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Thread: What makes 200x kick starters slip? Several soloutions inside!

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by greenhuman View Post
    I cut both sets of teeth if thats what you mean. A thin metal cutting disc in a small angle grinder held in a vise. It takes about 10 minutes. Turn on the grinder and gently lower the the teeth down on the disc till the flat side of the teeth are angled back a poof-teenth. Thats it, problem fixed forever.
    thats is Great!! thanks for the input..I will try that!!

  2. #32
    rugabugadouglas's Avatar
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    so will any year xr 200 springs work on a 84 200x then? or is it trail and error? also will grinding the teeth help?

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by atctim View Post
    UPDATE: Dircrasher - you hit the nail on the head - when it warmed up in the garage - I could not get it to slip again. Huh - strange how those things work. Shelly never rides this in the winter anyway - so this should not be an issue as it never slips unless it is near zero I guess.
    Well, remember metal expands and contracts depending on the temperature, so the cold spring will be shorter almost always , causing the little thing to probably not hit.(or however the kick starter works :P.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugabugadouglas View Post
    so will any year xr 200 springs work on a 84 200x then? or is it trail and error? also will grinding the teeth help?
    Havent tryed the Xr spring yet..Ill let ya know when I get that far..Im gonna do the spring and back cut the gears..

  5. #35
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  6. #36
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    well took greenhumans advise.. I cut two sets of kicker gears today..
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  7. #37
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    RAFFA how did you cut them with a grinder or some kinda nice bench set up?
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  8. #38
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    Wow... You really back cut them. But, they look good Raffa.

    I was gonna post awhile back that the best way to do this would be in a mill with a HSS rotary blade and a rotary table. At least then you guys could get the same exact angle and depth on every tooth.

    My only fear would be a broken toot mincing around in the tranny but yours look to have plenty of meat left on them and hopefully will be just fine.

    The problem is - and this is not for you you Brian - your no meatball... it's that if guys were to start to cut them in a vice with a cutoff wheel and a right angle grinder, that they can and will remove more or less material at more or less of an angle on each tooth. At that point, when it's getting kicked over, there could be only 5 or so teeth that are actually driving and then they could break off and destroy the tranny.

    Funny thing is, even if you were to buy a brand new set of gears, they appear to be cast?? I once bought a brand new set for a 250R and I truly thought that they would be machined and perfect in every sense, yet they were cast and didn't even appear to have a "point" to the top of each tooth. But, they did the trick. You 85 and under guys have few options...
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  9. #39
    Billy Golightly's Avatar
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    This single issue has kept me from dickin with 200x's for a very long time. This looks to be a very good and relatively simple fix. I might be getting back into the 200x's after all

  10. #40
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    yes your right dirt on the deepness,, like fish hooks ..the file I needed too finish each tooth was in my tool box at home ,I still need to go through and hand file each face on each tooth so each one has a nice face on each one.. you almost have too have your face 12" from the blade to make shure it follow's the exact slope of the tooth..a full face shield is needed..

    hey billy you got something for a X I would like ....you got 2 of them hideing,,,

  11. #41
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    If you run the air cut off wheel the right way , It will leave a small flat face 90 degree , vertical.
    I took a flat file and cleaned up the face on each tooth, to make them all the same ..as you can see I maked with a blue sharpy.. these really bite each other and by twisting them together like they normaly would,,wile pulling them apart..The harder you twist it the better it grips. I didnt want to take any more metal off than I had too..for strength ..other than that..thats pretty mutch it.

    I suggest getting a new good file ..right off the batt..as mine took a beating from the hardend steel

    DAD's sells a shim kit for the spring .witch put in the right place will make the spring have more pressure..pm him for the washer
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  12. #42
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    Everyone has to admit, this is an ingenious group of mofos here on the forum. How many other people or places would there be guys using hand files and air tools to cut their own transmission gears?! I can't think of anywhere else.

  13. #43
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    billy, i can't think of a single person who does that anymore...hell the only person I've ever heard of doing hand filing was burt Monroe...

    You know Bryan, I had made the comment that I didn't think anyone would take the time to machine a set of gears precise enough to fix this problem. Most would just throw it together, and hope all the teeth are right. Leading to all force being transferred to one tooth, that tooth breaking, and then engine damage as a result. But I must say, that gear looks perfect.

    Let us know how she works...especially in the cold. lo.
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    Patiently waiting..

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Goat View Post
    billy, i can't think of a single person who does that anymore...hell the only person I've ever heard of doing hand filing was burt Monroe...
    and Me...

    the cut off wheel was like it was made to do this job. It fits in between the teeth perfict..steady hands and a good eye are needed.I used the bigger out side gear as a gage as on how deep too go. the file straitens every thing out. and I think over time the teeth will ware together even better..I know what your saying goat on the teeth..thats why its crucial to follow the slope of the backside of the leading tooth..if that angle gets messed up there will be a gap in between the tooth..it will cut too mutch off the top of the tooth and make it shorter.the first set is the set greenhuman did and the second are mine..I'm thinking the fish hook like barb at the top of each one will be better.Also I think cutting down too the flat of the big gear makes the teeth bigger and more surface area too grab
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  15. #45
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    hmm makes me want to tear mine down and do that to mine what sucks is the guy i bought it from just rebuilt the motor with a 12:1 and didnt fix this problem some people

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