dad, and jamie have done.:TrikesOwn
very cool build. Its factory and updated. very nicely done.
05-13-2011, 09:06 PM
Thanx so much for the comments guys, it keeps me going. Thanx for recognising the efforts of Dad and Jamie too because i couldnt do this without them.
My 300 top end arrived at Mum and Dads yesterday. I would have liked to have had it blasted before i had all the work done on it but Denny at FLOTEK was having troubles with his media blaster so i'll be taking it to be blasted then polished in the next few days. I'll post pics when i get it back from polishing.
05-18-2011, 10:00 PM
Forever 3, where did you get the race/number plate for the front end? Did it mount right up or did you mod it? thanks
05-20-2011, 02:43 PM
Forever 3, where did you get the race/number plate for the front end? Did it mount right up or did you mod it? thanks
Funny u mention that raceplate, i just took a new one i had to the painters yesterday for it to be hit with the same blue, even though i plan to run the light. i bought it from AUSSIEDUNER, he made it. do a search on him if u like. hes well known. hes been quiet lately though.
05-20-2011, 03:31 PM
First time i stumbled on this thred, what a transformation you came a long way, great work man.
06-07-2011, 07:55 AM
I thought i should keep you all updated with whats been happening. Ive been trying to do atleast 1 thing per day on my trike. Even if its small because its been sitting for too long.
In this past fortnight ive taken the tank scoops back to be repainted as i wasnt 100% happy with them and while i was there i had the painter paint 1 of Aussieduners number plates ive had for a while. (i probably wont use it on this trike but its painted now incase i want to)
I had the chromer chrome a front engine mount bolt and 4 footpeg bolts as they werent included in my stainless kit. I also dropped off 2 calipers and a master cylinder to him to have polished. I really only needed 1 caliper polished but now ill have a spare. lol. Ive also just bought a new CDI and new coil for it too aswell as some really cool looking billet levers and grips. I'll be making a few more purchases soon too, cables, jets, brake pads, etc etc
A fortnight ago the 300 top end arrived from America after being Aggressive Trail Ported by Denny at FLOTEK. He also did the 330 mod and hooked me up with a piston and rings. Then i took it and had it sandblasted, then i had it high pressure water blasted and then had the fins polished. I have bought some polishing bits for a Dremel and i was gonna buy a Dremel and polish the entire top end but the head and cylinder alone now owe me about $1000 so i think im just gonna leave it. What do you guys think?
Im thinking it should be all done in about 6 - 8 weeks.
06-07-2011, 07:58 AM
Dude! that top end is stunning!
06-07-2011, 09:45 AM
Wow that looks awsome
Buster Brown
07-13-2011, 12:16 AM
LOTS of hard work with killer results. Looking forward to seeing this one!
Bravo, Ben
07-14-2011, 09:40 PM
LOTS of hard work with killer results. Looking forward to seeing this one!
Bravo, Ben
WOW! Thanx Andy. Comments like that from people that build trikes to the highest level such as Mike from VMS, Mr Clean and yourself are just all that little bit more sweet.
Thanx everyone, if it wasnt for all the great comments and feedback i probably would have abandoned this a long time ago. I look forward to sharing the finished product with you all. :Bounce
08-21-2011, 11:05 AM
Ok, I finally dug this out from the back of my parents shed, loaded it up onto a trailer with all my parts and bought it down to my place so i can finally finish it. We dont have a shed as we live in a 1 bedroom unit in an appartment complex so im finishing it in the house.
Hers some pics.
Its all dirty in these pics too believe it or not.
08-21-2011, 12:48 PM
Absolutely STUNNING! Great work Ben. I look forward to seeing it done!
08-26-2011, 04:23 AM
Having an outlaw biker that loves drinking Jack Daniels too live upstairs is pretty cool, i bought a bottle the other night and we worked on the trike till the bottle was empty. Its now so close to being finished. Heres a sneak peak...
08-26-2011, 07:44 AM
All i can say is WOW
That blue looks absolutely AMAZING!
Very very very nice job. I love it!
08-26-2011, 03:48 PM
You should have a new signature throwing roost soon! Really is an amazing build, looks awesome Ben! ....Plans for the seat?
