A little back ground on the problem, I was gonna go to the drag races last month with my 500R and after wrenching on it a couple days before I took it for a ride down the drive way, and on my way back up the thing died on me cold. Got it back to the shop and no fire. I tested the coil, stator, cdi pickup coil. Everything was within spec. The service manual gives no provisions to check the CDI box itself. I've spoke with gasmask from the forum here in the past and he mentioned he used a CR250 cdi/flywheel ignition on his 500 with good results. I tried sniping a complete CR250 ignition setup on ebay but didn't get it. So I bought Brandon's ignition he had forsale.
I've got fire now. With the CR250 flywheel, stator, cdi pickup, and CDI box. I've tried both my original CR500 ignition coil and the CR250 one he sent with the other parts. Both seem to work fine but the CR500 one I'd like to use so I dont have to try and figure out a place to put the other one. My problem now is that even though I'm getting great spark its not wanting to crank and run. We've pulled it all around out here and it just wont do it. It pops, 1-2 times when you first get the engine turning but after that it just turns over and wont do anything. So...back to the shop I went.
Pulled the flywheel and stator back off again. After comparing the 250 and 500 stator plates I noticed that the 250 stator plate has the timing alignment mark in a different place then the 500 did. So I scribed a new mark on the 250 stator plate in a similar posistion to the 500 one. I then had to longate the mounting holes to allow it to rotate far enough where the 2 marks would line up. I was pretty confident after that it would run, but it didn't. My next thought was perhaps the sensor on the flywheel and the posistioning for the crankshaft keyway were in 2 different places but they are only of a 1/16th or so. Not much at all.
So, here I am. Trying to get this thing timed right for it to run. I've tried using a screwdriver in the spark plug hole at TDC and seeing how close the flywheel sensor was to the cdi pickup. Its not acurate enough to tell much though...Tried using a dial indicator but I dont have anyway to hold it accuretly....I really really really really want to get this thing running before thursday so that I can get it going and take it down to the Florida ride down here but if I can't get it to run theres no sense in it.