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  • Ohio Trike Crew race. August 4th & 5th 2012 in Hubbard, OH.

    There will be a Motocross race at Big Game Raceway in Hubbard, OH on August 4th & 5th 2012

    Classes for CRA points series are:

    Three Wheeler Vintage Class - Trikes do not have to be stock, but modifications are limited to those
    typical of the era. Overbore okay but no big bore kits, modern engine transplants, or inverted forks.

    Three Wheeler Open Class – Typically experienced racers on 450cc custom conversions, big bores, and
    highly modified vintage trikes, with modern suspension, or very skilled vintage racers.

    For complete info on OTC Racing and specific events, visit their message forum at http://otc.myfasforum.org or “OTC 3 Wheeler Racing” on facebook, or call TimSr at 330-208-2200.
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. TimSr's Avatar
      TimSr -
      This is the Triathlon Weekend and includes MX Sat morning, Flat Track sat evening, MX Sunday Morning, and a Harescramble Sunday afternoon. You can compete in any or all events. All events will have one 3 wheeler class - 3 Wheeler Open
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