08-26-2011, 07:07 PM
You should have a new signature throwing roost soon! Really is an amazing build, looks awesome Ben! ....Plans for the seat?
Ive got something really cool planned for the seat... But its a secret. lol
08-30-2011, 03:17 PM
zebra fur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08-30-2011, 04:32 PM
zebra fur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL. Nope.
08-31-2011, 02:21 AM
man that thing is beautiful! gotta love all sand bikes!
09-14-2011, 01:00 AM
Having an outlaw biker that loves drinking Jack Daniels too live upstairs is pretty cool, i bought a bottle the other night and we worked on the trike till the bottle was empty. Its now so close to being finished. Heres a sneak peak... thats getting pretty close to awsome Ben,i love your work.she will be a stunner
09-15-2011, 12:54 AM
thats getting pretty close to awsome Ben,i love your work.she will be a stunner
LOL. Well let me know when it finally is awesome. Id hate to show it to people looking the way it does at the moment.... all unawesome and stuff. LOL. Cheers Harry and thanx for following this build from the all these years.
09-15-2011, 11:25 AM
09-15-2011, 11:54 AM
Sweet vid! I was the first view on it! I cannot wait until this thing is done! At first I thought it was going to be a video of you ripping around on it! :( Love the teaser!
09-16-2011, 12:10 AM
Thats awesome i was interested in your intake i have found one thats pretty cheap but I have no idea how to attach it to the carb. I have a 83 with stock carb and intake right now are these for attaching a bigger carb?
09-16-2011, 12:32 AM
That is a great build. I want to start one but with a 500 motor and frame should be showing up any day to get me started. Good job on that and cant wait to see it running!
09-17-2011, 07:33 PM
That is a great build. I want to start one but with a 500 motor and frame should be showing up any day to get me started. Good job on that and cant wait to see it running!
Yeah they are for a bigger carb. There is usually a rubber peice on the inlet that attatches to the carb. Maybe yours is missing.
Heres one thats missing the rubber boot.
I think that maybe the H & S stamped on these stands for Helm and Son (the company that made stroker cranks for the air cooled trikes.
09-17-2011, 11:59 PM
yup both of those were it lol I just was thinking about getting one i don't want it though if i need a bigger carb.
03-23-2012, 12:19 AM
I thought its about time i posted a little update so you all know im still building it. Some of the more recent progressions include the wiring which is now producing spark, Ive still got to cover it all in braid/wire hider though and the trike now has handlebars.
I had my good buddy Mart300R (better known for his atc 70 with a 250r laydown engine and his counterbalanced TRX500R) weld me these up out of a design we came up with. Thanx so much mate, its nice to have other trikers work on this build.
Heres some pics.
03-23-2012, 12:23 AM
I've been waiting! Looking great man!
I love the handle bars!!
03-23-2012, 02:49 AM
wow man!! that is looking killer!! dig the one off handlebars for sure!! glad you are making progress even though you been ripping the 3rd gen lately!!
04-14-2012, 07:17 PM
WOW.. that is one sweet build
04-17-2012, 09:29 PM
Beautiful. So when can we expect to see it drive?
04-18-2012, 08:07 AM
Thanks guys for the encouragement . I've written out a list of things that need to be done and in all honesty there's only about a days work left on it but I want everything perfect. For example, I had all the wiring done and it was producing spark but it looked untidy so I pulled the harness off it and now I'm building my own from scratch. That way there is no over hang or bundled wires anywhere. To do it properly though I really have to be in the right from of mind so I can give it 100%. It will defiantly be sometime this year though. Lol at least I've narrowed it down to what yr. lol
06-30-2012, 01:20 PM
the bars and grips kill it for me. i had grips like that on a streetbike road 2 mins withthem threw them away. besides that i like it.
07-12-2012, 03:16 PM
Ben,do i have to fly to ausieland to help you finish this build?
07-13-2012, 10:50 PM
Ben,do i have to fly to ausieland to help you finish this build?
