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Thread: 2015 Trikefest Fundraiser machine - Big Red 250ES! Details inside

  1. #1
    Billy Golightly's Avatar
    Billy Golightly is offline Always finding new and exciting ways to not give a hoot in hell Catch me if you can
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    2015 Trikefest Fundraiser machine - Big Red 250ES! Details inside

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    This is a little bit of a throw back to our original fundraiser machine back in - 2005 I believe it was? It was a super nice condition Big Red 250 back then. Last years custom built ATC70 and the prior year to that Yamaha Tri-Z are hard machines to top! We've all watched the value and desirability of these nice condition 2nd generation Big Reds continue to rise over the past few years. We thought for a change up just a super nice no frills but ready to rock and roll cruiser bike would be something welcomed. And yes, this is the very same bike that graced the banner and top of 3WW for many months after 2014's Trikefest!

    If you've never really put some seat time in on one of these beauties, allow me to try and describe with written words what the experience is like.

    Firstly, they have what seem to be a nearly unlimited amount of low rpm grunt and torque. You put one of these babies in 1st gear, and it will literally tractor right up hills, over obstacles, and probably pull more than a little effin' tractor really ought to!

    You can put a tank of gas in it and ride for what seems like an eternity. I'm pretty sure God rides a Big Red 250ES, because they both never seem to run out of gas.

    They are SMOOTH trail goers! You aren't taking it off of any sweet jumps, but small logs, rocks, ruts, and washboard make you feel like your gliding across the trail on a carefully woven stack of fine women's lingerie moreso than a 410lb iron rubber and plastic composed beast that it is.

    They look awesome. They have this sort of timeless look, the Honda guys knew what they were doing. Its hard to find anything on a Big Red you could call ugly or unattractive!

    And finally, it actually IS a Big Red! How many times do you encounter someone asking about your US90, Tecate, 250R, or Tri-Z and hear the words "Hey man, aint them one of them Big Red 3wheelers? Buddy of mine in high school had a Big Red 3wheeler!". Everything is ALWAYS a Big Red, if its a 3wheeler. Now you can answer them matter of factly that it infact IS a Big Red.

    Your COAs for this year's fundraiser can be obtained here; http://shop.3wheelerworld.com/produc...?productid=269

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    Last edited by Billy Golightly; 01-21-2015 at 10:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Brazil, Indiana
    Can't wait for this.
    my feedback thread http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthr...-hoosierlogger

    TRIKEFEST 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

    Current rides
    Taurus 650 (green)
    85 250es big red
    83 ALT50 (5 year old daughters)
    82 ALT50
    82 ALT50
    84 atc 70 stroked big bore 90 STILL in progress.
    71 QA50
    93 TRX 300 FW

    Quote Originally Posted by fabiodriven View Post
    Ya'll are the biggest bunch of whining b!tches I've seen in my entire life.
    You might be strong as an ox, but without a cart you are just a big dumb animal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Very nice big red I'll be buying some tickets

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I will make sure to leave room in the trailer to bring it home
    If its on the internet its got to be true they can't put any lie's on the internet

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Would love to hear the story about how this particular trike came to be up for grabs.
    It sucks to get old

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    holland, ohio
    Quote Originally Posted by El Camexican View Post
    Would love to hear the story about how this particular trike came to be up for grabs.
    No real story to hear. I mentioned that I might sell it and 3ww made an acceptable offer.
    This Big Red has an Ohio title that will be signed over to the winner. It also has the original certificate of origin from Honda. I was the 2nd owner and if you are lucky and buy a COA then you might be the third owner. Good Luck to all!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    s.w. michigan
    I would also like to point out that although this may be "TrikeFest" labeled it is actually 3ww's ONLY fundraiser. Once a year you are asked to "pay it forward" by helping with a donation.
    Again this year, I will be the fella cheerfully filling out your C.O.A.'s and mailing them out along with a thank you note up to shortly before I leave for Haspin Acres where the little get together we call TrikeFest happens.
    Donations have already began coming in and those stubs will be in the mail beginning towards the first of the week.

    Thanks all ! john

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Springfield Mo
    Does it come with Rich's butt sweat, and sweet dog?!?! If so, I am buying twice as many COAs as I did last year!!!

    I hope to win it for real though.
    Last edited by Billy Golightly; 01-22-2015 at 11:03 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Central PA
    Do you have to be present to win? I mean I plan on going but if something comes up and your friends that went calls you up and says man! You missed it, you actually won! Now that's a kick in the butt.

    Either way it's supporting the forum I suppose.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Penfield NY
    Sweet! I'll be buying COAs. Plans are this year to attend Trikefest. I have the time off from work requested.
    Last edited by Billy Golightly; 01-22-2015 at 02:21 PM.
    "See, morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with, long as she does it quiet-like. "

    1982 Honda ATC250R(in process), 1984 Honda ATC110, 1984 Honda 200s, 1985 Kawasaki KLT160(not running...yet)
    1990 Suzuki LT250S, 2013 Suzuki LT-Z400, 2014 Honda TRX450R SE

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Red Lion pa
    No need to be present to win Ghost. Last years got shipped to Cali. Besides if ya win and aren't present I think I know someone who 's not too far away from you that could get it really close to home for you
    insanity - Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result

    My Feedback Thread.....http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthr...ck-for-MRSOUND

    86 honda big red
    85 250sx
    82 250r
    86 klt 185 black (project)
    86 klt 185 red
    85 klt 160 (Floyd)
    85 klt 110 X2 (projects)
    86 klt 110 X2
    84 klt 200
    84 atc 70

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Central PA
    Purchased my COA's, looking forward to seeing you all there and the lucky SOB who wins.

    Any sneak peaks at this years T-shirts?

  13. #13
    Billy Golightly's Avatar
    Billy Golightly is offline Always finding new and exciting ways to not give a hoot in hell Catch me if you can
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    Live Oak, FL
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostv2 View Post
    Purchased my COA's, looking forward to seeing you all there and the lucky SOB who wins.

    Any sneak peaks at this years T-shirts?
    Bit early for T-shirts still, but I'll get with Driscoll and see


  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2006
    The Open Road
    I`m still wanting a last year`s tshirt.

    So after I win this, what will Rich ride around on barking out TF daily announcements?

    and 2nd, Is the Mr. microphone PA setup included in this wonderful prize package? I would love to use it to bark out announcements here at home as currently it seems as if I`m not being loud enough to be heard.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    That is a sweet Big Red, bought some COAs myself. If I win this beauty it will have a good home here in So IL !
    Last edited by Billy Golightly; 01-22-2015 at 11:03 PM.

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