Signups, Start Times, and Tech Inspections! Pre-sign up is on FRIDAY (The 22nd) EVENING!!!!!!!!!!! You MUST MUST MUST MUST register FRIDAY EVENING. Meet at the drag strip approximately a half hour after the end of the motocross races. This gives us adequate time to lay out the brackets and double check everything prior to racing Saturday. If it is raining Friday we will conduct signups in the cafeteria at same schduled time. Barring some unforeseen circumstances, We WILL NOT ALLOW SATURDAY SIGNUPS!!!** If your not arriving until Saturday or late Friday night, please contact me PRIOR to Trikefest so that we can make arrangements for you and get you counted ahead of time.**
Tech inspection will be starting @ 11:00AM Saturday morning. Racing to begin immediately following completion
In the years past we've done a new fundraiser every year. This time we're doing a very special tribute machine that will be done a little bit different. Over the years there has been a number of fellow riders and friends made through this site that have passed away. The idea came about to make a tribute bike