Yes! Yes you do Harry. I'll need you to come wearing boots too, Drinking boots! It's a proven fact that a productive machine is a well lubricated one, so believe me that when you get a taste of some real beer, Aussie Beer (Tooheys, Carlton or Victoria bitter..... We don't drink Forsters, it's shithouse, that's why we export it) you'll question what it is exactly that you've been drinking in the U.S for so long that they've cleverly marketed to you guys as "beer". Lol
On a serious note though, Me and Kate have had a lot of bad stuff happen to us recently and we've only just moved into our new place and the trikes at a mates place an hour away and I've lost my license for 3 months and our housing company were through wont let me enclose the carport so I can have somewhere to keep the trike.
Thank for all the encouragement mate cause I seriously reckon without it I would have given up long ago.
07-28-2012, 10:30 AM
wow Ben,if fosters sucks i dont know what i would do on the real stuff(beer).here is a picture of what happened last time i drank fosters.
07-29-2012, 07:58 AM
What happened in Vegas should have stayed in Vegas. lol
09-28-2012, 05:23 AM
Nice to come visit and check out this thread.. Hope all is well Ben. I was looking for action shots but I know the time will come and where to look... Cheers!!!
09-28-2012, 11:35 AM
Thanx for that mate, most appreciated. Yeah, everythings getting better. It was only a few months ago that i had my quad stolen off my ute, our house was broken in to and 99% of my trike memorabilia was stolen along with just about everything i own (luckily trike wasnt touched) and so weve just settled in to a new place but my trike is still at a mates place. I get my license back in 7 days so i'll be picking it up then. Im planning to have it finished by our Australia Day ride which is the 26th Jan.
Thanx for the support.
11-19-2012, 10:19 PM
Ive been back workin on this build again. Its so very close to being finished now. I'll post some pics in the next week or so. It will be finished for a big ride we have every year in Australia on the 26th Jan. Australia Day.
11-20-2012, 08:08 AM
Looking forward to more pics!
Ive been back workin on this build again. Its so very close to being finished now. I'll post some pics in the next week or so. It will be finished for a big ride we have every year in Australia on the 26th Jan. Australia Day.
11-22-2012, 06:23 AM
12-14-2012, 04:02 AM
A little update...
Big thanx to Mart 300r and dc300 for the donations of parts they contributed. Heres some pics of the bars and controls finished, i wont be using those grips though as the points are too deadly.
Ive finished the wiring too except for the rear light.
Its all done from scratch so i could hide as much of it as possible.
I really wanted to use this for an airfilter...
but due to lack of funds im settling for this for the time being.
I think i'll probably fire it up in the morning too for the first time so if i do i'll post a vid.
12-14-2012, 07:59 PM
This is another idea i had for a filter...
i think it would look great poking out of a hole cut in the rear fender.
Anyway im concerned on getting the bugger to fire... It wont start.
Ive got spark, there is fuel getting to the carb but the combustion chamber is dry so i removed the plug and put some fuel in the top end replaced the plug and still nothing. Didnt even sound close. :(
12-15-2012, 05:51 AM
Here she is guys.
This is the the 2nd time it has fired since being built. The first time was 2 mins before this and it only fired a little.
Dont pay too much attention to my groovy boxer shorts or work boots. Thats just how i roll.
This is the first time its really been going so keep that in mind as theres still some testing and tuning to be done but i thought i'd post up a vid as you have all been so very helpful and patient.¤t=GOPR0003.mp4
12-18-2012, 01:54 AM
Got the new grips on. I think these are a little safer.
I also got the front brakes working and a temporary rear brake rezzy BUT wont have rear brakes for a couple days as i snapped the bleeder valve off in the caliper. It wouldnt be right riding it with BOTH front and back brakes working anyway. haha
Im taking it for a ride tomorrow. I ran it for a few minutes today and it seems ballsy, really ballsy.
When i first went to start it the other day the timing marks were lined up but the timing was off so i retarded it a few mm (counter clockwise) and it started straight away. The thing im wondering though is when i kick it over if i dont commit to it and give it a boot full it will kick back HARD. Is it just that it has a tonne of compression or is my timing too off. As it is im planning on riding it tomorrow. Is that a bad idea to break it in with the timing being slightly off? It runs great just kicks back hard when starting if not careful.
