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Thread: Suzuki LT80

  1. #1
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    Suzuki LT80

    Got my grandson an 05 LT80. He turns four in a couple weeks so he's not really ready for it yet but that gives me some time to go over it and fix what needs fixing.

    It does run but now the battery won't keep a charge anymore and it's pretty old. I have another on the way. It looks clean otherwise but it does need brakes and a few other minor parts and repairs. Paid $150

    Anyone here have any experience with these? throw up a comment or opinion

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  2. #2
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    I’ve repaired a lot of those Doug, lmk if you have any issues , great little machines .
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  3. #3
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    Does that engine have anything in common with an RM80? More to the point, the piston?
    I was born and raised on Venus & I may be here a while.....

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Does that engine have anything in common with an RM80? More to the point, the piston?
    I have no clue.

    I've never worked on Suzuki's off road stuff. It's the Big Four manufacturer that I know the least about.

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  5. #5
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Nice find for $150!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by MonroeMike View Post
    Thank you, sir!

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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledcrazyinCT View Post
    Nice find for $150!
    Well, to be honest, it was a "friend price" situation. The seller is a good friend of my son's and this was his childhood ride that his parents bought new. He wanted it to go to someone who wasn't going to flip it for money so when I mentioned I was going to look for something for my two grandsons to ride, he spoke up. He said he'd sell it to me cheap if I promised to keep it for my grandkids and take good care of it so I agreed and he said he only wanted $150 for it.

    He even delivered it to my house.

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  9. #9
    Scootertrash's Avatar
    Scootertrash is offline Just Too Addicted: Protecting Our Community The day begins with 3WW
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    My neighbor picked one up that was in excellent condition last summer for his 10 yo son. I went thru it, removed mouse nests, went thru the carb the PO said he couldn't get running right, even tho he was a self-described small engine "mechanic", new tires, picked up a Maier hood with a headlight in it, and got it back to them because the kid was bugging the crap out of his parents to start riding it.

    Have it back here now, the drive belt is at it's minimum spec so I'll replace that, drive chain is junk, I'll replace that too, and inspect the brake pads and shoes to see if they need to be replaced.

    Some pointers on the fuel valve/petcock: The petcock is vacuum operated, there is no "off" position (unless someone has altered the original system with a standard petcock). Lever up is "prime", lever to the side is "run", lever down is "reserve".

    The "prime" position bypasses the vacuum system and allows the gas to flow freely to prime the carb if the tank has been drained or the carb removed and drained for cleaning, etc. It can be used to aid starting, but I've never had to use it for that since I rebuilt the carb, the enrichener (cuz it's not really a "choke", although some call it that) works just fine.
    I didn't upgrade to a normal petcock because that would have left the vacuum fitting on the carb needing to be altered/modified and I prefer anything that can allow extra air into a 2-stroke if the mods go south be avoided, mainly because most people have no clue what to watch for to make sure the modification stays intact, especially a 10 yo kid. Yea, yea, I know a vacuum plug or some silicone or a combo of both would have worked, but I can be a stickler ofr originality when possible. The original system works fine if kept clean and properly maintained.

    The reason the machine is back at my house is because the neighbors son has no patience when starting the machine. He is somehow under the impression that it should pop right off when he hits the key, my guess is his dad's '18 Sportsman with FI gives him the idea that all machines should start that way, even tho I've explained things to him a couple times. We're gonna have to have another lesson after I get it back to them.:rolleyes::lol:

    It seems that what he does when it doesn't start immediately is he turns the petcock to "prime" and the machine starts. Problem is, he doesn't turn the petcock off of "prime" after it's running. He tools around for a couple hours parks it and shuts it off, then what happens is any fuel in the tank drains into the crankcase and exhaust and the engine hydro locks because it's full of fuel. This is the second time he's done it, even tho I've explained it twice to both him and his dad.*sigh*

    Here's some pics:



    ETA: They do make a recoil for the machine, I put one on this one since if we're out on the trails and the battery dies you can't bump start it. ;) I'm not sure why they didn't put one on from the factory, but........



    Recoil gasket:


    Maier hood with light:

    Last edited by Scootertrash; 01-30-2019 at 11:43 AM. Reason: flipped sideways pic
    Quote Originally Posted by fabiodriven View Post
    Trick the people into thinking they're enacting their own will and you have willing slaves.

    Liberalism suspends the intellect of its victims, while at the same time tricking them into believing that they're smarter than everyone else.

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  10. #10
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    It doesn’t appear from a quick search that it shares anything with an RM80.
    Too bad. I’ve got a brand new piston and rings I’d pretty much give to someone who could put it to use.
    I was born and raised on Venus & I may be here a while.....

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scootertrash View Post
    ....ETA: They do make a recoil for the machine, I put one on this one since if we're out on the trails and the battery dies you can't bump start it. I'm not sure why they didn't put one on from the factory, but.......
    Thanks for all that info. That's definitely helpful.

    Yeah, that was the one thing about this machine that I didn't like right of the bat. No kicker or recoil plus it has the CVT belt drive stuff which compounds the problem.

    I'm definitely looking into that recoil setup. As soon as I saw it was electric start only, I bought a battery maintainer

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  12. #12
    Scootertrash's Avatar
    Scootertrash is offline Just Too Addicted: Protecting Our Community The day begins with 3WW
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    It's a fun little machine, I've had a blast ripping around the yard with it when it's here, not enough suspension for my fat arse if I hit the trails
    Quote Originally Posted by fabiodriven View Post
    Trick the people into thinking they're enacting their own will and you have willing slaves.

    Liberalism suspends the intellect of its victims, while at the same time tricking them into believing that they're smarter than everyone else.

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  13. #13
    ATCKevin's Avatar
    ATCKevin is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerFirst time rider
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    I love those little quads! Little wheelie machines if you kneel on the seat

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  14. #14
    3Z with Fangs! is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerFirst time rider
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    That sounds like me on my daughter's Predator 50 lol!

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