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Thread: Questions about valve adjustment 350X?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Albany OR

    Questions about valve adjustment 350X?

    Hello, this is my first post. I have been slowly rebuilding my 85 350X for the past year. I recently replaced the head/cam/cover. I ran it for a day and it ran very well, but it smoked pretty bad. I am convinced that I am going to have to open it back up and replace the rings.

    Anyway, I tried to start it yesterday (several days after the first ride) and it wasn't idling very well. It would run for awhile then hickup and try and die if I didn't feather the throtle. I thought I might need to adjust the valves again after the first ride. I had adjusted the valved on the bench before I put it back in the bike. So I found TDC and checked the valves and the were screwed way down. I had to back them out 3-5 turns to get them back to .008mm. When I started it back up it ran nice and smooth but the valves were tapping so loud it was unbelivable. They were really loud! but it was running great. So I have 2 questions.

    1. If I adjusted the valves on the dempresion stroke on accident, would it still run good/at all.

    2. If the valves are adjusted too far out, could it cause anything to get damaged.

    I appreciate any imput. Thanks

    P.S I will see all of you in Florence this summer. Can't wait!!!!
    85 ATC110 - restored then sold to buy 350X
    83 ATC185S - restored/sold to pay for 350X rebuild
    85 ATC350X

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Albany OR
    Well, I figured it out. I did have it adjusted on the decompresion stroke. re-adjusted it and it runs great!!! Still smokes though
    85 ATC110 - restored then sold to buy 350X
    83 ATC185S - restored/sold to pay for 350X rebuild
    85 ATC350X

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    SE PA
    It's the compression stroke that you want to adjust at, and the opposite is the exhaust stroke. Watch the rockers move as you turn the motor, you'll be able to tell where the comp stroke is. Valve adjustment is something you get the feel of and get better at the more you do it. Biggest danger is having valves tight, especially exhaust. You can "burn" a valve like this, the valve gets too hot and actually melts away. Not to mention compression loss from the tight valve. Too loose and it will wear out the rocker arms. If your valves, guides and seals are new and it still smokes, it's probably a piston/ring problem. Give 'er a bore job.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Albany OR
    Ya I'm gonna have to. I just hate to have to tear the motor down again after I just got it back together. But oh well.
    85 ATC110 - restored then sold to buy 350X
    83 ATC185S - restored/sold to pay for 350X rebuild
    85 ATC350X

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