12-19-2012, 12:36 AM
I moved the plate clockwise a little towards the marks and eliminated the kickback. It ran really well on its debut run. This is its first run. Im just taking it easy as i still have to break the engine in.¤t=firstrun2.mp4
12-19-2012, 12:48 AM
Thanks for the vid man!, Looks and sounds great!
12-25-2012, 08:39 PM
Because im planning on riding it on January 26th at our annual Australia Day ride i needed to do something with the seat. This is not permanent but for $20 and 15 mins work i think it'll do til i can afford to get it recovered properly.
12-28-2012, 11:30 AM
The other day when i rode it, when i stopped i had heaps of fuel pouring out the overflow hoses of the 39mm PWK so i took the carby off and raised the float a little. It solved the overflow problem but im wondering, could this make it run lean at all?
Heres a vid of me running it today. The Flotek 330 top end feels incredibly strong. I can wait to get it out on the sand.
03-22-2013, 07:06 PM
Heres a vid of it i took the other week. This was its second time on the sand but still wasnt jetted correctly.
Here it is today at its first show. g
Its been a long road to get to this point but it has been totally worth it. I had plans to get it airbrushed but my funds dont allow for it so ive gone with chrome honda wing decals instead, One day i may get it done along with getting the seat professionally recovered.
I'd like to have a thank you list but i fear i may forget someone as so many people have helped in this build so to all that have helped in one way or another, Thank You.
So there it is... My 1983 ATC250R Build Up. Finished. Cheers jpg
03-23-2013, 06:09 AM
Today was the trikes show debut...
As its an 83 ATC 250R it was limited in categories.
It ended up competing for "Best In Show" and "Best Trike"
I won Best Trike!
You know what was awesome.... 80% of the crowd didn't seemed interested in Harleys etc... They related sooo much to the trike. I had a lot of great conversations and met a lot of cool people who wanted to talk trikes too.
I shared this win with my father who has helped and supported more than most people know. This has been the best bonding situation for us ever. He likes fishing, we tried that.... I'm easily frustrated! (He is still fishing rods out of the river)
Any who... Today, we shared something awesome...
Best Trike: Winner!
04-19-2013, 05:03 AM
Wow, I had to come back and see this trike and its gorgeous! I didn't see the white seat coming lol. Looks fast too.
04-19-2013, 05:15 AM
Thanx. If I had the money I would have had it airbrushed and had the seat done with a blue jigsaw design over the white but I ran out if money.
06-12-2013, 12:55 PM
congrats Ben on your winning best trike with your made a truly beautiful machine.
06-15-2013, 09:32 PM
Good loking bike good job man
08-01-2013, 05:33 AM
Looking real nice Ben, Keep up the good work!
08-01-2013, 07:14 AM
Thanx buddy,
I had a little drama with it though the other week.
It ran lean due to a suspected air leak somewhere.
The compression is now down to 50psi174111
03-24-2014, 06:51 PM
Hey everybody, long time - no post so i think an update is in order.
This is the last time that i rode it with Mart, ButcherBoy and Haggle.
This is the result.. ( (
The cause of that was this. (
With the trike out of action and with me doing a panel beating/ spray painting course at TAFE i thought it was a perfect time to respray my tank which had got a paint bubble in it and had aquired a nice dent from when i fell off and was run into by a quad that was closely following. ( ( ( (
My first go at painting with a gun... ( (
With the trike starting to look decent again it was time to get the engine fixed.
Around this time Mart contacted me and offered to rebuild it and get it all set up and dialled in properly. I told him that i appreciated the offer but couldnt afford it as i'd been doing it extremely financially tough. Mart also had a resolution to that problem aswell... He did it for FREE!
Seriously, what a great friend. Thank you Mart.
Heres the pics he sent me during the rebuild. Oh, not only did he rebuild the engine etc but he also pulled it from the trike and then refitted it and had it all back together for me. Unbelievable! THANX AGAIN BROTHER!!! ( ( (
Around this time i mentioned to dear ol' Mart that there was a bike show coming up and id love to enter the trike and wondered what his thoughts on it being finished in time where... Well he put everything he was doing on his quad to get it ready to race on hold and focused on my trike, Seriuosly! What a deadset champion. The results of all his efforts... ( ( ( ( (
I am yet to ride it but i'll let you all know how she goes.
Thanks again Mart.
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